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Do you believe that a real UFO landing, covered on live TV, will happen during your lifetime?
I believe that, before I die, all the TV networks all over the world will interrrupt their normal broadcasts to announce that an Unidentified Flying Object is indeed landing in a highly populated area of Planet Earth, and that around-the-clock live TV and radio coverage of this spectacular event will dominate the airwaves.
I’m optimistic enough to believe that the extraterrestrial occupants of the spacecraft will look exactly as we look, and that “they” will be both friendly and benevolent.
I also believe that some Earthlings will panic, and try to harm the visitors, or that they will riot in the streets and loot businesses.
I just hope/pray the the US military doesn’t “over-react” to them, with suspicion and violence, because if they are indeed “that advanced” scientifically, then they would have the power to eliminate all of us.
August 26, 2008, 11:42 AM EDT
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