Why is there not "It's Not a Great Answer/Question" lurve, here on Fluther?
Besides “It’s a Great Question/Answer” lurve. Oh, and thanking all the jellies who might answer. As it appears, this is a question addressed MAINLY, not only, to the moderators. Even though I’d mainly like if they were the ones responding to the matter. Let’s say, for example, that a question is judged wrong by the moderators. Why can’t lurve be given to the jellies who think likewise?
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34 Answers
This (or variations thereof) has been asked before, and the general feeling was that the founders didn’t want to implement a downvote system because it’s just negative and can be petty.
Don’t like a Q? Don’t answer. Don’t think it’s appropriate? Then flag and move on.
Why reward for disliking something?
@canidmajor: For the same reason that YouTube allows dislikes of videos and comments of these said videos.
And, taking from YouTube, why don’t you HIDE your dislikes, but you take them anyway in? This way, only YOU’ll know the general result.
And, for the record, moderators remove the question, or ask the jelly in charge to modify it, even if it hasn’t been flagged.
Fluther wasn’t created to be like YouTube. Like I said above (feel free to reread) avoiding the negative and potentially petty. If a user doesn’t like a question or post, they can say so, and therefore own the critique or snark and take responsibility.
And, for the record, NO ONE except the moderators knows what has or hasn’t been flagged. So unless they tell you, you don’t know. And they see stuff here, because they participate, and maybe flag it themselves.
@canidmajor: It’s a unique responsibility, that the user/moderator who flagged its own question is in charge of removing it. Meaning, the moderators CAN flag the question they want to remove?
Except for various obvious spam or trolling, the moderators discuss all the flags before removing something.
This is veering from the original Q, ask the mods if you want to dispute how they act.
Lurve/GA/GQ…should do away with the whole bally lot of it.
[Mod says]
@canidmajor already said it perfectly.
”[...] the founders didn’t want to implement a downvote system because it’s just negative and can be petty.”
That’s why. Personally, looking at the comments on Youtube, I think Fluther has a much more positive atmosphere.
@luigirovatti “Let’s say, for example, that a question is judged wrong by the moderators. Why can’t lurve be given to the jellies who think likewise?”
I’m not sure I understand what you mean, could you rephrase that?
@canidmajor; @longgone: We can’t avoid the negative comments, why should we avoid the negative likes? Assuming they’re constructive, of course, and to the point. Maybe you could even ask for a mandatory motivation that only you can read. Then, you review it, and if it’s accepted, it could better the site.
Because the downvotes (or whatever) are anonymous, and it’s easy to be a jerk if no one knows who you are. People in general are a lot less likely to be asshats if they can be identified and called out. Ergo, it’s a nicer environment.
The internet is vast, there are lots of places you can be a jerk anonymously.
@canidmajor: Then, the answer is easy. You mandate 2 conditions for giving a (dis)like: 1) You must be registered on Fluther; 2) You trace the (dis)like to the user and put him/her on public display. Tumblr does it, for example.
Well, @luigirovatti, that’s just too bad for you cuz it ain’t gonna be happening here. They stopped doing anything new around 2011 when the founders left. They keep the site barely going now as a courtesy.
Edit to add: Then really, just comment. it serves the same purpose.
@luigirovatti There is no development being done to the site. Nothing will change. Nothing.
What does that mean? What’s more generic?
So what if it’s more generic? That can’t possibly matter.
Oh, I give up.
@canidmajor: Sometimes people don’t like to comment/answer the question, so they just tell us they dislike it.
@luigirovatti 2 people on this thread have pointed out that there is no new development happening on this site. Why are you continuing to pursue this line of weak reasoning? The matter is completely moot.
Fluther is designed to encourage open discussion. It would not serve that purpose to allow a simple click representing displeasure.
Then, the answer is easy. You mandate 2 conditions for giving a (dis)like: 1) You must be registered on Fluther; 2) You trace the (dis)like to the user and put him/her on public display.
People can just register to troll dislike. You really think everyone coming here all has good intention? I’m sure the latest dick guy is a great saint.
Tumblr does it, for example.
And Tumblr becomes a melting pot for trolls and bullying.
Sometimes people don’t like to comment/answer the question, so they just tell us they dislike it.
Again above. Fluther is for intelligent discussion. If you can’t explain why you disklike something then you aren’t up to a discussion.
I have said it before, while Fluther is full of petty, pointless arguing at least it’s not a troll infested cesspool like the rest of the internet.
@canidmajor and @Mimishu1995 covered this question nicely.
If you want to just click on random questions with a dislike, go elsewhere. Why have one more site that spews negativity?
@luigirovatti If you don’t like something, it’s super easy to say (on the thread, itself) that you don’t like, or disagree with an answer, or question, and then explain why that is the case. That is the best thing to do, because then everyone knows why you believe/think/feel like you do. A simple dislike, or thumbs down button, doesn’t add anything to the discussion.
The other thing you can easily do, is to simply walk away from a thread.
I think you need a hobby.
@Mimishu1995: Again, you could put the rule that Fluther users who put a dislike respond with motivation visible only to the moderators. Or, put such motivation in the answers.
@luigirovatti Now you are making no sense. From what I can get from you, you can dislike but you also have to state the reason why you dislike it. And that’s basically everyone’s point. You don’t need a button just to tell everyone the reason why you dislike something, as you as you have a good reason. But then you seem to want to just dislike and move on. What side are you on really?
Not to mention your original statement is completely flawed. Youtube and other sites don’t give you points for disliking something, and you are demanding lurve for each dislike you give. This will encourage trolls to dislike just to get lurves.
In the end, why do you need a dislike button that much? Why do you go on such length to defend that button even after everyone is telling you it’s not possible? If you want that button you can go to Youtube, or Tumblr. Virtually no one here wants the same thing you want.
@luigirovatti “Then, you review it, and if it’s accepted, it could better the site.”
That’s an interesting idea, but it would come with a lot of extra work and there is no paid staff. Volunteers can only handle a limited amount of work because they have families, careers, etc.
To go back to the original question: I think Ben and Andrew simply didn’t see any reason to allow users to indicate disapproval without also taking the time to explain why they disapprove.
To me, that makes sense. When has a discussion ever been improved by someone just blurting out, “I disagree!”
What does that add, if you then don’t explain your own reasoning?
@luigirovatti: No changes are being made to the site. Your idea about “you can just put a rule that Fluther users who put a dislike respond with motivation visible to only the moderators” is not going to happen.
All of your ideas are thoughtful but not going to happen, so let it go.
Multiple people have stated that on this thread.
@jca2 Re ” ...is not going to happen.“How do you know what is not going to happen?
@flo haven’t you been on Fluther for the past 8 years or so? It has been well established that the founders are not making any changes to this site because they don’t have the time. Only by their good graces are they keeping Fluther open. They definitely aren’t making money off this site.
I have no problem reading what would be a good idea/s, regardless. And I pay attention to what the moderators have to say about it.
.. I don’t mean that “dislike” an OP is a good idea. I don’t think it is.
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