Do you think US officials keeping spy secrets from Trump is a wise thing to do?
Just when you think things can’t possibly get more troubling then things like this make the news. They’re keeping secrets secret from Trump over concerns he’ll scamper to Putin and other heads of state to tell.
And yes. I think it’s a wise move.
It’s horrifying, tho, to think we have to keep war secrets from our Commander in Chief.
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23 Answers
Yes, that sounds wise, though it’d be even wiser if he were tossed out of office long ago, or before he got there.
They have no choice. But I bet he was probably notified in a memo he didn’t read or in a briefing he ignored and forgot about. But the bonehead is now furiously accusing the newspaper of treason for revealing some “secret” because he apparently is the only one who didn’t know. The odds are the intelligence community wants to announce that we can match that nation’s ability to shut down our infrastructure. But what is important in this story is that there isn’t a man or woman who reads it that doesn’t believe our intelligence agencies would hide sensitive information from the fool. Those as slow as himself would regard this as further proof that such services are conspiring against the moron—the familiar Trump hater narrative. It’s much simpler than thinking about the problem our intelligence and security services face when fronted by a mind charitably described as “nobody’s home”.
When you have a president who chooses to believe what hostile powers say rather than trusting his own intelligence services then you have a problem. Who voted this guy in? Anyway, you’re stuck with him for now. Good luck!
Good idea, or not, Trump is the commander and chief. They should follow the chain of command. If he’s really that much of a threat to national security, he should be gone. Maybe in prison, for treason…
Let’s boil the question down.
should the government tell secrets to someone who deliberately tells those secrets to our adversaries?
Answer: No.
Yes, he might just Tweet them out to the world! Sixth grade mind.
Yes it is the smart thing to do at this point and note that this is a beginning of the end for Trump when he can’t be trusted with sensitive information.
It is no that Drumpf “might” hand it over to other countries.
He already did it.
Lest you forget.
If it were that easy to get him out you know it would have been done by now @MrGrimm888. Putin and North Korea have a LOT of power, and they sure don’t want him gone.
^But that’s how things work. If we want rules to be how our government works, we have to follow them. Trump was voted in. Our intelligence communities, have to report to him.
It’s up to his moronic supporters, if they want continue to back a man who might be the reason they have a nation descend into chaos when the power grid, and water stop…
Absolutely the wrong thing to do. For a number of reasons. First off, they are keeping the guy that really needs to know this stuff in the dark. They are doing this for ideological reasons.
Secondly, it is exactly this sort of behavior that led to the mayhem of the Mueller witch hunt. The intelligence agencies operating on their own, doing whatever political things they want…and then it takes some massive waste of money to suddenly get people looking at what they are doing. You end up with some fool like Peter Strzok trying to influence presidential elections and investigations into high ranking Dems to ensure they are not found guilty of anything. I don’t expect them to keep me informed of their spy stuff, but they absolutely need to keep the POTUS informed.
Thirdly, much of this story came from the NYT. Which means that these “intelligence” agencies have issues in telling the POTUS the information they are supposed to tell him, but have no problem blabbing to the NYT. One has to ask…if you are so worried about Trump mishandling this information, then why are you talking to the NYT?
And lastly, they are convicting Trump of a crime that was never allowed to happen. If they told Trump something and he blabbed it to Putin, THEN you would have something to base your bias on. Until that happens, it is rhetoric and is not an excuse for putting ideology before duty.
^As usual, I can’t agree with everything you said, but I agree that Trump should have been told. Then the ball is in his court…
@MrGrimm888 you can’t begin to grasp the effect Putin having certain information could have on your life. This is real life shit, not war games.
He has shown us he is utterly incapable of making a decision more serious than “Should I have eggs or pancakes or breakfast.”
I don’t want him endangering my grandkids lives any more than necessary.
Jesus. 1.5 years to go.
Dutch. I’m fully aware of the severity. An attack on our nation’s power grid, would be potentially cataclysmic. If the power was off for a few weeks, or months, in the majority of the US, it would descend into chaos.
My opinions don’t really matter though. It shouldn’t have mattered, to the intelligence community either. Unless it’s written, somewhere, in somebody’s job description. That I can’t say… Otherwise, whomever decided not to tell Trump, should resign. Either because 1. they will not follow the chain of command, or
2. because they were supposed to protect the nation by having proof of, or acting on the proof of Trump being such a security threat…
They weighed the danger to every man, woman and child in the US if they told Trump vs the blind “chain of command” and chose the safty of the nation, thank God.
But the story did get leaked. So now, EVERYBODY knows…
If Trump was such a security threat, why not use such incidents to catch him in the act? Hell. I’d tell him something false, and see if he slipped it to Russia. Then, see if you can catch Trump giving over the information.
Trump has access to our nation’s nuclear weapons. Well. To an extent. That’s a BIG deal, if our intelligence community thinks he’s THAT big of a problem.
Don’t get me wrong. Trump could, by his own bad judgement, do something that would be a major blow to the US. It wouldn’t help him, his money, or his rich friends, to willingly help someone attack the US power grid though…
Good plan! Except he’s already done it. Remind me tomorrow and I’ll find the article I read about him handing over top secret stuff to Putin.
The story leaked but there are no specifics. I wonder if he’s even been told.
There comes a time when mutiny is necessary. Think Hitler.
You conspiracy theorists are so amusing. “Trump is in bed with Putin!” “Trump will help Russia destroy the US!” It really is sad to watch. How about some actual facts? “Trump got Russia to help him win the election”: Proven false. Your own investigation (witch hunt) showed that. So you can take that thought off the table…it is a lie you were fed from your liberal propagandists for 2 years. “Trump imposed more sanctions on Russia than Obama ever did” This one is TRUE. And it begs the question: if he is so in bed with Russia and Putin, then why would he do such a thing? It wasn’t done at the prompting of Dems or Repubs…it was something he thought needed to be done.
But don’t let actual facts and logic interrupt a good conspiracy theory. But you might want to step to the side…it looks like a piece of sky is falling.
Putin and Trump alone okay they must be comparing matchbook cover collections ! SMH
How long have you been working for “Putin’s Chef” ???
@seawulf575 Nobody here surpasses you as conspiracy theorist and purveyor of dimwitted obfuscation. “Trump got Russia to help him win the election. Proven false. Your own investigation (witch hunt) showed that”. That’s a lie and its straight up disinformation. Trump openly asked Russia on national television to hack Hillary’s emails in the midst of his political campaign and the one definitive conclusion of “your own investigation (witch hunt) is that the Russians strove through extensive misinformation by operatives such as yourself to tilt the electorate toward the fool and away from Clinton. Of course the Russians would prefer “the useful idiot” as President of the United States. Trump bent over backwards flattering Putin and attempting to ease and reverse sanctions on Russia. It was the Congress, unyielding pressure from Federal agencies and overwhelming public opinion which compelled the fool to sign sanction legislation, complaining all the while that the measures “are flawed”.
@Tropical_Willie OOohhh… article that is all innuendo and even says they don’t know what they are talking about. I’m so chastened. SMH
@stanleybmanly Did the Mueller Report say that anyone on the Trump team (including the POTUS himself) participate in any way when Russia was supposedly trying to interfere in our election? What? It said they DIDN’T? Wow. Yeah…that cements your case. You are trying desperately to keep your conspiracy theory alive. You have even concocted the line that I may be a Russian plant because, we all know, that Russia cares so much what is said on Fluther. It is nice that you can admit the fact that Trump imposed more sanctions against Russia since, well, it’s true. I know how the truth hurts you so, when it comes to Trump.
@seawulf575 simple minds are ” I’m so chastened!!!!!! ”
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