Social Question

Would you support a program to ensure that everyone gets enough?
Let’s eliminate all the welfare, social security, all the social safety nets, and create one straightforward mechanism that enables everyone, whether you work or not, whether you can work or you can’t, gets a safe place to live, enough food, adequate clothing, adequate health care; in general, everything you need for a healthy life (happiness is still up to you and your god). You can work, of course, so you can buy that gold-plated accordion you’ve had your eye on all this time. But if you don’t want to work, or can’t, you won’t have to sleep in the street, or starve, or be sick, etc.
Would you support it? Why/not? Would there be unacceptably many freeloaders? Would it be ruinously expensive? If you could sit around and do nothing and still have enough to eat and a safe place to sleep, would you just sit and do nothing for the rest of your life? If you could go windsurfing all day long every day, or whatever, would you do that, instead of getting a job?
How might your life change if you didn’t have to stay at a job where you’re mistreated? Or if you could experiment with some entrepreneurial project without fear of starving if it fails? Or if you could take a job that you really like, without having to worry about how little it pays? Use your imagination.
What would happen in our society if we implemented a program like this?
But wait, there’s more, the subject you’ve been waiting for: what if we defined “enough” to include a phone (and a connection, of course)? Would you stop supporting the idea? Why?