Can you believe it? Another woman has come forward to accuse Trump of attempted rape?
It makes you wonder where he found the time to stiff his contractors, swindle Atlantic City, hobnob with Russian gangsters, refuse to rent to black folks, campaign to execute the Central Park five, cheat the banks, chase hookers in Moscow….
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76 Answers
At this point hardly shocking. She posed with the very dress she wore that day of the attempted rape. But as usual it will be a “She Said, He Doesn’t Know Her” situation.
If only used lingerie could talk.
No kidding. Routine behavior.
Epitome of what his Republican voters consider presidential.
@stanleybmanly Hasn’t it occurred to you that this many things are not even possible in the timeframes given?
That’s like saying Bill Cosby may have raped over 6,000 women over the course of his lifetime.
Bill Cosby did rape 6,001 women. I mean Dr. Huxtable. Allegedly.
Not possible that he raped 6001 women. He raped 6001 GIRLS. The rest were women.
Yes. And when Cosby is elected President, I’ll be very disappointed!
Only 5,280 women plus 6,001 girls were confirmed raped by Cosby I think.
But go on I didn’t mean to hijack the discussion.
Can’t help but to think of her as metaphor for the bizarre relationship between trump and his supporters. Laughing while being assaulted.
And the tenor of this “discussion” is why women usually don’t report.
Gee…sounds like a typical Dem/Lib political tactic. Yeah, I can believe that.
Trump supporters will still say he’s the most wonderful thing since sliced bread. He grabs pussies, he rapes, he calls women fat, he makes fun of women’s appearances, he makes fun of physically challenged people, the list goes on and on and on and on and on.
This will be just like the Kavanaugh hearings. There will be terrible things said about the accuser, memes mocking her appearance and demeanor.
She also claims to have been assaulted by Les Moonves. She just happens to be passed around by all the notorious predatory men? Seems a bit fishy to me…
Two things about her story:
First, she says when he put it in her, she wasn’t sure if it was half way in or all the way.
Second, she has an article of clothing with DNA on it. If he denies ever meeting her, that will be hard to explain.
@Demosthenes She worked in same circle with Moonves I guess so no surprise they met and Moonves….another sad tale.
COME ONE, COME ALL! Don’t be shy…
See the Rep/cons are already claiming it’s just a libtard tactic to make their orange hair pussy grabbing god look bad ,and don’t believe it for a second.
Not surprising in the least, one truthful thing he did say,he could walk out in the street and shoot someone and not lose any of his puppy following base.
Well gee, @SQUEEKY2, let’s take a look at the FACTS. Not the accusations or the innuendos or the “feelings” about Trump….the FACTS. Fact 1. She claims this happened back in 1995 or 1996. She can’t narrow it down to even before or after Christmas. Fact 2. She has never brought this up before in any official capacity. Fact 3. The statute of limitations for sexual assault in NYC is 5 years. So even if she were telling the truth, nothing can be done legally. Fact 4. She has no one that can corroborate her story, only (possibly) some friends she told after the fact. As witnesses, they are no good since they only have her story to go on.
So, you have an accusation that can’t be specific as to even general time of year, with no witnesses, of a crime that can’t be prosecuted. The only reasonable purpose this can serve is to politically smear Trump and to entice people to buy her book. One has to ask, why come forward now, if all this was true? Or maybe, why didn’t she tell her husband? And if she supposedly told her husband, why wouldn’t he push for some justice at the time? There is a simple explanation that fills in a lot of holes in the logic: It never happened and she is working to try to smear Trump to hurt him at election time. Since the supposed time it happened, Trump sponsored beauty contests, he created The Apprentice, and he ran for POTUS. He was well known. But with his first run at office, the liberal propaganda machine had convinced themselves that Trump couldn’t win, so there was nothing to be gained from trying to smear him. This time is different. And just like with Kavanaugh, the Dems will create a narrative to smear their opponents if they have no other options. Or even if they do.
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The Cosby accusations came years and years after they happened and yet it was taken very seriously ,how come?
Again, by now no narrative is necessary to confirm the fool as an individual of vile and DISGUSTING character whose bloated mug is unfit to hang in the classrooms of our kids. And as much as you like to throw the word hypocrite around, if you had any sense, you would follow the example of the more astute members of your club and refuse to discuss the topic. Now go ahead, be a dummy and ask for proof that the fool is the most vile and contemptible slug in Presidential history.
A great moment to once more observe hypocrisy.
Another accuser comes out against Bill Cosby, Max Landis, Michael Jackson, or Kevin Spacey, and the response will be “Oh look, another one, what a scumbag he is.”
But the same happens to the orange god, who brags about his assaults, they smell a leftist plot.
@filmfann why do you find it odd that she couldn’t tell if he was half way in or all the way in? She’d never had sex with him. So even if he was only in there 3 inches his whole dick could have been in for all she knew.
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@SQUEEKY2 I think the biggest difference is that Cosby actually raped the women. Drugged them and raped them in some cases. The statute of limitations is different for Rape.
@ragingloli You like to put your thoughts into other’s mouths. On all the cases you listed (except Max Landis…I don’t know enough about that case), I have held the same attitude. I think someone coming out decades later to say someone did something to them with absolutely no proof is wrong. I disagree when it happens to celebrities or politicians on either side of the aisle. To blindly support these accusers borders on mob rule. It makes a person guilty until proven innocent based solely on one person’s story. In the case of Cosby, you ended up with a lot of women that were not related nor talking to each other coming forward and giving the same story. At that point it stops being a blind accusation and becomes an accusation with corroboration and evidence of wrongdoing.
I have to say, I did find it ironic when Dems/Libs jumped on the #MeToo bandwagon until it started hitting their own. Then they suddenly wanted innocent until proven guilty and they tried saying just because there was an accusation doesn’t mean it happened.
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Trump is caught on tape saying he sexually assaults women, (when, in the trailer with Billy Bush, he said he grabs ‘em by the pussy), and yet people don’t believe he sexually assaults women?
Of course not @jca2 that was just ego locker room talk, he explained that.
And his base bought it, hook line and sinker.
Funny how the Dems still believe this technique works.
They make outlandish claims with no collaborating evidence. And everyone knows its impossible to prove. This has happened more than 150 times now,
150 times and you aren’t the least bit suspicious? Golden shower Russian hookers? payoffs to porn stars? Endless strings of women claiming sexual assault? Direct quotes on his prowess as pussy grabber? ALL of it “inventions” of the Democrats?
@mazingerz88 I am finally going public…you sexually assaulted me 10 years ago. You are a horrible person that goes around sexually assaulting guys and you should be in jail for it. I should be believed without having to show any proof, right? After all, that’s what you are saying. So you are now a sexual predator. Glad we got that settled.
Indeed? And you’re convinced these Dems/Libs “made it all up”? Is it all like the Mueller report, fabricated persecutions, witch hunts financed by Hillary and Obama?
The 2 of you are laughably hopeless. There comes a point when to deny what’s in front of you is no longer merely stubborn obstinance. Don’t you get it? There isn’t going to be any good news for you regarding this fool. If the Dems ARE responsible for smearing this pig, they have mastered right wing tactics beyond any hope of the 2 of you mounting ANY rational defense. Why not just settle back and watch as the fool’s sordid past returns to bite him?
Yes, @stanleybmanly I think Dems/Libs make up a lot of it. Look at the accusers against Kavanaugh. Even the “most credible” was Blasey-Ford whose story wouldn’t have held up in a court of law…not even close. And she supposedly went to Feinstein with her story weeks before it came out. Feinstein only released it when they saw there was no actual reason for them to vote against Kavanaugh. Then the media and the libs tried turning it into a guilty-until-proven-innocent circus. Meanwhile you had Julie Sweatnik and Judy Munro-Leighton, the second of which admitted she made up the accusation to derail his confirmation. Yet you on the left think this is okay…by any means necessary, right?
No, I would say it is you and those like you that are laughably hopeless. Even when there is documented proof you are wrong you continue to cling to your hatred and your fantasies and lies.
We don’t have to make any thing up! The truth is stranger than any thing we could make up.
And yet, you do. I give you Judy Munro-Leighton as a perfect example. She created the whole story that Kavanaugh raped her. She admitted it. She did it in an attempt to stop his confirmation. In other words, she made up the whole thing to push the liberal agenda. AND she did it using the same sad story: The target attacked her at some time in the past and she was just too scared to say anything at the time. Sound familiar? We’ve heard it over and over and over again. It makes actual victims even more hesitant to come forward. And pulling out something like that for political reasons is disgusting.
She did not admit it, silly. And you can’t prove that she did because she didn’t.
Look, I’m a pretty good judge of men’s character, and I can spot the creepy ones from a mile away. Trump is the creepiest of the creeps.
Oh, her. Yeah. But she wasn’t the one who made the original accusation. Christine Blasey Ford still stands by her claim and I believe her. Hell, he did such a piss poor job controlling himself at the hearing I can’t imagine what he must be like when he’s drunk. He’s a creep too. Trump’s kind of guy.
If Kavanaugh was not a candidate for a SC seat and just another circuit judge when Ford accused him, no Republican would bat an eyelash. Too bad Ford gave Kavanaugh a chance to live a normal life and only came out when she realized his attacker was heading for the SC. Again the truth is, there are Republicans who wouldn’t care less if Ford was raped since overturning RvW is more important.
If someone makes a claim 25 years later, and after so much else has been said and done for fraudulent or pollical reasons, and there is no evidence, we can give it nothing more than a 50/50 chance. After all, in 1995, Trump was a democrat, a media mogul and a T.V. celebrity with billions. Or were these the bankruptsy years? Yeah, someone like that could have done it.
But reporting it, especially now, makes it far less credible. The Dems have cried wolf too many times for anyone to pay attention. Just another one of “those” trying to get attention, smear the party they don’t like, and sell books.
@Dutchess_III Whether you believe Blasey-Ford or not is really sort of irrelevant, just as whether I believe her or not. In the end, her story doesn’t have any backing at all. No corroborating witnesses, not even her close friends that she claimed were there with her could even agree with being at a party with her and him at the same time; an inability to give a specific time closer than half a year, nor an actual location; no evidence, not even a report from the time. In a court of law, this would not hold water and the DA bringing such a case would probably be reprimanded for doing so. Not to mention that any statute of limitations has expired long ago. So the sole purpose of this claim is to smear someone. Whether justified or not is again irrelevant. And given how this all hit the public scene, it looks like it was designed solely for the purpose of smearing Kavanaugh, by the Dems, to keep him from being confirmed.
@mazingerz88 I actually agree with you. If Blasey-Ford had actually made a police report at the time, her story would have a whole lot more substance behind it. AND Kavanaugh could have been named at that time and justice would have been served if he was found to be guilty. But that is really the whole point of my argument…why wait so long to come forward? Why wait until the 11th hour of his SCOTUS nomination to suddenly feel the need for justice? According to her, she suffered from this all her life. So why let him go to law school or become an attorney or get appointed to a federal bench? Why not seek justice earlier? Waiting has really hurt her credibility.
As to whether Repubs would have batted an eye or not, you are also probably correct. They have condemned their own in the past for illegal activities, including those of a sexual nature. So if a charge had come against Kavanaugh before, they probably would have looked for the evidence and, if it was there, would have tossed him aside. And rightfully so. The thing that really should bother you is that the Dems don’t share that view. I give you Keith Ellison as a perfect example. Accused of not only sexual assault but also domestic violence when there is supposedly video evidence of the wrongdoings and the Dems stood by HIM the entire time. Why is it that Dems can’t support justice for all, including Democrats?
The line of accusers is rather long and continues to lengthen as the extent of the character shortfalls defining Mr. Trump expand beyond any rational defense or explanation. Whether this victim or the next is inventing her story may be open to debate, but the sheer magnitude of the list is not. Nor is there any disputing the fact that accusations regarding the fool’s sexual proclivities, are but a subset of the vast range of moral and ethical shortcomings defining the fool. These ethical questions so dominate the man and his corrupt administration that his already feeble abilities at governance are further eroded to the detriment of the country at large. The charge that the totality of massive allegations against the fool are attributable to liberal fantasies is just stupid. The truth about the fool gradually seeps out as the overall revelations on just how slimy and corrupt a pile of sewage he unfortunately is.
What Mr. Obama said about his daughters ”“Malia and Sasha, under the strangest of circumstances, you have become two amazing young women, smart and beautiful, but more importantly, kind and thoughtful and full of passion,” he said. ”“You wore the burden of years in the spotlight so easily,” he said. “Of all that I’ve done in my life, I’m most proud to be your dad.”
What trump the scum says about HIS daughter” ”… although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating (read “fucking”) her.”
“In 2013, talk show host Wendy Williams played a game with Donald and Ivanka, asking them what favorite activities they had in common…..Donald grinned and said, “Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that to her,” prompting groans from the audience.”
“In a 2004 interview with Howard Stern, Trump acknowledged that it was fine for Stern to call Ivanka “a piece of ass.””
And all of it, and more, is recorded.
And women are coming forward with rape allegations? Imagine that.
@Dutchess_III You could catch Trump in bed with the girl tied up screaming for help, and the right would still claim left wing plot and no evidence.
Good one, @Dutchess_III and @SQUEEKY2
But back to reality. The left has cried wolf too many times, The public is exasperated.
Can I believe it? Another woman has come forward to accuse Trump of attempted rape? Of course. It is constant. But no one pays much attention anymore. We all know what it is and why they do it. So why should anyone be surprised at any time it is done?
@Yellowdog You are absolutely correct, but you will never get any of these liberal jellies admit that their own people playing games actually hurt the true victims.
I agree that Judy Munro-Leighton did the absolutely slime ball wrong thing,and she should be prosecuted. That doesn’t negate Ford’s testimony.
@Dutchess_III The point is, when the lefties come out of the woodwork with decades old claims with no witnesses and no corroboration and vague details, it raises a lot a questions about credibility. One of the questions that needs to be asked every time is “What’s in it for her?” In some cases, it is nothing more than political activism gone crazy, as with Judy Munro-Leighton. In other cases, follow the money. Julie Swetnick hired Michael Avenatti and came forward with a bizarre tale as well. Seems Avenatti was looking for publicity and money. And the liberal media gave it to him. Too bad they did nothing to actually check the caliber of the person they were supporting. By the way, did he trigger your scumbag radar? And speaking of following the money, I came across this article and thought I would look into it more:
Another question that needs to be asked is “why is this coming out now?” Or similarly, “How did this get released and did timing play into it? With Blasey-Ford, she sat on this horrible event for decades and never said a word to anyone. She even claimed she brought it up to a therapist but the therapists notes don’t reference it at all. Not to be dissuaded, she writes a letter do Sen Feinstein detailing it. Feinstein doesn’t feel it is important enough to bring up a month before she does…she sits on it. It only comes out after the confirmation hearing was basically concluded and the Dems found no reason to reject Kavanaugh. She then throws the turd on the table without having any evidence it is or isn’t true, she did nothing to confirm it, but then wanted to block the confirmation so the FBI could investigate…again. Sound politically motivated? It does to most rational persons.
And lastly, the sheer quantity of bogus claims that came out at the same time throw doubt on Blasey-Ford. Even if she was sincere and telling the truth, it looks like every other scumbag trying to pull a political prank. And THAT is where the left hurts women…they try using them as weapons and they are not believed when they may be telling the truth.
She had the corroboration she needed. Most of all was Kavanaugh freaking losing it in trial. He’s a wack job, no way suitable for the Supreme Court.
Actually, he (Kavenaugh) is pretty stable and has supported as many left causes as right. He applies it to the letter of the law, with its intention and reasoning made clear.
As far as ANYONE accusing Trump or anyone associated with him with rape 25–30 years ago, I cannot give any of it more than a 50% chance of being true, and no way to know either way. And loses almost all credibility if reported NOW.
It would have come out long before now, when Trump was in his heyday, in the limelight, a T.V. celebrity and Democrat /Clinton supporter.
@Dutchess_III she had zero corroboration. She even said her good friend could attest to the events and the good friend had to come out and say that she couldn’t remember ever being at a party with her where Kavanaugh was present. She couldn’t give a good date or even a location. There was no corroboration at all.
Also, Kavanaugh was not on trial. He got righteously indignant at the smear job that was being played out for the cameras and how it was impacting his reputation and his family’s safety. Imagine that…an innocent man getting pissed off at hearing someone come forward with what he knows to be a lie and being basically told he is guilty until he proves his innocence. His reaction was not unusual. And he held his tongue for a long time before he finally spoke out. His response called out all the smear tactics perfectly.
I think the Left is trying to present itself as a force not to be reckoned with, a police state that will destroy you, your career, your family, if you oppose them or their agenda.
Yes! I do it too!
A lot of people do, in fact. You should try it sometime!
That is funny. When Obama was first elected some idiot right winger put up a sign, on his own property, that said something like, “They’re coming for you!!!”
He was too stupid to realize that if that if he really believed that, putting that ON HIS OWN PROPERTY was a really stupid thing to do.
But that’s right wing “thinking” and “logic” for you.
Hey! That was ME you’re talking about.
He couldn’t have raped her. She isn’t his type, he said.
I will say @Yellowdog Your dedication and loyalty to Trump has to be admired the guy can absolutely do no wrong in your eyes.
I don’t agree with any of your views political, but do admire your dedication, loyalty, and commitment to the right you make your orange hair god proud, he really doesn’t deserve your kind of dedication.
Well, I think it’s weird! It’s some sort of collective insanity.
Hey I didn’t say I agreed with him just admire his loyalty.
I think most of Trumps loyal zombies have some form of collective insanity.
When I try to put myself in their heads it’s like walking through a thick pea soup. You can’t even see the ground at your feet or what’s looming in front of you.
They could catch him in bed humping away with the woman tied up and his loyal zombies would still scream leftist plot, no evidence .
But you still have to admire their loyalty.
I would compare it more to hip high in a septic tank, wondering what turd your going to bump into next.
LOLL!! The shit could literally hit the fan, and his loyal zombies would sigh in pleasure at the breath of fresh air.
Yes, anyone that doesn’t slam Trump endlessly must have some collective insanity…said the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
You’ve walked through thick pea soup, @Dutchess_III deep enough to not see your feet?
Well, that’s better than @SQUEEKY2 who evidently knows what its like to walk hip deep in septic tanks. Why do you do these things?
Look at some of your own statements, which sound like 13-year-olds. Yet you are saying I am the one somehow depraved or perverted. The railing against Trump is the only collective insanity and zombie-like behavior. It will go down in the history books, along with the waponizing of American Intelligence and the duping a nation to influence an election and take out a president.
LOL!! Insane, I tell you!
I think you do these things just to say. “Ew! This is disgusting” and when you attempt to describe the experience, rather than admitting you enjoy walking hip-deep in a septic tank, you simply say Trump is this disgusting
Since its hard to tell on the net, I jest in love. Though I disagree with you extremely.
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