Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Does China deserve to be the world's top superpower?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29283points) May 26th, 2019

China is ambitious and on the fast move on taking over the US as the top world superpower there is. Would China be able to pull this off despite another country like the US seemingly attempting to thwart its ultimate goal? Should the US even try?

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12 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

Deserve? I suppose if they can take that power and hold on to it then, yes, they deserve it.

ragingloli's avatar

Morally? No. But then again, under that criteria, no one does, especially not any of the current big 3.

Zaku's avatar

The question has no meaning without specifying what you mean by “deserve”... unless you’re intentionally leaving it blank to fish for how people will fill it in from their own assumptions.

What do you mean by “superpower”? By “top superpower”?

What are you assuming or even saying by stating China “is ambitious” and that its “ultimate goal” is to achieve this “top superpower” label?

In what way do you see the US “seemingly attempting to thwart it”?

Or the word “should” in the last question – from what perspective?

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t understand the word deserve for this topic either. It’s not like there is some sort of vote, and the country is given the honor of superpower.

I don’t know if we should be trying to keep China down. If they are on the road to more power, maybe it’s better to be friends. All this geopolitical stuff is so tricky. Could there possibly be more power in good relations and trying to change the world by example. It’s a slower road, but maybe a better result in the end.

Did you see Fareed Zakaria GPS yesterday, 5.27.19? He talked about China, and technology, and how Trump’s policies might lead to less sharing of information for technological advances and information in general. It could divide the world technologically. It seemed quite scary to me. He points out China’s tech will be cheaper than US, so parts of the world will go with the less expensive option. Plus, China has the raw materials needed for electronics. I don’t see the episode online yet, but you can listen to the podcast, or you might be able to see it on demand.

I’m not so sure our main goal should be to be the ultimate superpower, maybe it should be to encourage justice, and civil rights, human rights, and safety. We need to get better at those things to be able to do it though.

janbb's avatar

Deserve never had anything to do with power.

zenvelo's avatar

They do have the most people, so they might “deserve” the most say in things. After all, one man one vote is the foundation of democracy.

Yes China is ambitious, but they don’t want to throw their weight around like some countries, they just want access to markets so they can sell their goods. Other countries think of them selves as guardians of some sort, but all they are is guardians of corporate interests.

ragingloli's avatar

Just recently, the colonies got super pissed over the EU’s plans of a joint military and development of military tech. Despite their prior insistence that European country have to spend more on their militaries.
Because colonial arms companies are practically excluded from participating, AND the EU retains full control over any exports to non EU countries.
It has always only ever been about them fuelling their military industrial complex, and had nothing to do with “security” concerns.

It is the same with Drumpfs recent statement that Huawei could be part of the “trade deal” with China.
That alone shows that the recent ban move against the company had nothing to do with security, but solely to gain a leverage in his tariff war.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Chinese make the mistake in assuming the superficial aspects of the United States to be the pre

Yellowdog's avatar

America is bad, especially under Trump.

Both Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama gave China a highly favored status.
Trump is attempting to negotiate a better trade deal for the United States, but Trump is bad.
And China was supposed to get $$$ from the U.S. from the Paris Accord, but Trump pulled us out and we owe China a lot now.

So yeah, China deserves to be a superpower over the U.S. because it will serve us right for electing Trump.

elbanditoroso's avatar


Now, they may not be governing the way that you or I might govern, policy wise, but they have a couple billion people that aren’t in a civil war (yet) and they have a bretty health bank account.

And they have a heck of a lot of land area and a pretty strong economy. And let’s not forget that they have a huge standing army.

And they are projecting their ideas and values across the world.

So yes, they are definitely a major superpower. Unlike the US, which has made a strategic choice to disengage from the world and reduce out influence.


flutherother's avatar

Ideally, the way all people are considered equal and with equal equal rights so countries should be considered equal with none having power over any other.

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