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stanleybmanly's avatar

Now that he’s cornered, has Trump chosen the Butch & Sundance way out?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) May 22nd, 2019 from iPhone

Will he go out in a blaze of glory, or be revealed for the disgrace he is?

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29 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is he really cornered , or just blame it all on the democrats lie,lie,lie, and his faithful followers will believe it all with the help of Fox of course.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But it appears the courts will not allow him to stall the House for a year and a half to the elections.

ucme's avatar

No he’s chosen the Kirk Douglas way, he’ll go on & on & on & on…

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. One thing I’ve learned from the current administration, is that some major rules don’t seem to matter. Not much would surprise me anymore.

It’s quite frustrating to see that I, and most other Americans, have to show up to court if ordered, and follow the nation’s laws or face ramifications when the POTUS is clearly exempt. I never really knew how much power could be abused by a sitting administration. Making it even more wild, is how public it all is, and how the congress (whose purpose is supposed to be to check the executive branch) can simply allow the circus to continue. Clearly the GOP, and Trump’s supporters, have traded all ethics/responsibility for the fast paced advancement of certain agendas.

It’s also frightening, how powerless Trump’s opposition seems to be, regardless of how extreme his actions grow. The only option seems to be to hope that the damage is slowed, and hope Trump isn’t reelected. If he is, the SCOTUS will likely be turned into a weapon of mass destruction, wielded like a Crusader’s sword. At that point, revolution will be the only way of stopping the runaway White Christian train… The Democrats are NO help, and will likely find another way to fuck up what should be an easy fight…

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m not convinced he is cornered. He is like liquid slime that always finds a way to drip to the floor, no matter how you have tried to contain him.

LostInParadise's avatar

Going through the courts will take time.
Trump’s tactics may eventually cause him to lose support. The public is currently indifferent, but may eventually wonder what Trump is hiding that causes so much resistance on his part.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

He’s not cornered.

flutherother's avatar

It’s the country that’s cornered and about to jump off a cliff.

gondwanalon's avatar

Trump still has the Supreme Court, the US Senate and very favorable poling numbers in his favor. He’s far from being cornered.

Jaxk's avatar

More than two years and multiple investigations have found nothing. At what point does ‘Oversight’ become harassment. The Mueller report is the end of it. The Dems in the House want to keep this going but the country has moved on. Keep screaming ‘The sky is falling’ but no one wants to hear it. Pelosi wants to believe that Trump is engaged in a cover-up but what is he covering up? Let it go, nothing to see here.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Very funny. Which side of this fight is truly blind?

stanleybmanly's avatar

You might have a point. It appears the Democrats have done the Republicans one better. Between the House, state, city governments, and Federal districts, the number of investigations is now beyond 50 with God only knows the level of press inquiries into the fool & his doings. It’s like watching the 30 year Bill & Hillary “cleansing” compacted into a 2 year relentless pile on without precedent. Nothing to see? The process ITSELF is the sort of spectacle money can’t buy. The extent of this thing means either the magnitude of corruption or the levels of persecution are off the charts. Unfortunately for the fool, it is the sheer number and variety of his “persecutors” which assures his manifest demise.

elbanditoroso's avatar

When I think of the Republican Party, I think of the picture of Alfred E Neuman on the cover of Mad Magazine. one of many pictures

The “What, Me Worry” obliviousness to the world around them.

Inspired_2write's avatar

They are just waiting for Trump to lose the Election and then the ax will fall.

As it is difficult to impeach a Standing president , much easier to wait until he loses and then charge him and produce evidence against him then.
Presently reading the 2017 book: Collusion : Secret Meetings,Dirty Money,and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win.
By Luke Harding

What an Eye opener! After reading this can’t believe that he even got elected!

His character is just a money grubbing bully.

seawulf575's avatar

Yes, he’s cornered. Just like he was for two years of the Mueller investigation. How’d that corner work?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The redacted words are what @seawulf575 “Chicken liver” !

Trump is scared; bet his doctors have had to increase his blood pressure med’s.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Let’s get the tense right. Remember, we’re talking English. The question is how IS that corner working out? What leads you to believe that Hillary can be dogged for 30 years with innuendos and no results while a certifiable slug like the fool with half his retinue indicted, convicted or under investigation gets a pass after a mere 2 years? The Mueller corner I suspect worked just fine, and I’m sure you will concur once he’s allowed to talk. Meanwhile the bank records, state tax records, and parade of rats lining up to jump in preference to sinking with the orange Titanic —never mind. I’m sure you get the picture. Fox, the Wall st Journal and the rest of the “liberal” media get the picture. None of THEM seem to believe it’s over. And the Democrats? Well, let’s just say the current immolation is heartwarming, and we’ll just see who it is that comes out of this singed beyond resuscitation.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I agree that he isn’t cornered. I do think that, fair or not, he will be hounded about one thing or another for many years. Maybe the rest of his life.
He brought it on himself, in most cases. And I think he will eventually face, and be convicted on criminal charges. It will drag on though, and unlikely stop his tyranny…

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. The courts are proving unwilling (thus far) to play his game. He already says that he cannot function as President and ward off these investigations simultaneously. His state tax forms are on their way to the House, as are his bank records. He’s cooked.

MrGrimm888's avatar

That’s the problem though @stanleybmanly . You keep holding out hope that Trump will be treated, and potentially punished, like a normal person. Thus far, Trump has largely been able to simply not cooperate, with almost any investigation. Even ordering his underlings to be uncooperative, or straight disobey the law.

We know from history that a POTUS can still work with people in the government who are trying to investigate, harass them. Clinton was able to compartmentalize, and still work with Newt G. Despite being in the middle of his own witch hunt/investigation.

Trump is behaving the way he always has. His way, or no way. Although this strategy has failed to work with N. Korea, China, the press, etc, it has also not led to Trump having to participate in US/world issues in which he doesn’t like his options. He has a clear strategy of simply taking his ball and going home, when things aren’t going his way. It is childish, and often directly in conflict with the way things are/have been done. It often toes the line of being illegal. Yet time, and time again, he has escaped any accountability. He would have never survived testifying. Instead, he got a small list of pre-approved questions, that he gave written, measured (okayed by his lawyers) responses to. Even his own lawyers knew Trump was likely too inept to avoid perjuring himself if forced to defend/explain his own actions… That’s become par for the course, in almost any situation in which he faces a challenge he cannot win.

Trump is ,so far, beyond scrutiny, and above the law. This complete lack of responsibility, hasn’t produced any real consequences for him. It hasn’t harmed his support from his base, and has even strengthened his support by some of his sheep.

All Trump has to do, is deny, deflect, ignore, or attack all of his problems. Although this galvanizes his critic’s assertions about him, and is the behavior of a guilty person, it hasn’t manifested in any real ramifications. In fact, he is still very much a threat to be reelected in 2020. Despite his actions hurting many of his own supporters. Despite his actions directly contradicting the claimed ethics of his supporters. Despite a litany of shady/potentially illegal relationships with the same foreign country that the US intelligence community has concluded interfered with an election in a way that benefited him. Despite his lack of understanding of how to even do his job, or how to legally pursue his own agenda. Despite his repeated destruction of diplomatic ties, with former allies, coupled with support of former/current enemies of the US. Despite his clear intentions of ruling as a tyrannical dictator.

At minimum, he will likely serve out his remaining two years, without so much as a slap on the wrist.

You’re welcome to hope that Trump will be treated like any other POTUS. The truth is, he will survive all of his tribulations, and be more wealthy, and more powerful, than before he entered office. Even if he isn’t reelected in 2020 he will remain a destabilizing force in the US, until his death. The system has failed to remove this cancer, and thusly he and his supporters will fester and continue to divide the nation.

His supporters are the blood supply, that feed this tumors growth. It is ultimately those people, who would have to give up their pursuit of the war on non-white/non-Christians, to see real/badly needed change. A symbiotic relationship has been developed between these shameful Americans, and the POTUS though. Trump cannot survive without them, and they believe that they cannot culturally survive without him… Which is true, to an extent…

Nothing is going to change…

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Worth submitting to Washington Post as op-ed article imo.

Dutchess_III's avatar

For those who say he’s not cornered, trump himself said “I’m fucked.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

”....revealed for the disgrace he is”….he’s already be revealed to be a disgrace. That doesn’t seem to bother his base at all.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Nothing much bothers his base. I would find it quite intriguing, if it didn’t affect so many people in a negative way.

I wonder if the rest of the world understands that not all Americans are so gullible, and hypocritical?...

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Dutchess_III's avatar

You forgot plain “stupid,” @MrGrimm888.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Here’s the deal. I may be wrong, and Trump may be clean as a whistle. But he has NOT been absolved by Mueller who states: I’m forbidden to prosecute him, therefore not allowed to comment other than to say that if we were convinced of his innocence we would say so. But beyond Mueller’s inquiry and the stack of indictments resulting from it, stands Trump himself. It is the recalcitrance of his believers in admitting the visible turd for what he CLEARLY is that forces the Congress to rub the noses of his fans in the smelly truth. I’m sick to death of the rosy claims from both the turd and its worshipers. If Mueller isn’t allowed to call the turd a turd, let’s see what the Congress has to say.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This is the single time that I can recall the mods returning intact a question removed for “suggested” alteration. The complaint being the question is too vague, it was “disappeared” for better than a week before I noticed the blurb saying it had been removed for editing. I answered that I disagreed, gave the reasons, and wrote the episode off as another lesson on the omnipotence of our gods. And now another week goes by and IT’S BACK! Spooky!

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