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wundayatta's avatar

Why is it, when you give free reign to your imagination, people think you're crazy?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) August 26th, 2008

I was recently accused of being off my meds (in jest, I believe), and of wasting people’s time by asking a nonsensical question (in all seriousness, I believe). Now, I happen to enjoy being thrown off track by things I don’t understand. I like the wierdness when you just can’t tell if someone is pulling your leg, messing with you, or actually losing their marbles. Especially on the internet, it creates a delicious tension, or an opportunity to play. It can give people permission to think of any absurd thing, which, I think, can often be quite funny.

Yet, people seem to feel obligated to make sure you haven’t stopped your treatment protocol. To me, crazy is a kind of good thing—at least in this sense. Playful. Silly. Good sense of the absurd. A defense against cynicism. But I have to wonder. Do people also get made uncomfortable by these things—so much so, that they want to marginalize those who do not fit the norm?

For the record, I do have a brain disorder, and I am taking my meds! Believe me, if I weren’t taking my meds, if would be quite obvious. I am not playful. I am severely dark and oppressive. I overreact to everything (hmmmm, perhaps like this?) I was crazy (in the sense of being imaginative) before I got the disorder, anyway.

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