President Trump: "We will come up with cures for cancer...and AIDS...we're very close." Do you approve of these claims?
At his rally in Orlando, FL yesterday (18 Jun 2019), President Trump announced to the crowd that “we” (presumably he means his administration) will cure cancer and AIDS, and we’re “very close”.
Do you think he is telling the truth about being close? Do you think he has any justification for claiming that a second term for him will result in these cures? Do you think he knows anything about the progress against cancer and AIDS? Do you think he realizes that “cancer” is not actually one thing, but many things? If a Democrat is elected in 2020 instead of President Trump, do you think the Democrats will squash President Trump’s plan to cure these diseases?
If in fact cancer and AIDS were cured some time before 2024, would you credit the US president, whoever it is? Or only if your own party holds the executive?
As always, I hope supporters of President Trump will answer.
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98 Answers
He has also stated if he isn’t re-elected the stock market will crash. Fake promises and false catastrophe’s to make people vote for him. Pathetic.
To answer about the cures for aids, scientists have been working on this since at least the 1980’s. trump should never take any credit for cures or break throughs for this disease. The many, many people who have donated their time and money to aids research, poor as well as rich, are the real heroes. I have never read where trump donated any of his wealth to fight against aids. Same thing for cancer.
Why is this even remotely believable? I agree with what @chyna wrote – work has been going on for decades.
And no, Trump – with his disdain for science and competence – would deserve ZERO credit.
But this is political bullshit.
I don’t know a single person who has ever credited a president for curing something, or even supporting the research of curing something. I have only heard people blame a president for blocking access (through blocking funding, or using negative publicity) to inhibit the finding of solutions.
I would hope that the Trump supporters here can point to the plans in the works by the Trump administration to facilitate research, perhaps the release of federal funds to that end?
Trying to take credit for things that you haven’t done, let alone things that haven’t even happened is typical narcissist behavior.
Don Jr. mocked Joe Biden for saying he would want to cure cancer. So I guess we’re not that close.
Any scientific progress will be in spite of, not because of anything Trump has done. And keep in mind that Trump is a climate change denier.
Although I don’t love and adore Trump, he is my President, so in that way I do support him, as I do all our Presidents.
I would assume he meant the royal ‘we’ as in America, due to federal funding of cancer research and cures. It appears from the link below that in many instances, it’s got bipartisan support (minus PP.)
For myself, no, I wouldn’t credit a President but people tend to associate things that happen during a term as the Presidents work. Just happens on their watch, whether Dem or Rep.
I’m sure he just said it to fire up the crowds, and thus begins the mental association with either Biden or Trump…lol, typical politician tricks.
Well he certainly fired me up. I think of the many fund raisers for aids that people like Elizabeth Taylor, Elton John, Princess Diana, Queen (after Freddie Mercury died of aids) and the billions of dollars they brought in. If aids was cured today, I personally will never associate it with any political party, but to the people who have died of aids and supported aids. Hell trump can’t stand to have his chief of staff coughing in the same room! I know he damn sure would not go to visit patients with aids or cancer.
I guess it’s good to aim high. I doubt anything will happen, though.
Depends on who“We” are?
Certainly not the political arena.
This is a desperate bid to get media coverage of his campaign.
He is playing with the media for free advertisement .
I bet this will work as the media DOES take it up and advertise.
@KNOWITALL , Is that the best you can do?
According to the first article, Trump met the cancer patient for a few minutes at the Holocaust memorial, where he was delivering a speech. Big deal.
The second article contains a quote from Nancy Pelosi, who was apparently not impressed:
“Five hundred million dollars over 10 years — are you kidding me?” Pelosi reportedly said during the meeting. “Over 10 years, $500 million, $50 million a year. That’s like — what?! Who gave him that figure? It’s like the cost of his protection of his Mar-a-Lago or something.”
Trump will claim anything to get a vote, like if you don’t reelect me then there will not be a . . . . . Cure! SMH
The gullible will believe he was virgin twenty-five or thirty times.
@knowitall trump only met Don Bouvet after he was cancer free. And no mention of aids patients.
@LostInParadise lol, I wasn’t posting to you or for you. It was in response to Chyna and I’m clearly correct.
“I know he damn sure would not go to visit patients with aids or cancer.”
He did, that was the point. Or Sadie, or Emilee. That’s at least two he met.
As usual the braying jackass is blowing hot air with no fucking clue about the subjects he’s speaking about.
MAN, what a load of bullshit…
Biden never said they’d “try” to cure cancer. He said IF he’s elected he will cure it. Which begs the question: if he can cure it as President why can’t/won’t he do it now? I don’t take either one of them seriously and find it unethical and distasteful to make these empty promises.
@Aster Distasteful for sure. All they need to do is keep up the Federal Funding and stop worrying about who gets the credit. Egotistical fools, all of them.
As I stated on the other post, “The majority of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit.”
@Aster He doesn’t have the resources as a candidate that he would as President.
@canidmajor There have been “resources” in place for decades and it hasn’t been done. I think he should wait until he’s president to make such a “promise.” I don’t believe any President will find the ‘cure’ for all forms of cancer. Is he a research scientist?
I suppose the ACS would be thrilled about all those funds that would flow into the coffers for the cure. They may be excited about it already.
Oh, for pete’s sake, @Aster, if you don“t understand the difference between the power that a private citizen doesn’t have compared to the power of the POTUS, you are hopelessly naive for someone your age.
@Aster I think @canidmajor could have been more kind, but he/she is not wrong that Presidential backing would give it additional boosts. More importantly, the President has juice in regards to Federal Funding, which is what the ‘scientists’ say they need more than anything to find the cures or finish them.
@canidmajor I don’t care about power. If cancer would be cured in all it’s forms it would destroy our country. It wont happen. All oncologists: out of work. Chemo drugs: thrown out . Radiation machines: lugged to landfills. Cancer drugs for use at home: flushed. It goes on and on.
I remember the plea from the sixties they discontinued: “cure cancer with a checkup and a check.” Didn’t work but lots of professionals got wealthy.
It’s somewhat interesting that he didn’t mention heart disease and antibiotic resistant super bugs.
@kritiper I would add accordion players to the list.
If he had mentioned antibiotic resistant super bugs and heart disease he might feel he’d have to go nuts and say, ” if I’m elected I will cure cancer, heart disease, antibiotic resistant superbugs,flu, the common cold and literally every disease known to mankind.” How would that have sounded?
The way he approached it , it sounded more like a little white lie. But in the second scenario he’d sound like a mental patient.
Do a little research, @Aster. “Cancer” is an umbrella term for a bunch of different things that cause uncontrolled cell-division due to a multitude of causes.
Your love of the Universal Cancer Conspiracy Theory that is so popular these days notwithstanding, it just ain’t so. Some cancers have been cured, others have not.
There is a boatload of information on this subject on non-partisan, reputable sites on the internet. Do a little research. Learn a thing.
I know cancer is cells multiplying out of control. And that certain substances cause apoptosis which is death of cancer cells. I know that skin cancers can be cured with the possible exception of melanoma.
But since I’ve never done any research on cancer I’ll start soon and learn a thing..
There is no way a socialist health-care system (such as those proposed by most of the Democrat contenders) could produce creative or innovative breakthroughs in health care research.
There needs to be regulations on drug costs, yes— but the U.S. and Israel need to stay the course in order to continue research for AIDS and cancer,
@Yellowdog Hmm, do you have any data on that comment about socialist health-care systems? There are a few such systems in the world, do you know something about how much innovation and creativity they have, as compared to the US?
The world’s first drugs designed to stop cancer cells becoming resistant to treatment are expected to be available within the next decade. The new drugs could make cancer a manageable disease in the long term and more often curable.
This breakthrough in cancer treatment was announced last month by the Chief Executive of the Institute of Cancer Research in London.
The fight against cancer is a worldwide effort on behalf of humanity. It isn’t just an American effort and it doesn’t have much to do with Trump.
Hey, you have to admire his optimism at least.
He’ll probably live longer than most of his detractors as they seem alarmingly distressed.
Tell ya what—I guess maybe it is the incentive of unrestricted profits. But check the places where medical breakthroughs and research take place. They are capitalistic, free-enterprise overstructures where people are hired to do research and are allowed to do it.
There is not a lot of medical innovation from Canada, though their brains are not much different than the U.S. Most medical technology today comes from the U.S. and Israel, though we still see it in places like Finland.
^ “not much different”! I never say LOL, but, LOL.
@Yellowdog Here’s some information that might be useful to the conversation. I“m not vouching for any of these, I’m just putting them out there because they seem relevant. Whether they’re trustworthy, you’ll have to decide that for yourself.
U.S. Slipping as Global Leader in Medical Research University of Rochester Medical Center Newsroom, Jan 2015
I find this answer on Quora, to a question about the leading countries in medical research. In order to make a useful comparison between economies, the author normalizes for population, and Sweden dominates.
The European Sting reports that if current trends continue, China will soon surpass the US in terms of absolute output.
It’ll be a good read. Thanks.
It takes some effort to find and post material as well, so thanks for that, too.
@Aster *“If cancer would be cured in all it’s forms it would destroy our country. It wont happen. All oncologists: out of work. Chemo drugs: thrown out . Radiation machines: lugged to landfills. Cancer drugs for use at home: flushed. It goes on and on.
I remember the plea from the sixties they discontinued: “cure cancer with a checkup and a check.” Didn’t work but lots of professionals got wealthy.”*
Right, because we all know that once a doctor treats his patients he never has any new patients. No one ever gets sick after the current batch of sick people have been treated.
Of COURSE he/she gets new patients.
People will still GET cancer, There will just be treatments and cures.
There is still plenty of work in the medical fields of research. We actually have a SHORTAGE of doctors and medical staff. No one’s going to go broke.
If there’s a true cure the treatment should be fast. Go to a doctor with cancer and he or she will immediately treat and cure you. No oncologist or chemo necessary. The cure could be as simple as a two week supply of pills. We don’t know yet.
Cancer isn’t a communicable disease, I would expect it could be cured but still might require some of the traditional treatment before cured. In other words, I don’t think it could be cured with pills.
@Yellowdog My mom takes 5 chemo pills each day. In full remission.
@Yellowdog @Aster There is some really promising new work with engineered viruses. They can be “programmed” to go straight to the cancerous cells. So for chemotherapy, the viruses could take the chemo-toxins directly to the cancer, and not ruin the patient’s life like chemotherapy does now. The word “game changer” keeps coming up in the conversation. If they can get the technology straightened out and start using it on people, President Trump might well claim that he cured cancer. Cheers
Well, I’m certainly optimistic. Thanks for sharing
@SaganRitual I certainly hope Trump never claims he cured cancer. As you know, he never will .
@Aster “If there’s a true cure the treatment should be fast. Go to a doctor with cancer and he or she will immediately treat and cure you. No oncologist or chemo necessary. The cure could be as simple as a two week supply of pills. We don’t know yet.”
Wow. By that logic everything should be able to be cured by one brief visit to your GP and a few pills.
Pills can be used to diagnose cancer.
If the pills cure your cancer, you never had it. You were misdiagnosed
Maybe Trump meant he can cure cancer by the laying on of hands, something he is partial to we hear.
Wrong, he’s actually a germaphobe, doesn’t like shaking hands even.
So you lot don’t hear too well.
@flutherother He doesn’t care, he just allows it. It’s really big for Christians to pray for their leader and lend them their group prayers to God. I think it’s pretty cool of him to allow it even though I think it means nothing to him.
@KNOWITALL I thought @flutherother was speaking of the president’s home remedy for curing cervical cancer with his healing grope touch.
@SaganRitual Ya, just fyi, I don’t think it’s cute or appropriate to bash the President, whichever one it happens to be at the time.
@KNOWITALL I understand. It seems that most people occupy that conceptual framework, where it’s considered normal to bother oneself—yes, oneself—over what people say. To be honest, I fall into it occasionally too. I don’t know whether you’ve tried the air up above that fog—it’s a lot easier to breathe up here.
Anyway, don’t tell me you didn’t laugh, at least a little, over the immortal song “The Stain”, about then-President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, with its unforgettable lyrics, “She slobbed on my knob / I shot a gob / The stain”.
Peace and luck
He is blathering, as usual.
@SaganRitual I have never heard that ditty about Clinton and Lewinsky, but I find it disgusting. Not even a tiny bit funny.
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@Dutchess_III I meant no offense.
@KNOWITALL Perfect example: I’m not interested in what you think of my self-image. Actually, I think it’s funny. Ahhhh, fresh air. Join me!
@SaganRitual You’re very odd. I can’t decide if you amuse me or annoy me.
Do many people react to you like that in RL?
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@KNOWITALL I know two people IRL. My daughter, who rates me somewhere between chopped liver and Barney the Dino; and her mother, who is used to me.
@Dutchess_III Funny, so many other things @KNOWITALL has said to me have seemed far worse than a simple “odd”. It’s a strange fog down there. I’m telling you, you will never regret getting a lungful up here.
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You didn’t offend me @SaganRitual. It was just a gross ditty, IMO. It’s all good.
Welcome to Fluther, BTW. Don’t know if anyone has welcomed you. I like what you’ve brought to the table.
@KNOWITALL ” I don’t think it’s cute or appropriate to bash the President, whichever one it happens to be at the time.”
Why should the President be above criticism or even mockery?
Well, none of them ever have been @Darth_Algar, but this one should be because he gets his widdle feelings hurt so easy.
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Kind of like CNN.
When at a Trump rally, the crowd starts chanting “CNN Sucks” they don’t show it on their own network and turn the sound off and start making their defamatory remarks. Or, they merely take their toys and go home.
Kind of overly sensitive for a network that is doing mostly defamation and libel.
“Bu…bu…but whaddabout?....”
I heard/saw Joe Biden say, “If I am elected I (or we) will cure cancer.” Dishonest, crude bribery. Trump never said this.
So they both said it. No need to scream @Aster. I imagine it’s closer to Biden’s heart since he lost his son to cancer.
Having said that, being president can’t affect a cure for cancer one way or another…unless there is some political machine that’s preventing finding a cure.
He might be. I hadn’t planned on voting for him so I don’t care.
trump is definitely an idiot.
@Dutchess_III Biden also said that the Russian interference in our elections in 2016 would have never had never happened on his and Obama’s watch.
You may not agree with Trump’s policies, but he is at least on top of things and has a pretty good record of success. Biden is NOT dealing with a full deck, and will only continue to decline over the next few years.
Ha ha ha. On top of things. Ha ha ha ha! Although trump would so love that analogy!
I don’t care whether or not he’s dealing with a full deck. I am not voting for him. Y’all just need to stop trying to give me reasons not to vote for him.
Hopefully, the Democrats will bring someone on board who is better than these.
I’m not asking you to vote republican or for Trump. If you did, you wouldn’t be you as I know you through Fluther. I’m just saying that Biden is obviously in a state of mental decline, worse than Mueller.
A Democrat winning would not burst my world. Just not any running who are likely to win the nomination at this point. Most are too radical or too obscure, or losing it mentally, no matter what they could have accomplished eight-ten years ago.
There’s a better Democrat presidential candidate out there.
Trump also said that John McCain was not a hero. John McCain who did 5 years in a POW camp. John McCain who had the chance to get out of the camp but didn’t want to leave, and didn’t leave, because he wanted to stay with his comrades until they were all released. Not a hero? SMH. If that’s not some crazy shit right there.
Not to mention Trump’s claim that Obama was not born in the U.S, without a shred of evidence. Truthfulness is not a guideline for his statements.
Whether Obama was born in the U.S. or not is really not an insult.
But what he said about McCain, or that reporter with the disorder, is inexcusable.
Even that kind of meanness is not the same thing as mental incompetence, which is what I was referring to. To tell your constituents to donate to :Elect Biden 3030 or say Poor Kids are just as talented and capable as white kids—those aren’t hateful statements but show great mental decline. I don’t hate Biden and actually consider him pretty harmless just not who we’d want for president because there is obviously something going on mentally.
@Yellowdog “Whether Obama was born in the U.S. or not is really not an insult.”
It is. The statement itself is designed to play to a xenophobic base of people scared shitless of anyone “exotic”.
Interestingly enough the same people who pitched a fit (still are in many cases) that Obama, supposedly, wasn’t born in the US had no problem with Ted Cruz (who we know was not born on US soil).
Saying he wasn’t born in the US was saying he was a illegal president.
IKR, @Darth_Algar? Such disconnect.
@Dutchess_III its not about Xenophobia, its about qualifications.
But the “Obama is a Muslim” goop really does scare a xenophobic base. Actually, he is a Liberation Theologian and Pan-African sympathizer. No need to bring Islam into this. You like him or hate him depending on how you feel about Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, people like that.
Not Islam.
Liberation Theology. Basically Pan-African beliefs. Packaged for America.
If Pan-African then probably pro-Palestinian. That’s what I have found.
If people were honest we could judge whether or not we like politicians and their views based on their own merits.
You are the one who said, ”No need to bring Islam into this” I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Like who or hate who? Obama? I love him. And I trust him.
@Yellowdog ” its not about Xenophobia, its about qualifications.”
It absolutely is xenophobia.
Well, @Dutchess_III you probably, then, would like the Pan African and Indian views and probably pro-Palestinian politics, That’s Obama’s position.
Liberation Theology has deep roots among populations in Africa, India, and South America. The policies are anti-Westerners in these continents.
There is no need to say whether or not Obama is Muslim or be accusing of such. He is what he IS. And you either like it or hate it or are totally indifferent, just that people should make judgments based on what people actually ARE rather than accuse them of being something else.
Is THAT fair dinkum?
He’s a Christian.
I trusted Obama to lead this country and I was more than happy to leave the details to him.
@yellowdog Dinkum? What does that mean?
Fair Dinkum is some kind of Australian phrase—guess it can be Googled. I think it means representing something fairly and accurately. As in, “Is that Fair Dinkum?” and “Are we fair dinkum?” Several Aussies here maybe can help me out.
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