So, how are my jellies today?
Asked by
Strauss (
May 20th, 2019
This question, or others like it, has appeared on the board in several incarations. I think (IMHO) it is high time someone asked again.
I have been pretty busy with real life stuff and haven’t been as active here as I’ve been in the past. Just a chance to catch up.
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77 Answers
Wallowing in executive dysfunction. But otherwise, doing okay.
PS Think this should be in Meta.
Enjoying springtime weather. A little sunburnt from sticking little planties into pots.
Distraught. We are backing out of a deal to buy a house, and I’m going to lose $10k, and I think we shouldn’t back out, but everyone around me is telling me I should. I’m wondering if I’m going to feel like an idiot that I listened to everyone else.
I also have an offer on some land I own, and we are only apart by $1500 now after going back and forth, and I’m not even sure I should sell it. I’ll make a profit. I could look at this sale as a way to better afford the house deal I just canceled, or I could look at it like my $10k coming back to me. Unfortunately, I just look at all of it as a mess.
I’m happy, pampered & content…oh & swathed in a velvety sarcastic glow.
Really fucking bad. I’m being harassed and verbally abused at work by an outside organization, and I’m waiting to hear how my supervisor and bosses above her are going to handle it.
Doing OK. Recovering from surgery. Using it as an excuse to loll in bed while thunderstorms break right outside my window. I guess we’re in tornado warnings out the wazoo, and another round of floodings. We just got over the last one. This picture is from last week. It started raining last night and it’s supposed to rain for the rest of the week. That’s a long time to stay in bed, even for me!
Rick insisted on buying a new truck, a 250 whatever, Ford. 3 years ago he INSISTED on buying this Cadillac Escalade to pull our new camper with. Now he’s saying it’s the wrong kind of truck. He is the car buyenst fool ever.
But I think he actually has the Caddy sold. Whew. We were still making payments on it AND the new truck.
I’m fine, thank you. How are you?
Been a little stressed but things are settling down I think.
@Hawaii_Jake What in the world?
I was hungry and low on food so I cooked and ate some smelly chicken legs and back attached. I hope that I will be ok? Tasted gamey, but I still ate it. I have one left in the fridge to cook.
Hitting on all cylinders.
Still.riding the struggle bus. Waiting for my stop…
Could be worse.
We’re making national news with a new round of flooding.
Alerts aired on all media in our Province as 6 wildfires are out of control and one major Town ( 700 Miles away) is being evacuated.
Geesh with these alerts stating get your insurance papers, meds,bank info and cash and packed clothes and supplies for at least 72 hours,
it scared us here
until we realized that this was to warn the rest of where the wildfires were and the evacuation procedures and thus all highways will be crowded etc
( By the way, its Victoria Weekend Holiday, so many tourists are out camping! )
We are safe here in the meantime.
I’m ok. I have a stressful morning every day with getting my daughter to school and getting myself to work, so that’s always in the back of my mind on a work night. Looking forward to my daughter having a four day weekend and me having a three day weekend coming up. Thinking about summer vacations and also how I need to do major organization and getting rid of a lot of clothes, and maybe painting the dining room. So, a little of this and a little of that.
I work outside. Today it rained.
Just had to cancel a project that was due at the end of the month. We put a bit of time into it but the company I needed to partner with did not come through with the parts I need. Admittedly the demand was really pushing the technology. Since that component was critical to the success of the program, I decided to stop working on all the other parts . We need to be 100% there, not 98%.
The pressure cooker is off so I’m visiting one of the grandkids. That is magical!
Narrowly missed getting killed a few weeks ago after being hit by a car while bicycling. Recovered quickly though and it put some things into perspective. I’m still young if I can crush the hood of an SUV and walk away. My job is stressful but getting interesting and I’m about to spend a couple weeks on vacation so that’s something to get pumped about. Just celebrated the 10 year with my wife, things have been good on that front.
I’m in a really good place in my life right now. Thanks for asking. =)
Just munching on bananas. I went shopping hours ago. Only got bananas milk and Coke.
I’m well, thank you for asking.
We got a look at our new apartment today after all the work they’ve done. The remodel is nearly finished, and I’m excited to move in and have a little bit more space.
In the perpetual fist fight with depression, and losing fairly often lately, to be honest.
“fine and dandy”
“Hitting on all cylinders.”
“It’s all gravy.”
In keeping with the tradition of old-white-guy platitudes, I’m hunky dory.
Right now I was torn by school work. I’m just free from them yesterday. Now I’m taking some break.
At a broader level, I’m a bit messed up emotionally. I kind of feel like I push the people I love away, but I don’t know why. I’m kind of in a process of evaluating my relationship. So far it hasn’t been pretty… I do hope that I will be able to do something about this soon.
Maybe this is a wakeup call for me, to appreciate what I already have. I have probably been too busy pushing forward for a good career that I forget to enjoy life.
I’d say that jellyrific describes you more than it does me.
I’ll be there once I make one or two major improvements in my life.
Great question. I find myself grading final exams at the university level, a position I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be hired at. Here I am and life is good.
Dog!!!!! So good to see you!
Now THAT makes my day!
@Brian1946 I hope you will get things sorted out soon. You are one of the most optimistic and strong people I know, so I believe in you :)
I am just dandy, thanks for inquiring.
I am realizing that teaching is the only job I will ever want to do. My second job, which is essentially customer service, I need to quit soon before it causes me to lose my sanity (I already lost my dignity a long time ago).
I just got an invite to my first high school reunion (ten years). It’s not the same in the age of social media; I already know what many of my classmates are doing and look like these days, but I am still planning on attending. I guess I just have to make sure to look like a big shot. ;)
@Demosthenes: I think customer service is one job I wouldn’t last more than one day in, and I give credit to anyone who does it for any length of time. I would have a hard time listening to people’s illogical arguments and nasty comments without saying something back.
@Dog!! :D GOOD Dog!!! Stay, Dog, stay!
@jca2 It’s amazing that I’ve been doing it for two years given how ill-tempered and impatient I am in general. :)
If I was any better I’d be twins!
Well, one of the 3 or 4 openings where he did the laproscopic surgery is bleeding. Doc said to use superglue on it…..
Superglue? Common ordinary superglue? Interesting.
Nice to see you guys too!
Gawd, just to put things into perspective, a friend of mine (not close friend, but we know each other through Zumba, and see each other regularly) her husband suddenly died. She’s in her early 50’s, her husband a little older.
Super glue is actually quite effective, for wound closures. The site needs close monitoring though, as super glue is not sterile…
Well, I did some looking around. I need to pick up some liquid bandaid, or liquid skin. The after care provided by this particular doctor is really pathetic. I have my follow up next week and I’ll bring it up.
Well. Good luck. Sometimes surgery aftercare, isn’t what we expected. Remember that it’s OK to get on their asses though. Bug them, until they do you right. I’d prefer that they let you come in, to have the sites reassessed.
I went to my regular doc yesterday. In spite of the blood leaking she said it all looks good.
Well. That’s good news. Thanks for the update.
Notorious reaction to the healing process. Can you try witch hazel for relief?
I’ll try some. I hesitate to put anything on it since it is still somewhat open.
@Dutchess_III Did the doctor say you could use a butterfly as an extra measure to keep the skin together? If the glue splits it basically has nothing holding it together until you glue it again. The butterfly may not stay as tight as a stitch, but even if the skin is slightly open, or shifts, it will be close enough for your cells to create the new bond (new skin). You could add it one top of glue if you still favor the glue. Once the glue dries add the butterfly to keep the skin from tugging open.
I can do whatever I want @JLeslie! For now I’m just covering it with a large band aide so blood won’t stain my clothes.
It’s now like ten days, @Dutchess_III. I don’t think a wound like a surgical site which is a clean cut should be leaking ten days out.
Because the wound overlies a region heavily loaded with busy muscle, I would think it essential that some sort of bandage or tape be affixed, isolating the area from movement. In fact, forget about a bandage and consider enclosing the wound in a square of strong adhesive tape. Wouldn’t that distribute most of the stress from movement to the tissue outside the square?
I had laparascopic surgery where the wounds were on my abdomen, and they used surgical glue on the sites. I stayed in bed a few days, and then I went on vacation and was driven by someone else. I had a great recovery. The wounds were tight and they healed right up.
They used stitches AND surgical glue. I think it’s healing OK, but I’m not staying in bed. I only stayed one night in the hospital.
I stayed one night in the hospital too, and then I came home and spent a day in bed at home. Then I went on vacation LOL.
Probably should have done that!
Probably should STILL do that.
It’s been almost 2 weeks.
And so you should aggravate it?
No, LOL! But no way can I lay in bed for 2 weeks. It’s healing.
Nobody should lay in bed for two weeks. I just don’t think it should be bleeding from the site ten days out.
Well, doctor said it’s OK, so I go with that. I have my follow up on Monday or Tuesday with the surgeon. We’ll see what he says.
WTH? Of course you can do what you want.
I agreed with you that being a mom qualifies you to spot infection. I give the suggestion that a butterfly bandaid might help, which other jellies did too, and you’re angry at me? What the fuck for? Trying to be helpful and respecting your experience with wounds? Jesus Christ. It’s ridiculous at this point.
I had laparoscopic surgery too, and some of the entry wounds became infected, so I asked you about that. I didn’t assume yours were. My husband had zero problem with the surgical cuts from his laparoscopic surgery, but they gave him antibiotics also for a few days.
I’ve had deep wounds that oozed for days, not from surgery, not infected, doctors and nurses were idiots. Finally a buttery bandaid healed it. Actually, I needed two to hold it together it was so long. Literally 24 hours and it was significantly better. 72 hours I didn’t need the butterfly anymore.
Other jellies gave you great advice, and told you what worked for them, that’s all I’m doing.
Other jellies are concerned that it’s now a long time. The longer you have an open wound the longer you run a possibility of infection.
I won’t post one more thing on this thread don’t worry. But don’t be stubborn if it’s not healing. You don’t have to follow what worked for me, I can’t see your wound, I’m not a doctor, I only asked if a doctor thought a butterfly might help. If it’s still open for another day or so maybe see another doctor.
It’s not bleeding as of today. Yay.
Now go jump on the trampoline
It’ll heal Dutch . This too, shall pass…
Man we got RAIN again all night. Everything has already been flooded for two weeks. I wouldn’t be surprised if the levee failed.
Oddly, it hasn’t rained here in over 2 weeks….
Take ours. It’s insane. I have never seen it flood like this before.
I have a feeling that the summer will catch Charleston up on our water level. Soon, it’ll rain almost every afternoon, and we’ll possibly get either some effects of a hurricane, if not landfall…
Flooding does suck though…
Passed my birthday yesterday.
Happy 24th, Mimzilla! ;-D
Thank you everyone. I spent my birthday at my grandparents’ house. This is what happened there. And yeah, I wasn’t active during that time because I was having sooo much fun!
Wow! has it really been three weeks since I asked? I know it’s been much longer since I answered a q like this one. So, to answer my own question:
It’s been an interesting six months. Actually, let’s go back to October…
Shortly after my 70th b-day (10/5), I started to experiene a pain in my left arm. Since this is a classic symptom of a heart attack, I immediately called my primary care doc. I was lucky enough to get in the next day. Doc said it’s not my heart, but said I needed to go in for an upper and lower GI screen, including a buttcam colonoscopy. Results: I have a “remarkable” (GI’s words) hiatal hernia, meanig a large part od my stomach is above my diaphram. This causes GERD, which was the cause of the pain in my arm.
Also started experiencing numbness and tingling in my left hand, which affected the fine motor skills. I can no longer play guitar…the way I used to. Since I’ve been playing some 50 years or so, I decided I’d learn to play a slide style. Still a work in progress, but coming along fine.
So I had a followup scheduled with my Doc, but I started to feel very tired and run-down. I went about a week early. Doc listened to my heart and immediately sent me across the street to thr ER. They found out that my red blood cell count was less than 2% of normal. So they gave me an IV infusion of iron, and put me on an iron supplement.
That was March 1, and with the exception of learning to use my left hand differently, I am back to my usual hearty healthy garden-digging lifestyle.
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