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elbanditoroso's avatar

If you were the Queen of England and had the Trump family over for a state dinner, would you count the silverware after they left?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) June 6th, 2019

Would pieces be missing?

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31 Answers

kritiper's avatar

No, I wouldn’t even use the fancy stuff. And I’ve serve dinner in the servant’s quarters…and I’d serve cake…

zenvelo's avatar

You don’t need silverware for Big Macs and fries. After all a good host makes the guest feel at home.

jca2's avatar

He’s from NY. I’d give him pizza and zeppoles.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And all the above would be with picnic plates and plastic silverware.^^^

ucme's avatar

No, because along with her, we have staff for that.

ragingloli's avatar

For that special occasion, I would bring out the cardboard plates and plastic utensils, and leftovers from the local food bank.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’d count it twice & I’d count the towels also!!!

stanleybmanly's avatar

No I would hide the “good” silver and china and set out something trite but gaudy. You know—paper plates, emblazoned with the Presidential seal, plastic utensils dipped in golden paints,salt and pepper shakers that are miniature busts of the “stable genius” and napkins from the failed casinos.

Zaku's avatar

Maybe, but there would be other more pressing things to clean up after…

JLeslie's avatar

What a strange question. As bad as Trump can be, do you really think he would steal silverware?

Barbara Walters always took souvenirs from the White House, lol, I assume she would do the same at Royal dinners. Things like monogrammed paper napkins, that sort of thing.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I watched on YT.
It was a marvelous event, and everyone was appropriately behaved. Donald’s wife was stunning, and did not arrive sleeveless.
It was about showing respect and honor for the alliance of nations and men seventy five years ago. Trump showed appropriate respect. Did it occur to any jellies to do the same?

The Trump family were well received by the royal family.

The toasts were long, but nice exchanges, I thought.

I wonder if I’m the only one patriotic enough to have watched.
I thought Her Majesty seemed a bit tired.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I watched. Terrified that he would say or do something (again) to embarrass his country. We got off light this time with the fool merely rubbing on the queen. The man has the class of a spittoon.

ucme's avatar

@Patty_Melt I know you didn’t expect any of the FTM (Fluther Trump Mob) to actually watch the footage much less show any respect for the D Day commemoration, as he did.
I mean…c’mon girl :D

JLeslie's avatar

@Patty_Melt Wasn’t Melania bare arms (sleeveless) with gloves?

jca2's avatar

Long Live the Queen!

zenvelo's avatar

@Patty_Melt Her Majesty May have been tired, but Trump is the one that nodded off while she was speaking.

For all his supposed wealth, could he have not gotten a properly tailored outfit?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Trump never nodded off during Her Majesty’s toast. Her son did though.
FLOTUS was sleeveless during dinner, but so were several other ladies. However, that is not direct engagement with Her Majesty, and is perfectly acceptable. When greeting Her Majesty, Mrs. Trump wore long sleeves, and her attire was quite striking in both instances.
As for our president’s attire, he was perfectly tailored in his dinner dress attire.

As for rubbing, I saw none of that from anybody. I daresay you must be projecting some dirty little personal thoughts.


gorillapaws's avatar

I’d serve him his own children in a pie… (not really though)

JLeslie's avatar

@Patty_Melt If we are going to get technical on dress, Trump’s tails jacket at the white tie event seemed a little short to me. Furthermore I think I would have preferred a slightly more tapered pant leg, the trousers almost looked like the hem was too long, or maybe it needed a little more angle, like a centimeter shorter in the front. I even felt the cummerbund was sitting a little too low. His black tie tuxedo looked great though. Sleeves were perfect, really nice.

As far as Melania, if you mean her red dress, I agree it was lovely. She is one of the best dressed First Lady’s in our history.

I also took issue with Michelle Obama showing her arms at what I felt were in appropriate times, I don’t specifically remember an instance with the Queen, but I’m not doubting you. I did wonder if I was being too hard on her sometimes. In terms of royalty would assume Michelle, or her people, would have asked if it’s ok to wear something sleeveless. Like when I got married I asked my Rabbi if he is ok with my dress being off the shoulder. From what I understand people receive information on the expectations of the Queen. Things like whether to curtsy, to extend a hand for a hand shake, not to speak unless spoken to, etc. I would think (assume) expectations to cover arms, shoulders, knees, etc, would be communicated.

ucme's avatar

On a related note, Theresa May looked like she always does, a praying mantis in a frock.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Patty Melt You haven’t seen the footage nor heard the furor over Trump placing his hand on the small of the queen’s back? Even I know that it is exceedingly bad etiquette to touch the queen unless SHE offers her hand. And you DARE NOT touch anything more.

ucme's avatar

Dear me, all this outrage & damnation.
Your beloved Reagan was always touching Thatcher & bloody Clinton, he’d have probably tweaked our Queen’s nipples.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What is WRONG with YOU, a supposed upper crust and reverent subject of HM? Thatcher was NOT the queen of England. And the scandalous vulgar fit of the fool’s jacket with 6 inches of white protruding from the bottom? He would have done better to show up in overalls and a bib! The man gas about as much class as a corn cob.

ucme's avatar

Wait, what?
A reverent subject of HM”
I just coughed into a damn fine glass of wine.
The Queen is a feisty old salt & all power to her, but a royalist I am not sir.
Look, Trump clearly has many, many faults, i’ve never denied that, but the bloke is box office & that, however unpalatable, is simply the truth.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes he’s box office alright, like the Hindenburg or a school shooting massacre! And royalist or not, the theater of the vulgar ill dressed clown mauling the queen after slaughtering the queen’s English with stupefying persistence is NOT entertainment.

ucme's avatar

One thing you can be assured of is the Queen has a fantastic sense of humour, you can bet your house she, along with other senior royals, would have amused themselves laughing at his expense later that evening. That should make you feel better, even just a touch?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes it does. And I agree that she is the absolute height of grace and tolerance though even she came up with an excuse to not allow the insufferable boor to spend the night in Buckingham palace. Tolerance has its limits! And yes I agree that after ridding themselves of him, I’m sure the entire royal clan rushed to the big flat screen to revel at her subjects ridiculing the fool in record numbers.

Zaku's avatar

I rather imagine that they tried to forget as best and as quickly as they could.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Frankly, Carson would not have allowed Lord Grantham himself into the dining room looking like Trump did.

seawulf575's avatar

I find it funny. The conversation here is that Trump is a toad and has probably insulted the Queen. I haven’t seen the insult. However, if you put the way-back machine back to Obama’s visit, you can find this gaffe:

Even the announcer mentioned that he talked over their national anthem, which is considered insulting, and Obama felt very pleased with himself. Meanwhile, EVERYONE in the room was standing and purposely not looking at him.

LadyMarissa's avatar

He didn’t touch her like a perv & his tux fit!!!

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