Have you ever advised your friends not spend their time on Qs they have no answer for? See detail.
Asked by
flo (
June 11th, 2019
Or have you been advised to not waste your time unless you do have the answer. I mean why waste their hopefully valuable time on questions they have no answers for? Aren’t there enough questions that are waiting to be answered (esp. asked by their friends’ if they have any on the site)? This question can’t be answered is not an answer since very soon after that post, someone would answer it.
Don’t they have questions to ask, and to respond to the answers they get? Why do they devalue their time so much? The texts are long and seems to have taken a long time to compose, but there is no answer there.
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24 Answers
No, never. It isn’t my place to tell people what to do. They are intelligent, sentient people and are perfectly capable of making their own judgments on what to ask.
It would be rude and presumptuous of me to instruct someone on what they should or shouldn’t do on a website.
Kismet, thank you for this rhetorical opportunity.
Friends, do not waste precious moments on questions for which you have no answer or otherwise befuddle yourself and others with idle opinion.
It may also waste the time of an inquisitor such as @flo who is eager to discover answers to important questions but may be hampered by the inaccuracy, speculation and blather of some participants here.
Remember the seven C’s and be clear, concise, creative, coherent, courteous, cornucopian and correct.
Ahh, but you see, that’s the poison infecting such sites.
People become absorbed in it & their mistaken perception of importance.
It’s like they actually believe what they write & who reads it makes any fucking difference at all.
Responding in such a way you refer to in your question is just one symptom of their illness.
By the way @All, I put the OP in General because I was thinking of all Q&A sites, not just Fluther but I found it on Fluther.
@elbanditoroso Are you defending yourself? Are you saying that your time is not valuable? By the way feel free to comment on my “advise” (in my OP), and your “instruct”. Do you think it’s Hi- lie-ree-yes.
@Pinguidchance Thanks, whether I believe my Qs are important or not. (I think we’re supposed to say “thank you” to a compliment).
—- I’ll try to manage some of those seven Cs.
@ucme I’m still trying to see if I understand your post.
@flo This question is in Meta.
…I meant my question is really about most Q&A sites.
@Hawaii_Jake Unless you mean the words for the sections are General, Social and (“Meta” not “Fluther”)
@flo no, I have nothing to defend myself about. I’m simply stating that according to my ethical rules, it is not my business to tell you or anyone else how to answer.
@elbanditoroso Why aren’t you turning ”advise” into ”instruct” or ”tell…how to answer”? Hi-lie-ree-yes.
@flo In an answer just above my answer, you wrote, “By the way @All, I put the OP in General because…” This is Meta. This is not General.
@Hawaii_Jake I see. I was using the past tense of put.
So, correction: “By the way @All, I _had_put the OP in General because I was thinking of all Q&A sites, not just Fluther but I found it on Meta.” Thanks.
We should have used whisper.
In a roundabout way, perhaps.
I’ve commented about the pointlessness of the direction a question may have taken. That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement. Though I also imagine that my friends are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves whether or not a question is worth spending time on.
There is no such person as perfect. Even competent people have blind spots, and or make errors.
It’s not about whether a person is perfect or even competent. It’s more about the dynamics of a conversation.
I don’t know what the definition of the term friends is if they can’t help each other.
The question is about whether you ever advise your friends not to spend time on a Q.
I’d consider that helping out a friend by helping them not waste their time on something that seems unproductive.
But as I mentioned, they are perfectly capable of deciding what to or what not to do on their own.
“The question is about whether you ever advise your friends not to spend time on a Q.”
Actually It’s about wasting (see detail) their time on questions they _don’t have answers for.
Re. ”...they are perfectly capable of deciding what to or what not to do on their own.”
I responded to that in my last post. One can help their even employer or someone way more capable not just friends.
Or wasting their time on a question where there isn’t an answer that will satisfy the OP.
@raum That’s the same kind of statement, as “my friends they are perfectly capable of deciding what to or what not to do on their own.” That means friends are people who say to you (not you particluarly) ) “Don’t you think I’m capable of managing things on my own?
Why would I instruct someone to not waste their time on questions they have no answer to? I am not their mother.
If anyone presumed to tell me what questions to spend my time on and what questions to not spend my time on I’d show them the door. It’s none of their business.
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