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JLeslie's avatar

If the president is impeached and removed from office, does the VP take his place?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) May 30th, 2019 from iPhone

This Q is regarding the succession laws in the USA.

I know if the president dies or became incapacitated in some way the VP is next in line. What I’m not sure about is if the president is found with wrongdoing if that’s still the case. Even if it isn’t the case automatically, what if the VP was part of the scams and misconduct that ousted the president, then does the VP become automatically ineligible to be sworn in? Or, he takes the office and you would need a whole separate impeachment?

This is not about Trump specifically, it’s just about how the process works.

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19 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

To my knowledge, the VP is indeed next. If he/she was entangled in why the POTUS was removed, I would think that a new investigation, and new impeachment proceedings would have to be done…

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, the VP would be next in succession. If Nixon had been removed before Ford was approved as VP, Carl Albert from Oklahoma would have become President.

LadyMarissa's avatar

According to Wikipedia the answer is YES!!! Although it has never happened & it’s unlikely that it ever will, even IF the VP was unable to take office for any reason, the Speaker of the House would be the next in line to take over the office of the President. To take it a step further, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate would follow IF the Speaker of the House couldn’t fulfill the duties…followed by all 15 members of the Cabinet I’d think that IF we ever got to this point that we’d be in such disarray that we’d be under Marshall Law!!!

There is an unwritten rule in DC that a President can be impeached; however, he will NOT be removed from office except for a grievous breach of conduct. In most cases, the impeachment won’t actually happen…just possibly prosecuted after leaving office which has also never happened!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yep, we’d get crazy Pence. No wonder Pelosi is stalling, she never wants to use impeachment per her own words, and I agree with her on this one.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I don’t like Trump by any means, but Pence is way worse.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Exactly, he scares the bejeesus out of me.

BTW- Looks like Trudeau is going to call out crazy Pence on abortion-that should be interesting…lol, but you guys appear to be having your own abortion debate up there, too?

Pence will be in the city of Ottawa on Thursday to move forward with efforts to ratify the new US-Canada-Mexico trade deal, but Trudeau said Wednesday that he will also bring up the issue of the ‘backsliding’ on women’s rights.
“Obviously I’m very concerned with the situation around the backsliding of women’s rights that we’re seeing from conservative movements here in Canada, in the United States and around the world. I will have a broad conversation with the Vice President in which of course that will come up,” the Canadian Prime Minister told reporters in Ottawa, adding that his main focus remains the new trade deal.

filmfann's avatar

Yes. And should that happen, Pence would be a nightmare
Trump is reckless, but Pence would be harmful to civil rights.

zenvelo's avatar

@LadyMarissa Two Presidents have been impeached, both survived the Senate vote to remove from office.

Nixon was on the verge of impeachment but resigned in the face of the House voting to send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^ I know that much. My comment was that no VP has ever been impeached & it is very unlikely that we’d lose a President & VP in the same course of events.Still, nothing is impossible!!!

ucme's avatar

Trump dragged off to the pound & you get lumbered with pence.
Hmmmmm…devalued in more ways than one.

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Lonelyheart807's avatar

Well, @LadyMarissa…all I can say is lots of things are happening that have never happened before, so you never know.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Welcome back @Lonelyheart807. I hope you have been well.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Your very welcome. Unfortunately, I just read your thread in General. So I guess you could be better… Life has ups and downs, though.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

I could be, yes, but it helps to interact with others on here.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It seems like one big group therapy session sometimes…

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