Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

How and when do you think the very first play acting in the history of humanity happened?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) June 4th, 2019 from iPhone

Before any recorded ancient human history——-which group of humans do you think conceptualized and performed the first ever “play” in front of an audience? Please speculate as much as you want and as far back as you can imagine.

Is it possible those prehistoric cave painters also performed for their families and friends?

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3 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Storytelling predates theatre. I think it’s certain that before Homer wrote it down, The Iliad was recited around campfires in dramatic fashion.

zenvelo's avatar

Probably dates back to cavemen acting out “The Mammoth that Got Away”.

Zaku's avatar

Children. I think it pre-dates humanity, so the first human children.

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