General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

All things being equal, would you buy a fiberglass stepladder or an aluminum stepladder?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) May 21st, 2019

There’s a 4 foot stepladder on sale today at Woot. There is a minor price difference but not enough to matter.

Would you buy the fiberglass one or the aluminum one?

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10 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

The aluminium ladder.
Because it is so metal.

zenvelo's avatar

Buy the one that is lighter.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fiberglass is used by electricians because it is non -conductive.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Tropical_Willie good point – that’s going to be my deciding factor. Thanks.

MrGrimm888's avatar

There may be a difference in weight rating.

Aluminum can potentially bend. Fiberglass can potentially break.

I’ve always used aluminum ladders. So. I guess that’s what I would go with. I have had several jobs, over my lifetime, requiring lots of ladder work…

kritiper's avatar

Fiberglass would be my pick as well, for the same reason @Tropical_Willie noted.

gondwanalon's avatar

Fiberglass is best for eliminating the possibility of getting electrocuted.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

At work Aluminum is off limits because of the mentioned electrical hazard. At home, it’s aluminum because of the longevity, durability, weight and essentially zero chance of electrocution. I’ll cast an evil eye on an old fiberglass ladder, it’s hard to see age related damage. We replace our ladders on regular intervals at work. Fiberglass ladders left out, on trucks etc may last two years.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I was working a job once, and a friend was carrying a 20 ft aluminum ladder. He wasn’t paying attention and hit a live powerline with the ladder, that was kind of hard to see in some overhanging tree branches. He didn’t get shocked at all. We were obviously happy that he didn’t, but scolded him anyways.

I’ve seen people graze powerlines before, and not have issues. I was training to be an electrician, when I was 20, and my company used all aluminum ladders.

I’m not saying that they can’t get you shocked, but it does seem improbable. And yes, aluminium ladders last forever…

kritiper's avatar

You can only get a shock if you complete a circuit. A person with dry shoes and soles, or rubber soles on their shoes will not receive a shock. But have wet feet, or standing in wet grass with wet shoes on wet or damp ground…

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