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elbanditoroso's avatar

Should your cable company know when you urinate?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) May 29th, 2019

This is one of the spookiest, most privacy-shattering ‘innovations’ I have read about.


Will this sort of intrusion ever be regulated?

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9 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Can they know if it is you who is pissing in their cable box?

Darth_Algar's avatar

It’s said that Comcast aims to offer the device and a companion health tracking service to “at-risk people, including seniors and people with disabilities.”

As someone with a disability I say “fuck no, and fuck you, Comcast, for suggesting it”.

Demosthenes's avatar

It wouldn’t be a cable company if it didn’t have a comprehensive archive of recordings of me on the toilet.~

Okay, I know it’s not a camera in your bathroom, it’s a motion sensor, but that’s still an invasion of privacy. That’s surveillance capitalism, for you, though. It’s the new normal.

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flutherother's avatar

And now a motion sensor in your bathroom. Dear God!

JLeslie's avatar

There is a system like this being tested where I live, I saw a lecture about it around a year ago. The presenter had volunteered to test it in his home. Right now I can’t remember who it was, but it was someone I know.

I don’t know if Comcast was part of it, but I know the developer where I live at minimum had contributed venture capital.

The idea here is that elderly people living alone would be monitored, and that it could put adult children at ease that if their parent had an unusual change in habit it would trigger some sort of call to check on their parent.

Edit: I found this link

I don’t know what I think about it.

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spezzatura's avatar

Oh yeah, definitely! I would hate to think that Verizon or any of its employees were going along living their days without full knowledge of my urinary habits. I believe there should be a special app on smartphones to contact Verizon employees especially each time I in particular visit the bathroom for number one. That way, when they arrive home they can eat in peace rather than facing the constant anxiety of not knowing which unsettles their family life and makes the peace of sleep impossible to access.

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