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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is there a way to restore dried automotive paste wax?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23475points) June 22nd, 2019

I have about a quarter container of automotive paste wax, that has dried out and become crumbly.
I hate to waste it, is there anything to restore it a bit so it can be used?
Would adding a bit of hot water work?
Would warming it up on the stove work?
Is it just dead and I should chuck it and get a new container?

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6 Answers

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kritiper's avatar

You might try mixing in a little rubbing alcohol, otherwise just chuck it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

See if you can get some cheesecloth and put some of the crumbs in the cloth. Hold in you hand to warm it, and then see if will come through the cloth. Use it; make sure wax and cloth are dirt and dust free.

YARNLADY's avatar

Try running or pouring hot water over the container.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The fact that you asked this question makes you my new hero! :-)

Strauss's avatar

Here’s a “McGyver”:
1. Place the wax in a plastic bag
2. Take one of those microwaveable heating pads and heat it up until it is almost too hot to handle. You can make your own with an old wool sock and rice.
3. Wrap the plastic bag in the heating pad and it should liquefy…or at least, “paste-ify.”

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