* No one should “make you” do anything. If and when they try, it’s important to call that out and shut it down.
* Guys (especially, young guys) tend to not be nearly as sensitive as girls about all sorts of interpersonal details and communication skills.
* Guys (especially, young guys) tend to be jacked up on puberty hormones and sexual objectification ideas from media and peers.
* Guys won’t know what hate unless you tell them, and they were listening and paying attention, and they remember.
* Girls (especially young girls, and girls without brothers) tend not to get how clueless and insensitive guys are.
* Different people are often very different in how they think about, act, and communicate in relationships.
* Many/most people (especially insensitive people (e.g. many guys), and young people who have little/no relationship experience) do not realize how others are different, are in denial about others having different relationship styles, think their way is the only way, the right way, or that others’ ideas of relationships are weird and/or wrong, etc. Many people assume that others think like they do, want what they want, etc.
* “Liking” someone can mean so many different things, that you can’t form any conclusion from it, at all.
* Young people in particular (and anyone who hasn’t developed good relationship skills, which tends to include most adults, too) tend to think and behave very weirdly and/or crazily around relationships. One of the most important parts of relating to someone is learning about how they are in relationships, which often takes years even for skilled adults, and which changes over time.
* “Would he ask someone else to help him do it so he won’t bother her”? From the above, it should be clear that anyone might or might not do anything. You’ll need to learn about the specific person and the specific situation in each case.
* “Would he ask her to do it anyway so he will have a chance to talk to her?” Again, everyone’s different, and people do all sorts of things, ranging from great to OMG WTF. Even people you think have been great for years may well pull some OMG WTF at some point. It’s up to everyone to learn what everyone they get into relationships are like in that relationship, and choose what to do about that.
* But ya, personally, I’d say “liking” someone means nothing. If I were a girl and a guy tried to “make me” do anything, he’d immediately get severe lessons in not to do that, which if he didn’t learn immediately, I’d have nothing to do with him.