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Caravanfan's avatar

If you were to listen to just one podcast, what would it be?

Asked by Caravanfan (14121points) May 25th, 2019

I actually only do listen to just one podcast (because I spend most of my time on audiobooks).

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Arron Cleary asshole consulting

ragingloli's avatar

Conan needs a Friend.

mazingerz88's avatar

Just one? Tough question. I think I’ll go with how to age gracefully and die with dignity podcast.

zenvelo's avatar

WTF has been my go to for almost ten years now. Interesting, entertaining, and relevant with pontification. And it is by far the most popular podcast for many years.

JLeslie's avatar

Fork Off. Support group about dieting and losing weight targeted for middle aged women.

It’s two sisters who banter about diet fads and worries of women and feeling good about themselves. They are very funny. Rebecca was an anchor on a local ABC affiliate in Toledo, OH for many years, and had a cooking show. She also writes a column and has written some books. Her sister is a lawyer, professor, and has written books as well under a pen name that I don’t remember right now.

Oh, and full disclosure, Rebecca was a college roommate of mine. It’s the only podcast I listen to.

Demosthenes's avatar

This American Life probably. It’s the most consistently good out of the several I listen to regularly.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I don’t listen to any podcasts.

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