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mazingerz88's avatar

How sophisticated streaming movies do you think would get?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) June 1st, 2019

Do you think someday streaming services like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu would have features like allowing customers to pick only specific scenes in movies that they watch? For example in the new Godzilla movie I’m only interested in seeing scenes with Godzilla and other monsters without the boring dramatic sub-plots with the human characters. Humans in battle scenes are fine.

What other special features do you want these streaming services to provide?

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6 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A reverse rating system that blocks all G to PG-14 scenes and singing. That way I block out all non R rated images. Also an automatic skip function that jumps to the next undeleted scenes.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Something that skips the singing in musical movies.I prefer dialogue.

flutherother's avatar

You might have the option to view scenes from different angles or even to walk through the set and view the characters and the action from different angles or from closer to or further away.. Perhaps one day we will be able to walk up to the actors in the film and interact with them. Advanced AI would allow the characters to respond to us in a realistic and plausible way and we could even influence the development of the film’s story. In short the difference between films and computer games would be very blurred.

filmfann's avatar

A special filter to remove all images and sounds of John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, and Jar Jar Binks.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@filmfann It is possible. Bieber blocker is a real thing.

Zaku's avatar

I want a SHOW IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER ONLY feature that unshuffles the annoying flashbacks and timeline jumping and so on that’s so annoyingly overused in so many shows and movies. Also cut the re-caps and previews.

Also a REMOVE LAUGH TRACK feature.

And VOLUME and MUTE controls for the music.

And of course, something to stop Netflix auto-playing previews with sound when browsing.

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