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JLeslie's avatar

Did you ever make a financial decision that was illogical that worked out ok?

Asked by JLeslie (65935points) May 11th, 2019 from iPhone

One where you knew you shouldn’t spend the money, but there was an opportunity that might not come up again so fast. A house, car, boat, collectors item that is rare or one of a kind. I’m talking about relatively big purchases.

I never have. I’ve always passed on material items in favor of feeling like my finances will be easy.

Now, I have this sort of situation in front of me, and not sure what to do.

I’m not talking about putting oneself in a position of not being able to pay bills, I’m only talking about using savings, or increasing bills vs not.

Does it always wind up being a mistake in your experience?

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6 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I haven’t, but Rick does all the time.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m not a gambling woman. If I thought I should not spend the money, even if it were for something that is likely to be a one time opportunity, I wouldn’t do it.

janbb's avatar

I’m very cautious with my money. Feeling financially secure is very important to me.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

At the race track I saw a horse rear up and I but $2 on it. I won $8.15.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I put one quarter in a video lottery terminal, or VLT, and I won $25 for five peaches.

LostInParadise's avatar

I am highly risk averse. One time I made a serious gamble in the stock market. The value of Apple had fallen after Steve Jobs left the company. I knew that people who had Apple computers were very loyal. Jobs was returning. I asked myself how much I could afford to lose without being devastated, which at the time was not a whole lot. I bought shares in Apple and held onto it, and things worked out rather well.

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