Why are none of the Ds (especially Speaker Pelosi) talking about the likely (bad) outcome of impeaching President Trump?
If President Trump were impeached and fired, Acting President Pence would give him a full pardon for any and all crimes committed in his entire life. Then, Acting President Pence would work to get his god involved in our government, and the Rs would gloat over the Ds’ rather short-sighted blunder.
Why is no one talking about this? It’s clearly not what the president’s opponents want. Why is Speaker Pelosi talking about making a solid case, etc? Surely someone in the D “leadership” realizes the likely outcome. What gives?
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42 Answers
The Dem’s are waiting for him to become a citizen not a President, for my money Trump Towers in Ukraine sound like a place for him to go. There is no extradition agreement between USA and Ukraine.
That is probably exactly why they aren’t pushing for it. It would be a lose for us, win for trump. At this point he’s frantic to get reelected so he’ll be under the legal safety of the mantel of president for another 4 years.
Because most intelligent people already know all this?
We’ve had several Q’s about it.
@KNOWITALL That was nasty putdown ! ! ! ! !
Are giving IQ tests now?
@Tropical_Willie Actually it wasn’t a put down at all, it was common sense. Have you studied the VP of your country? Do you actually ever listen to Pelosi or watch Sunday morning politics?
Many people do, so they know all about his anti-LGBTQ legislation record, among other things, that lead him to be as undesirable as Trump, if not more.
Because Pence would become POTUS.
@KNOWITALL I think you’ve misunderstood me. My question is rhetorical, which most intelligent people can see. More directly, I could ask, why isn’t Speaker Pelosi putting on the brakes concerning impeachment, rather than indicating that she is simply waiting for more facts, to make a “solid case”.
As for the several questions, yes, I know, I asked one of them, and I was disappointed to see that everyone talked about something other than my question. I realized it was because I asked the question badly. So I’m trying again, because I still want to know what you all think about the issue.
“Because most intelligent people already know all this?’
is a putdown . . . by any way of looking at it !
You giving IQ tests, or just brown skin tests? ?
In case anyone cares, it doesn’t seem like a putdown to me. It seems like more of a jab. Saying it to a kid would be a putdown maybe. Anyway, it’s ok, I wear my Kevlar any time I come out to the internet. And I’m pretty good at the art of parry, if I must say so myself.
@SaganRitual Frankly, I think Pelosi’s right on this one and is doing the right thing for her party. The smart thing anyway.
@Tropical_Willie If you think that was a put down, you haven’t been here long enough.
I don’t have a battle of wits with unarmed opponents.
@KNOWITALL Come on, don’t tease. Why do you think she’s doing the right thing, smart thing, etc? What do you think the party’s goal should be? What outcome do you imagine if they’re successful? Or do you find that idea totally ridiculous? Throw me a bone!
@SaganRitual Okay. I don’t tease often and never with people I don’t know. I take politics very seriously as does my whole family. The one thing I do know and understand is how to win.
She said this (several times): House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that U.S. President Donald Trump should not be impeached unless the reasons are overwhelming and bipartisan, given how divisive it would be for the country. In an interview with the Washington Post, Pelosi said “I’m not for impeachment.” She continued to say that “that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,”
I think it’s the right thing because it is usurping a legitimate election/ results. With the system we use, Trump won and Hillary lost. Thus it is the people’s will, regardless of any other details or arguments. She knows that, I don’t agree with her on some issues, but I respect her.
The Dem party’s goals, imo, should be to win in 2020. That means stop the nonsense, accusations and games, get back to basics like @zenvelo said in another post today.
I don’t find it ridiculous at all. The goal is to win. If the Dems want to win, they need to change tactics. I voted for Dems in the past and I wouldn’t now if you paid me, that’s how far they’ve gone to losing the respect of more central independents. Not smart.
Just wait until the campaigning starts, it will all come out in the media.
What Pelosi points out is that a House vote of impeachment would almost certainly be stopped in the Senate which would likely help Trump. I disagree with you about the merits of having Pence as president vs Trump. I don’t think that Pence would push executive privilege to the extent that Trump is.
Because it’s what the Democratic base wants to hear. Unfortunately. They’re still stuck on Trump, Trump, Trump. They can’t accept the past. And they will lose 2020 if they don’t change course.
We would let it die down but he does such unbelievably inhuman and stupid shit, literally every single day, that it’s hard to just ignore.
Well, let’s go see what idiocy trump has perpetuated today.
Jesus. That didn’t take long: Regarding the drone that Iran shot down ”“I would imagine it was a general or somebody who made a mistake in shooting the drone down,” Trump said. “Fortunately, that drone was unarmed. It was not—there was no man in it…” ABC News
Yeah, that’s pretty stupid, wasn’t it, @Dutchess_III
Rather than say he thought it was a mistake and given the benefit of the doubt or waiting for an explanation, he should have just set the desert on fire and bombed them back to the stone age. Isn’t that what you’re saying?
No. I’m simply saying he is an idiot. I’m very surprised that you don’t understand why.
No, I don’t. Normally one would call someone an idiot if they did NOT show restraint. Giving someone a chance to answer or give explanation is a noble thing—or at least the normal path of diplomacy—not something YOU would credit Trump with.
And, contrary to what EVERYONE is saying, if Trump struck Iran first or acted hastily, it would NOT win an election.
Trump and “diplomacy” in the same sentence. Wild man Trump probably can’t spell diplomacy.
Wild man don’t even know what a drone is.
He was saying ‘unmanned’ because he meant no human being was shot down.
The implication (hard to tell) was, it would be more serious if a human life was involved.
The very nature of a drone is that it’s unmanned! It wouldn’t be drone other wise.
@Yellowdog Trump and even Pelosi are backing way down now. Hmmm
The original question doesn’t seem rhetorical at all, but never mind my confusion about that and the responses.
I think the consequences are Very Much in Speaker Pelosi’s mind, not just Pence as POTUS but they way the Dems are perceived going into the 2020 elections.
Pence would likely grant a pardon to Trump, but that will only cover federal charges/convictions. States (especially NY) are preparing indictments to charge Trump with criminal fraud as soon as he’s out from under executive protection.
Pence is clearly a radical Christo-fascist and he has the same destroy-the-government agenda that Trump has. Lots of people have been discussing the implications of a Pence presidency.
Pelosi has said again and again that she will take it slowly and let an overwhelming case develop – at least so that it does not look like a partisan attack because that will backfire at the ballot box. But also so that whatever convictions happen will stick hard to Trump.
I expect the ideal progression of things for Pelosi and Dems in general is to expose the rot of Trump and the rest of the Republican party (Mitch McConnell et al) and time it so it makes a difference on election day Nov 2020.
You have no impeachable offense. If the house votes to impeach it is totally a political event and the senate will not convict. “we don’t like him” is not an impeachable offense and a far cry from illegal. Trump is in no danger of being impeached nor is he in danger of being prosecuted after his term. Pelosi knows this and her compromise is to just keep stirring the pot in hopes the Dems can throw enough dirt to weaken his presidency. None of this is working to help the country nor shine any favorable light on the Dems. After three years of investigation The Dems have nothing. Everyone knows it except the ‘hair on fire’ far left. Let it go and see if you can find some positive message for the country. So far you’ve only shown how to hate. That’s not a winning message.
@Jaxk I agree and I don’t know why they can’t see it themselves. Negative campaigns, stress, all of the things that come with the constant “outrage” does not produce a win. They’re giving it to Trump. Not even mentioning the 24 candidates that cause people to tune out.
@Dutchess_III You were right when you said that “wild man” (Trump) don’t know what a Drone is!
He said in an interview that the drone was “shot down while IN international waters.”
If he had any idea what a drone was, he would have said it was shot down ABOVE international waters! or “in international airspace,”
Drones by nature would never be droning about the water, As a drone, it was in the sky.
LOLL! And today he keeps prattling on that it was “unmanned.”
Obstruction of Justice is an impeachable offence.
However, since we can be sure the Senate under Mitch McConnell will not consider for a moment any charges, it’s futile to push that far. Mitch has shown his inclination towards deeply partisan malfeasance for many years pre-dating the current administration.
The best outcome is getting all the facts out so people can make better-informed decisions next election.
Having the facts seems to make 0 difference to a certain subset of people @dabbler. They had all the facts on trump that they needed to realize he was a creep with a subpar IQ, but that made no difference. I guess being able to relate is all they needed.
And the facts are—we had four investigations into every aspect, document, witness, and have enough material to fill major librairies—and they all got it wrong? That declaring one’s innocence or defending one’s self because there is no crime is criminal obstruction?
At what point do you agree with what Peter Strzok texted to Lisa Page before they even began their “insurance policy” just in case Trump was elected, that “there is no THERE there?
So MUCH dirt has been uncovered with the origins of this yet you are still trying to find something on Trump. Or believe something HAS been discovered and is being a “cover up.”
@Yellowdog ” they all got it wrong” in your humble opinion !
The guy was a gangster, a slum lord and mobster 40 years ago. The only Official Person to declare Trump not guilty of collusion is his “lap dog” and appointee A.G. Barr!
No, @Dutchess_III and you say the four investigations got it wrong. Not me.
No crime was found on the part of Trump and his campaign, and certainly no collusion with Russia. Hillary and the DNC started this with Russian propaganda , the dossier, which they themselves paid for,
that inconvenient truth was bumped into hundreds of times, but never pursued. Yet you are still trying to make crimes out of the breadcrumbs left over
^^^ Exactly what I mean. Willfully blind.
So if you mean me, and not yourself (since you do not accept the findings and conclusions of four very thorough and adamant investigations)—what exactly is it that I am not seeing?
Fluther is a very good opportunity to build bridges of understandng
“No crime was found” not explicitly between the Trump campaign and Russian government. But there was lots found about criminal Russian government activity to influence the U.S. election. Why Trump fans are not alarmed about that is some puzzle. That should be a concern to all U.S. citizens.
“On the part of Trump and his campaign,and certainly no collusion with Russia.”
Anyone who has read any of the actual report or even just the summary knows it is spelled out why no collusion was found. The Mueller report notes there is no legal definition of collusion so NO COLLUSION WAS FOUND BECAUSE THEY DID NOT LOOK FOR COLLUSION. They instead looked for signs of conspiracy, for which there is a legal definition, and found a lot of evidence of conspiracy that precipitated almost a dozen indictments.
“Hillary and the DNC started this with Russian propaganda” citation needed.
Hillary Clinton bought and paid for the Russian Dossier through money funneled through a law firm, Perkins-Coui, Fusion GPS commissioned former British Intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who got his information from Russia.
I’m not sure why you can’t remember, @dabbler—but Devin Nunes and others were VERY concerned about Russian interference in our elections. The Left, including Obama and Hillary, mocked the idea that anyone could tamper in a U.S. election. Only when Trump won, did they acknowledge Russian interference, and blamed it on Trump/.
You might try looking at collusion between our own FBI and DOJ for collusion between their organizations and the Democrats, and/or between the Media and the above intelligence organizations, who leaked information including fabricated information.
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