I don’t know one Democrat who supports killing a 9 month fetus, yet the religious right states liberals will kill a baby one day before the due date. Vicious lie.
I do know one person who is a socialist, he’s not a friend, just someone I know.
I know several Democrats who are in favor of free medical care and free university education, but I’m not sure that is extreme enough for this Q?
I know personally a few liberals who constantly use words like Cheetoh, orange man, call republicans racist, homophobes, and all sorts of names constantly and I hate it. I know republicans who use libtard, and other name calling constantly and I hate that too. None of these people are close friends of mine or family.
Of the Republicans I know, yes I know a couple who are racist. They think black people can’t be taught, destroy themselves, and hurt the country.
Worth saying the I have a lot of Republican friends and they are not racist. Probably at least half of my friends are Republicans, I dint think they ever thought twice about my husband being Mexican. I do have an acquaintance here who when she found out asked me how he came here. That was weird. I wasn’t sure if she was being awful, or maybe just ignorant, maybe she doesn’t know many Mexicans. She’s very friendly with me, so maybe she was just trying to learn about it? Not sure.
I know some Republicans who were very against gay rights issues like gay marriage and gays in the military. They said some really stupid things some of them. Like, gay men can’t be in the military because what if a gay man comes on to someone in his bunk at night? Total idiots.
I met a Republican in my neighborhood in TN who in the first 5 minutes of knowing me that she doesn’t go to Walmart to often, too many blacks and Mexicans. Then she paused and said the Mexicans weren’t too bad. Idiot. The next time I saw her I went ahead and squeezed in my husband was Mexican. I wonder if she remembered what she had said to me.
I know plenty of Republicans who think atheists are bad people.