Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If Clinton was impeached and Hillary went to jail how would Trump be defended by his fans?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) June 22nd, 2019

As asked.

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90 Answers

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What? I don’t understand the question.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They would swear now like they have all along he has done nothing wrong,now fuck off type thing.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Dutchess_III Sorry. Just that there’s this perpetual mentioning of Hillary getting away with her email related crimes by trump defenders. That seems to justify why the FBI or the CIA or the Avengers shouldn’t even bother going after trump.

The perfect deflection I know. If Hillary voluntarily went to jail, I wonder how they would continue deflecting then.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

OIC. They are dreadfully crazy, really.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now why would they go after Trump, just because he LIED about not knowing Putin when he did meet the guy when he was there for his beauty contests.
That his kid met with a Russian operative (Trump Probably there as well) trying to get dirt on Hilary.
Many of his sleaze ball business deals?
The guy is as pure as snow over a New York septic plant.
Oh yeah and truthful as well never lies.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump will never be held accountable by his supporters. No matter what. If I’ve learned one thing, since his election, it’s that…

stanleybmanly's avatar

He would be defended as he is now. They would parrot the Trump line despite repeated and overwhelming evidence to the contrary. There would be exactly as there is now a loud siren of denials amidst accusations of malevolent persecution as the truth of his dismal failures pile up in the national psyche. But the dam has burst and the facade demolished as the hyped up supposed business leviathan is revealed as nothing beyond corrupt illusion— a product of smoke and mirrors and nothing authentic—the living, breathing realization of fake news.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, to start with, Bill Clinton WAS impeached. He was not convicted because Republicans in the Senate didn’t vote party line and the Dems did. And if Hillary did go to jail for her crimes, that would be justice. As for Trump, when he commits a crime, I would say he should be punished as well. But remember, Both Clintons did their crimes while in public office. So trying to find some tax loophole Trump used from 20 years ago is just political silliness. I think that is part of the problem with liberal thinking on this matter. People that don’t slam Trump at every chance (termed as “Trump supporters” by the left) don’t usually have the attitude that he is above the law. But so far, all the left has put out is bogus ideas of crimes. The entire Russia collusion thing was nothing more than a political witch hunt that produced….nothing. Oh, I know….some out there will scream about the 37 indictments. But that claim in itself is sort of bogus and actually ends up pointing more to the hypocrisy of the left than anything. Most of the indictments against Americans were for crimes that were personal in nature (not involving Trump) or they lied on a form about their ties to foreigners.
Yeah, I get it…so where is the outrage about the 6 Dem congressmen that have serious ties to Qatar? They lied on forms about those and their defense is “well, we’ll file an amendment”. The left claims Trump is a racist which really isn’t accurate nor is it a crime unless it leads to violations of some other law. They claim he is a nationalist which is about the most idiotic thing I’ve heard and is still not a crime. Imagine! The president of a country wanting his country to be a country!!! What a crime!
But overall, if Trump were found to have actually committed a crime (not innuendo or mere accusation but actually proof) I would suggest he be punished in the same way I call for Hillary or any Dem to be punished.

flutherother's avatar

It was Trump who started the malicious gossip about Hillary deserving jail. Presumably he felt guilty about something and pointing the finger at his rival put him back on the offensive. Just by asking this question we can see how the Trump narrative has come to dominate American politics. Where a good leader would bring out the best in Americans Trump continually brings out the worst.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother Actually, Trump didn’t start that discussion and it wasn’t gossip. It’s called the law. What should bother people more is that, because of partisan politics apparently, the government didn’t even want to investigate it. When the outrage became enough, they launched a ha-ha investigation which couldn’t help but show she broke the law. Then the corrupt government made excuses for not prosecuting her…excuses that completely contradicted the law.

mazingerz88's avatar

trump loves the FBI when their actions favor him and detests them when it’s not. Not exactly a crime but I might be inclined to investigate why if I’m in a position to do so.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 that is just a silly thing to say. It’s like saying that you like cops when they are saving you and hate them when they are giving you a ticket and that is suspicious.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^In real life not when you’re running for or acting US President.

seawulf575's avatar

^Sorry…it’s a pitiful stretch. It smacks of desperation to find something.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Nothing desperate in the case of trump. No sane official in the FBI, DOJ and CIA could simply ignore his obstruction of justice.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Speaking of the law, did KellyAnne receive a haha investigation?

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly she may have. I know this is a hot topic with the left since they are desperate to find anything against anyone associated with Trump. In this case it is claims of violation of the Hatch act. Let’s go to the law, again. If you go to 5 USC 7323 (a)(1) you find the statement “use his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election;” referring to what an “employee” may not do. And employee in this case refers to someone working for the executive branch with some exceptions. So if you say that Mrs Conway, by way of voicing her opinion on a Democratic candidate “used her official authority for the purpose of interfering wiht or affecting the result of an election” then yes, she breaking the law. However, if you go down to 5 USC 7323©, it reads “An employee retains the right to vote as he chooses and to express his opinion on political subjects and candidates.” So voicing her opinion on a candidate isn’t really a violation at all. And that is where the real confusion falls in. Since she was being interviewed as a WH employee and she voiced an opinion, was that a violation of the Hatch Act?
But let’s continue in the law. If you look at 5 USC 7326, you find the penalties for violation of these laws. It reads:
“An employee or individual who violates section 7323 or 7324 shall be subject to—
(1) disciplinary action consisting of removal, reduction in grade, debarment from Federal employment for a period not to exceed 5 years, suspension, or reprimand;
(2) an assessment of a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000; or
(3) any combination of the penalties described in paragraph (1) or (2).”

So if she was in violation of the Hatch Act, her penalty could be a simple as a reprimand. That may or may not have happened. So let me ask, do you really think it is worth the time to bring legal charges against someone like this when the punishment, if found guilty, could be a simple reprimand? Talk about a waste of time and money!

stanleybmanly's avatar

But wasn’t Ms. Conway warned against such behavior after violating the act, then given training on the Hatch act, its limits and ramifications? After which, did she not proceed on numerous occasions to openly and flagrantly violate the act? And finally what is the recommended discipline for these encroachments from Trump’s own appointed office of special council?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 .

“They claim he is a nationalist which is about the most idiotic thing I’ve heard.” ...

Trump called HIMSELF a nationalist!?.?.?.?..... I can’t provide a link. U-tube it, if you don’t remember….

elbanditoroso's avatar

1) Clinton (neither of them) is president. Nothing to impeach.
2) the penalty for impeachment is to no longer be president. Not to go to jail.

Question is nonsensical.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The left still throws it around like it is somehow a bad thing. I don’t want a president that doesn’t believe we should have a country.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly again…I’m not even sure her voicing her opinion about another candidate constitutes a violation of the Hatch Act. Since the law specifically says that an employee retains their rights to express their opinions on political subjects and candidates, it may not be anything more than another effort by the left to blow things way out of proportion. And the proof of that is that every site I can find (left leaning) that mentions Mrs Conway and the violation of the Hatch Act, will only reference the first part of the law that says an employee may not use the official authority to influence an election, but they NEVER mention that she retains her right to voice her opinion. Might want to think about that. Wait…never mind. I just remembered who I was talking to. You don’t WANT to think about it because it casts a doubt on the liberal agenda.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Did those sites mention that Trump’s office of special counsel notified the B I G man that her repeat offenses are so egregious that they warrant her dismissal?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . You can be mad at the left, all you want. You claimed it was idiotic. Your buddy claimed himself to be one. Now your trying to deflect AGAIN….

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is what most right wingers do deflect,deflect, and when that doesn’t work scream fake news over and over.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I think the right is beginning to feel profoundly stupid so, in response, they just get redneck.
BTW…trump did not rape the most recent accuser and the proof is she wasn’t his type.
Jesus Christ.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You are confusing deflection with embracing. As I said…I don’t want a president that doesn’t want a country. Or that doesn’t think our country is great. Those are pretty much the defining characteristics of a Nationalist. I guess the real question is why the left tries to use it as a slam? They don’t want a country? They don’t think our nation is great?

stanleybmanly's avatar

They are embarrassed by the turd at the top. He falls into that other group of Nationalists, only without the smarts. You can see it in his rejection of our former allies and his current embrace of other despots and strong arm gangsters that he imagines himself to resemble. You know, “love letters” from Kim, “Russia if you’re listening”. With the fool at the helm, America is the Corlione family only Fredo is the Godfather.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Fredo doing his best act imitating Sonny.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . You’re the only one confused here. You said that the left claims “that he (Trump) is a nationalist which is about the most idiotic thing I ever heard.” So…
1. You’re saying that Trump himself declared “about the most idiotic thing I ever heard.” 2. You have continued to dodge this, so I’ll have to assume that you believed it to be the left “smearing poor Don.” And as with this case, and most others, the only “smearing” is done by Trump himself. From his own stupid mouth. No conspiracies, no fake news.
3. Being caught spreading real fake news, you deflect, and now opine that a POTUS should be a nationalist.

“I guess the real question is why the left tries to use it as a slam?”
Wrong again. YOU tried to use it, to slam the left. But you only slammed yourself, and Trump.

So. Being called a nationalist, by the left, is an idiotic lie. A smear tactic.
But if Trump declares it, now it’s a good thing?

All that you have done here, is expose Trump, for being exactly what he is. Bonus, for exposing yourself spreading fake news, and perfectly illustrating what I have said ALL ALONG. We don’t judge Trump, by manufactured conspiracy theories. We judge him by his own words, and actions. Meanwhile, you listen to Trump’s words, as if there is a sliver of truth to them. THIS is Trump’s pattern. He lies, about his lies. And his supporters spread those lies, or try to twist them when caught…

The simple truth, is that Trump is EXACTLY what his detractors have said he is all along. If you sit Trump in front of a camera long enough, he will confirm every bit of what he calls fake news about himself…

Oh, and news flash. The US isn’t great. That was the heart of Trump’s campaign. Remember MAGA? IF the US was SO great, why wouldn’t his slogan have been Keep America Great? All of Trump’s supporters claim they didn’t like the way things were. But now that the war on non-white/non-christian people is on (and that’s THE only difference,) it’s a great country again…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I find the idea that anyone would consider calling the POTUS a nationalist and mean it as a slam is idiotic. I know…Trump owned it…as he should. But you act like the left doesn’t slam him with that term. They use that term as a slam in so many cases it’s silly.
So let me help you…once again…since you can’t seem to do research on your own.

The lists go on and on and on. I think the NPR article summed it up pretty well when they wrote of the word nationalist: “It has too often been associated with far more divisive attitudes.” Please note, they don’t say it MEANS anything divisive, they say it has been ASSOCIATED with divisive attitudes. And who associates it that way? Why, the left, of course.
As you say, I judge the left by their own words!.
And the bit about how the left doesn’t judge him by manufactured conspiracy theories? Yeah….I don’t think that is entirely accurate. I had to argue with just about every liberal on these pages about the Russia collusion investigation for 2 years. You all had him guilty from the get-go. You were convinced he was lying about not being involved. (remember? He lies about EVERYTHING!!!!). Yet in the end….it was a huge conspiracy theory that you all judged him by.
Oh, and news flash: Trump’s new campaign slogan IS Keep America Great. You dolt. And the fact you can’t see many improvements over the mire Obama left just shows how blinded you are by the rhetoric of the left.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why don’t you list a few of those “improvements” for our edification.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why do those guys think writing a wall of words will help their case? We all recognize that for what it really is.

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MrGrimm888's avatar

seawulf575 . AGAIN. YOU used it, to slim the left. Then, when confronted with the reality that Trump himself said it, you changed your tune quickly. Nothing can back you out of your own hole. You accurately demonstrated your blind, rudderless attack on the left, with regurgitated conservative media lies. Often, lies that can be proven wrong with video of Trump lying. And lying about lying.
Then. You turn your attempted slam of the left, into a completely different tirade, to deflect your spreading of fake news… Nationalism, is no bueno…

seawulf575's avatar

Again, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I’m not using the term nationalist to slam the left. I’m slamming the left for USING the term nationalist as a slam. Show me ANYWHERE in this thread where I have called ANYONE a nationalist. I jokingly suggested you sounded like a nationalist on a different thread, but never said it was a bad thing. You are so imbued with the leftist rhetoric that you couldn’t help but see it as a bad thing. You think somehow I have dug myself into a hole but really can’t point to how without making stuff up. Give it up, dude. The sooner you accept that TDS is real and that most of the left are mentally unstable, the sooner you will get better. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You’re just sugar coating your BS….I’ll give you a mulligan…

You did call me a nationalist. I was curious how I fit in that category….

KNOWITALL's avatar

All I really want to add is that @seawulf575 is correct that the term was discussed on previous threads here and some on the left did use it referring to Hitler as a negative, etc…

That happened after Trump said he was one, which many in my area thought was a positive.

mazingerz88's avatar

Did trump ever say what kind of “nationalist” he is?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It should surprise no one that Trump would consider himself a nationalist, regardless of the near certain probability he wouldn’t know the difference between a nationalist and a hole in the ground. His views on the world reflect his short attention span and an intellectual capacity that does not extend beyond the concept of “me and mine”. Considering the man’s equipment, the processing of anything as lofty as strategic thinking is out of the question. He’s lucky to muster the cognitive efficiency to tie his shoes.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . @seawulf575 brought it up, as a bash against the left. He was spreading fake news, whether he remembered or not. Something he, and the right constantly try to paint themselves as victims. Sorry. He can spin it however he likes, he did it.

Hitler was a nationalist. Being a nationalist, is a negative thing. I have been adamantly denying that Trump’s camps, are the same as Hitler’s. Because I don’t make up things, or spread fake news. I don’t expect a trophy, but I’ll certainly call out right-wing cry babies, who are letting themselves be manipulated by the conservative media… Trumpers are not victims of the left. They are victims of the right. And then, they get mad when the left thinks they’re stupid, and gullible. Well… If the shoe fits…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 and @stanleybmanly thank you for proving my point for me. You both have tried using “nationalist” as a slam. You both view it as a negative. So tell me…what is YOUR definition of a nationalist? And of course, after you give me that, I will give you the dictionary definition and then we will discuss why you think being a nationalist is a bad thing?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Were you a thinking person, you might ask yourself (instead of us) “what might be the disadvantages to the President of the United States being a
strident nationalist?” Actually I’m not going to tell you why the word nationalist is regarded as pejorative. I will tell you that it is invariably non thinking or poorly educated people who fail to appreciate why the word is a “slam”. The clue is in that very definition (the one that you assume I don’t know). By now you should realize that if I tell you that a word is regarded as a slam, you should damned well figure out the reason why. You still don’t appreciate that the arrival of the computer late in your life is no substitute for abstract thought. All that stuff that you are busily looking up must be digested to be understood and placed in context. So to point you in that direction, I will simply ask why do YOU think I believe the word a “slam”?

MrGrimm888's avatar

You, @seawulf575 ,tried to use it as a slam. When it was thrown back in your face, it became a good thing. Read your own posts… Then YOU can defend why is was “about the most idiotic thing I ever heard,“in regards to Trump… And then we can discuss why it was an inaccurate way to describe Trump by the left, or why it’s a positive way, when you describehim that way from the right.
I’ll give you a hint. There’s no right answer. You painted yourself into a corner. The only way out, is to concede that you are a liar, or a bullshiter… Or both…

seawulf575's avatar

This is so amusing! On one hand, I have @stanleybmanly saying that “nationalist” is a slam and that only non thinking or poorly educated people can’t appreciate why it is a slam. And then we have @MrGrimm888 trying to say that the left doesn’t use “nationalist” as a slam. Which is it, boys? Is @stanleybmanly wrong or is @MrGrimm888 full of shit?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^It’s quite amusing. YOU used it as a slam. Until you realized Trump was dumb enough to admit he was a nationalist.

I gave you an out. But you’d rather pursue this, as if you have a possible win. You’re either a liar/false news spreader, or you don’t know what you’re talking about….

seawulf575's avatar

To help you all out, here’s the definition of “Nationalist”:

Merriam Webster defines Nationalist as
1: an advocate of or believer in nationalism
2 : a member of a political party or group advocating national independence or strong national government

So Trump says he is a nationalist and I say it is idiotic to try to say that is a bad thing. So, @MrGrimm888 Now that you have the textbook definition, what say you? You are using it as a slam and say Trump is “dumb enough to admit he was a nationalist”. So what makes him so dumb? Because he advocates for national independence and a strong national government? Help me out here. Why is he so dumb and WHY is it that the left continues to use “nationalist” as a slam?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Wrong. You said the left claiming Trump was a nationalist, was idiotic. YOU insinuated that it was was a bad thing. YOU changed course, when you realized Trump admitted it. So. YOU have some explaining to do… You can’t back both statements.

Uugh… Back to reading and comprehension….

seawulf575's avatar

Yes, back to reading comprehension. The left uses nationalist all the time as a slam. I said that the left claiming Trump was a nationalist is idiotic. I even stated that I wouldn’t want a POTUS that didn’t love our country or actually want it to be a country. Trump said he was a nationalist and that holds true in my views. Go back and look. There is no conflict here, except in that strange mind you have. And I even have identified where your circuits shorted. I said the left using it as a slam is idiotic (for the reasons I have explained…repeatedly), and you read my statement as “it is idiotic because it is a lie.” Where did I EVER say it was a lie? Now, care to explain why the left sees being a nationalist as a bad thing? After all, that IS the point of my discourse….not the weird rewrite you have in your mind. Fake News? Yep…that’s you.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 textbook definition? If that is the extent of the definition for “nationalist” in your dictionary, you’ve been swindled. Prattle on poor ignorant man, and when you find the time to take a breath, contemplate the leadership in this world and notice just who falls on that nationalist list. Seriously, take the time to read even those piddling definitions you’ve quoted here, and see if you can come up with a reason that the word nationalist might not be a compliment.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Gentlemen, geesh… you go.

It’s also a word that means different things to different people.
“There are different definitions depending on whose nationalism you’re talking about,” Paul D. Miller, a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, told CNN.
“Scholars generally differentiate between civic and ethnic/sectarian nationalism, that is, between rooting American identity in the ideals of the American experiment versus rooting it in some aspect of our culture, heritage, history, language or ethnicity. Civic nationalism is the same as what I would call patriotism, and it is essential to a healthy democracy. The second kind of nationalism—sectarian nationalism—is pernicious and dangerous.”
But Raheem Kassam, a former senior adviser to Brexit leader Nigel Farage, rejects this second, more negative definition of nationalist.
“Nationalism is not inherently ugly. It is in fact inherently beautiful,” said Kassam, who is currently a fellow at the Middle East Forum.

stanleybmanly's avatar

So what would you make of the contrast between nationalist and internationalist? Or which would you suppose might better serve or understand the strategic interests of the United States?

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly or which could be the better slam for Trump?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly I think making up your own definitions of words that already have definitions is ignorant-especially when you try to hold others accountable for not using (your) definition. :)

seawulf575's avatar

Now, @KNOWITALL, you need to go back and look closer. @stanleybmanly didn’t give ANY definition….he only tried to deflect mine.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 Oh got it! Sorry!

<And btw, sorry now means ‘not sorry’. Because I said so. haha!>

stanleybmanly's avatar

Where have i invented definitions? Is internationalist my own private word? If not, once again I ask for the difference between the 2.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, we haven’t actually heard your definitions. You ridiculed mine (and Merriam-Webster’s) because, well, as a liberal you MUST know more than everyone else. So regale us. Tell us your definitions so we can then give you a rational answer to your question. But you know, of course, I will ask you to cite where your definitions come from.

MrGrimm888's avatar

IF anyone bothered to watch Trump’s meandering statement, you would have noticed that the first word he examined, was “globalist.” He didn’t go into the multiple types of globalists. Nor did he go into the multiple types of nationalists. The context of his speech, make both crystal clear. At least, as far as Trump’s understanding of the two words.

Trump’s declaration of what being a nationalist is, to him, makes really any definition irrelevant. Regardless of it’s source. As it is Trump’s declaration, that is being debated. Trump made the declaration, in the same manor in which he declared that there were “fine people on both sides,” of the Charlottesville fiasco. Those, are the nationalists, that comprise his base, and it was those same people who he was pandering to, when he made both statements.

@KNOWITALL practically turned into a liberal, by fracturing the word nationalist, into so many different types. But didn’t bother to list the types of globalists?.?..We can only assume, that her reasoning was to draw attention away from the positive sides of globalism. To avoid insult, I’ll call it willful omission…

And yet, here we are again. @seawulf575 defining a nationalist, as a good thing, once he realized Trump admitted to being one. But trying to use it as a bad thing, when saying that the left claimed Trump was a nationalist… Sounds like there is only one jelly here, who needs to clarify their position on the word nationalist

There are dozens if rants/speeches given by people considered “nationalists” that are linked to Trump’s speech (Hitler, Putin, Kim, Xi etc.) They ALL speak in the same contexts, and demeanor, as Trump. If it walks like a duck… Quacks like a duck… Claims it’s a duck… Well…...

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 google the word and discover the omissions implicit in YOUR definition.

seawulf575's avatar

And still no definitions. Thanks for contributing @stanleybmanly

stanleybmanly's avatar

And you admonish ME on MY reading comprehension? Google the word “nationalist”.

seawulf575's avatar

Again, @stanleybmanly, You are the one that tried belittling my definition, yet you gave nothing in its place. You spout your arrogance, yet cannot actually back up your words. Instead, you want me to do your research for us. Sorry…you can do your own research. I did mine, which is how I got the definition I presented…Oh yeah…a Google search. So why is it so hard for you to try actually defending your opinions with verifiable facts?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 nice, long, dodge. You still haven’t explained how anything in the definition is a bad thing for a POTUS. You gave innuendo, popular opinion and yet failed to actually address the issue. You are making progress, though. You’ve moved away from the claim that the left doesn’t use the word nationalist as a slam to actually embracing and trying to defend it. It’s some progress. Eventually you will realize, though, that now that you have embraced the leftist lingo, you will have to actually discuss how the definition of the word you use as a slam is actually a slam for a POTUS. Not how the left has used it for others, not what the talking heads on your liberal “news” outlets present it, but how it actually is wrong. You will actually have to think for yourself.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You do understand that unlike yourself, I don’t require any research to understand in depth the meaning of the word “nationalist.” Forget about belittling your definition. It’s time once again to turn to the business of belittling YOU for your extraordinary arrogance in the face of your extensive and overpowering ignorance. What I am telling you little man is that your simplistic definition is painfully insufficient to bring to the table in any discussion involving the nuances with a word that I know more about than you do the hair on your empty head. If you insist on exhibiting the impertinence to confront me in a battle of semantics, you should at minimum summon tools worthy of the attempt.

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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is Trump a Nationalist, like Hitler was a Nationalist?

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longgone's avatar

[Mod says] Personal attacks are against Fluther guidelines. Please remember to disagree without being disagreeable.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 that was the direction I thought the conversation was headed. And it certainly is a question worthy of discussion, along with the other esteemed members of the nationalist club.

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MrGrimm888's avatar

Wow. I intentionally ignored this thread, for a bit, because it had 29 new responses, and I wanted to be able to read them all.

Looks mostly moded though.

@seawulff575 . I’m not sure how you can refer to the word “nationalist” as leftist lingo. However, I suppose that most nationalists lean right, so I’m fine agreeing with that…

Why is being a nationalist, bad for a POTUS.

Well. That specific world leader, has a LOT of diplomatic responsibilities. The US is a sort of acting arbitrator, in many global conflicts, or is directly involved in others. With final decisions, going to the top. IMO. This calls for an individual who will have the ability to seem humble, and/or impartial, while dealing with matters that affect the overall flow of the rest of the world. As long as the rest of the world does well, so will the USA, and our allies. The US, commands an almost unprecedented amount of weight, in how the world works. All leaders want what is best for the country that they represent. But that doesn’t mean that they boast about it, bad mouth others (like calling countries ‘shit holes,) or intentionally start trade wars. International affairs, cannot be conducted like business, that only benefits one party, through bullying.

The UNITED States of America.

A nationalist, usually has not just a certain view on all of their own countrymen, but prefers a certain part of the population, that they like. (See EVERY nationalist, like ever.)

Nationalists disrupt racial, ethnic, harmony, and overall coexistence. (Think what you want about that, but it’s a symptom of having nationalists.) Such things lead to civil discord, riots, and in extreme cases, revolution or civil war. Leaders, like Trump, greatly exacerbate societal differences.

If you want to pretend that some of the absolute worst figures in history, were nationalists, that’s up to you…

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