Social Question

Do you have any real life funny kid stories like the ones shown in the video in the details?
Or would you be upset if you walked in on one of your kids in such a state?
When my oldest was 2 I walked into my bedroom. She was sitting on the floor on the far side of the bed, covered in Vaseline. She didn’t see me or hear me come in.
I quietly slipped back out, went to the other end of the house and yelled, “Jennifer! Get out of the Vaseline!”
She came scampering out, all greasy, eyes wide with shock LOL! She asked how I knew.
I said, “I know everything, that’s why.”
Pretty much had my kids convinced I was a witch!
Another time I was in the kitchen doing the dishes. My oldest grandson was in there too. He was about 18 months old. I should have never turned my back on him.
At one point something caught my attention and I turned around. He was directly behind me, not 4 feet away, fridge was open and he was winding up, boy, from his head to his toes preparing to smash this raw egg on the ground. A quick glance showed me about 5 other eggs in various stages of smashment! He’d been practicing for a while.
What ya do except laugh and tell them not do it again!
Another time, same grandkid, except he was closer to 3. I realized he had a softball in his hand and he was gearing up to throw it….IN THE HOUSE!!
I said, “Ryan! No! No! I started approaching him cautiously, like a wild animal, so I wouldn’t “spook” him into throwing it. BOY he wanted to throw it but I had just told him not to and he was a good kid.
He was so torn he started spinning around in circles, desperately trying NOT to throw it….suddenly it just came over him and he let fly…..the ball bounced off of the springy back of the couch, came back at him and just nailed him on the forehead, right between the eyes. Knocked him down and he started crying.
I fell down I was laughing so hard! Which was not nice because he was so upset! I crawled toward him gasping, “Ryan! God is on my side! Don’t disobey me!”
Then I hugged him until he was better.