Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do we need more sins? Is seven enough?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33648points) June 2nd, 2019

We’ve all heard and read about the seven deadly sins – pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.

Dozens of movies have been made and books have been written about them, to the point that these sins are kind of played out.

Do we need to declare more sins? If so, what should they be?

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26 Answers

flutherother's avatar

Your president has six of the seven deadly sins with the possible exception of envy. This tally doesn’t do justice to the huge injury he is doing to his country and its reputation or to the psychic damage he is inflicting on a majority of Americans by the presence of him and his family in the White House. I’m stuck. I cannot put a name to it.

zenvelo's avatar

@flutherother The President is absolutely motivated by envy, nothing more or less. His every move is motivated by his inability to be considered successful by those whose opinion he holds in the highest regards- NY society.

The old money in New York (and the truly self made in places like silicon valley) hold him in contempt as a Queens huckster, and his envy of them just galls him.

flutherother's avatar

Trump has all the deadly sins in that case plus one extra. Now he’s over here causing more trouble and embarrassment.

ucme's avatar

Judging by almost every single fucking thread is made into a Trump bashing excercise, I suggest obsession could well be added to the list.

ragingloli's avatar

I feel that any additional sins you could come up with would be nothing but subsets or derivatives of the original 7.

kritiper's avatar

For myself, I don’t need more than seven. But if I include you and everyone else in my sin regimen, then, yes, I need more.
(More) Sins for others? Torture, for one…

Inspired_2write's avatar

Star struck the need for adoration,fame etc

Irukandji's avatar

You understand that calling out seven specific sins as the “deadly” ones necessarily implies that there are others, right? In fact, the very reason that some sins were classified as “deadly” was because they were thought to lead to other (lesser) sins. The original idea was that curbing our impulses towards the deadly sins would treat the cause rather than just the symptom.

Note: we should not confuse deadly sins with mortal sins. Mortal sins are those that lead to damnation if not confessed to before death (as opposed to venial sins, which merely add to your time in Purgatory if they are not confessed to before death).

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll add being a bully. Is that covered by any of the 7 already?

So many of the deadly sins seem to be celebrated now—by Christians no less. Pride, greed, and wrath come to mind. What is going on?!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d add:
Internet trolling
Emailing and messaging without virus protection
Spreading lies on social media.

And not washing your hands when preparing food or leaving the bathroom.

JLeslie's avatar

Spreading lies on social media is a good one. I’m pretty sure religion covers somewhere that it is sinful to gossip.

Stache's avatar

People who constantly complain about the places they visit and the company they decide to keep but they continue to stay? What’s the word for that?

It should be a sin if it already isn’t.

JLeslie's avatar

@Stache I think that is a form of gossip probably.

LuckyGuy's avatar

DWI – Diving While intoxicated (or Impaired).

I don’t see how that maps into the other 7.

seawulf575's avatar

I think that pretty much covers it. By the time you break down the reasons for everything else, it comes down to one of those.

seawulf575's avatar

I find it interesting, though, that many people can list the 7 deadly sins readily. How many can list (without looking them up) the corresponding 7 heavenly virtues?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I can:

Leaving a public restroom cleaner than you found it.
Fixing something if you break it.
Taking your shoes off when entering someone’s house.
Putting the seat down when finished.
Replacing the toilet paper roll if it is getting low.
Cutting your neighbor’s grass when their mower is broken.
Wearing a condom.

@seawulf575 How’d I do?

JLeslie's avatar

Charity, kindness, humility…

seawulf575's avatar

@LuckyGuy those are indeed heavenly and are virtues but weren’t quite what I was looking for ;-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bad: Leaving a campground trashed.
Good: Leaving a camp ground cleaner than you found it. (I’m fo sho going to heaven on that one!)

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spezzatura's avatar

This is such a great question. Humans are so great at the variety and subtlety of negatives they produce, how they produce them too, that we are way behind in categorizing them. Think of how many types of improper pride and arrogance there are, It’s dizzying, some branching so differently than others that they barely bear resemblance. And here we are with only general categories. Then there’s dishonesty, inauthenticity (which is not even considered a sin), misleading, deluding, self-deluding, my god, how many different manipulations of others here. Some of our politicians push the envelope here, even in the creation of would-be sins that aren’t such as “mispeaking.”

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LogicHead's avatar

The 7 used to be 8…and they are CAPITAL sins meaning the sins that all sins hinge upon

The name “capital” does not mean that they are necessarily grave sins. They are leading tendencies toward sin

Dutchess_III's avatar

There is no such thing as a sin. There is no such thing as right and wrong, either, except what we make up in our head.

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