Why does this site even bother with the chat rooms?
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June 19th, 2019
More than half the time they don’t work, a lot of people check in but don’t check out.
Are the chat rooms worth it?
Right now they don’t work here in western Canada.
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19 Answers
I keep forgetting we have one to be honest
I hope they will be used when needed. Like a Fluther town hall/election/ storm/other news.
It used to be very lively. I spent a lot of time there and got to know many great people. Now it’s just a ghost of its former self…
No idea. I don’t care for the idea of chat rooms. Too fast and furious, and all over the map for my taste.
I like the regular format of Fluther when there are lots of users, lots of dedicated Mods who have the time and interest to be dedicated Mods like Auggie was, and a network of people who take down the Spam before there is more spam than regular users. Like it used to be in the heyday.
When it worked Loli and I would chat up Star Trek from time to time.
Don’t know know why anyone ever bothered, they get their fix talking shit about other members through PM’s anyway :D
June 20, 2019 10:17 EDT – - – Four people in Chat.
I can enter and leave,just can’t post anything here in western Canada.
Now I’m stuck in CHAT ! ! !
No one has ever been there or talking about anything, and I’ve checked a ton of times. I love good chat rooms.
[Mod says] They do usually work – they just don’t get a lot of traffic these days. Thanks for letting us know there’s a problem right now. We’ve let Ben know. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.
Meanwhile, I’ve kicked everyone. Don’t take it personally and re-enter at your own risk.
Everytime I ‘ve gone there, (except once many years ago, (where some chating, hardly though) it’s just @whoever entered, @whoever left No chatting.
They’re like your appendix squeek. Artifacts of a bygone day. But why remove it if it gives you no problems?
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Just an update the chat rooms are working again if anyone cares.
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