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JLeslie's avatar

What size is your rectangular dining room table?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) May 21st, 2019 from iPhone

I’m just curious. Mine is 4×7, but I always feel so far away from the people sitting across from me. I’m talking about the 4 feet part. I don’t know what’s typical? Is yours 3’ maybe 3.5’?

My table won’t fit in the space I have now, so I was thinking of getting a new piece of glass. 3×5 would probably fit best, but I’m not sure if it will work with the bases I have for the table. Maybe 3.5×6. We bought the table when we first got married, and I loved it so much at the time it’s hard for me to part with it.

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23 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

Your present table top is glass?

JLeslie's avatar

Yes, it’s glass. I’m not using it now, but I was thinking of using it. The glass just sits on the two bases. I have photo if it helps.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Unless you would rather keep the present top for future use, have you considered having it cut and beveled to the size required?

JLeslie's avatar

I called about getting it cut, and the place I called said they don’t cut glass that is that thick. I think it’s ¾” but I’m not 100% sure. It’s in a crate right now. I know it’s thick.

JLeslie's avatar

I just looked at a photo of it in one of my past houses. I don’t know if it will work to put a smaller glass. Are you in the tide pool? I could post it there. I remember now depending where the chair is people’s knees can hit the base. Maybe if it were thinner and the chairs go between the bases?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It seems to me that from whomever you were planning to purchase the new top, you can obtain information on who will cut your glass. If it’s already crated, you’re already ahead of the game. And I don’t know where you live, but if you’re East of the Rockies, my bet is that there is very likely some outfit within 50 miles, and these days, there may well be some company equipped to cut and bevel the glass at your house. Go on the net. See what you can find.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Tide pool? You mean one of the chat rooms?

JLeslie's avatar

Can we post a photo in chat? No, I meant the Facebook group. Or, if we are Facebook friends I could message it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No I’m not on facebook. And I don’t know whether we can post a photo in the rooms. Why not post it here? And you don’t want thinner glass.

ucme's avatar

12×6 of solid english oak, a bugger to clean but hey…we have st…oh you know.

JLeslie's avatar

There is no way to post a photo here.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You can see how much I understand about the operation of this site. I have no idea how to achieve it, but I thought you could take a photo of the picture with your phone then post it here.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@JLeslie: “There is no way to post a photo here.”

You can always just post it on imgur, like this.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Our table is 3.5×7. It’s regency period mahogany, and we had a piece of glass cut to fit the top, because the wife uses it constantly for crafts, jigsaw puzzles, etc. We also have an oak table sitting in the corner on massive wheeled pedestals with leaves that fold down on each end and 2 boards to be inserted if you pull the pedestals apart. The thing is sort of an engineering marvel, a legacy from one of my wife’s marvelous aunts. It was probably made in the 20s, has built in felt lined drawers for silverware, and occupies only 3.5 feet by 28 inches when folded down, but expands to a full 7 feet with the leaves up and the 2 inserts. The 2 tables end to end are the reason Thanksgiving is always at our house. By the way, you’re going to miss those extra 6 inches come Thanksgiving.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie You can use it as your profile picture, too. I’ve done it a few times-to show off my pretty dog.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I thought about that, but I thought it would be too tiny. I’ll give it a try.

dabbler's avatar

We have a table that is 42 inches wide.
With both side wings down it is 28 inches in the other dimension. [ 42×28 ] 2 people
Each of the side wings can add 16 inches to that length. [ 42×44 / 60 ] 6 people
There are two leaves that are each 30 inches long. [ 42×90 / 120 ] 10 comfortable, 14 possible
It has seen everything from breakfast for two to extended-family size meals.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@JLeslie…??? We post pictures all the time. You’ve not noticed in the las 10 years?

jca2's avatar

@stanleybmanly: Leaves that fold down are called drop leaves. Aka Drop Leaf Table.

JLeslie's avatar

I wish I had bought a table with leaves way back when I bought my table. It’s so practical.

JLeslie's avatar

I just remembered my first kitchen table pulled out to go from a four top to a six. I forgot about that. I loved it. It pulled out like a trundle bed on either side. Below the top of the table a piece pulled out and then snapped up at the level of the table. We gave it away to friends when they were newly married in their first apartment. I miss that table.

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