General Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

How many of you have your estates/ final paperwork all completed?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29987points) June 24th, 2019

When and why did you decide to get it taken care of?

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10 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

There are two documents that need to be sorted. Hopefully, they will be done in the next month. Everything should go to my significant other and not to those designated in my existing will.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Not me, but people keep dying around me so it’s on my radar to get done this year.

seawulf575's avatar

The wife and I set up living wills and durable powers of attorney something like 15 years ago. I came across our copies a few months ago and reviewed them. No changes needed, though I may update them anyway, just to ensure they are kept current. We decided to do that because we just wanted to avoid headaches later on…make the choices while we are calm and rational, not in the heat of the moment.

jca2's avatar

I have a will. What I have to get together is account numbers for my various accounts, for the executor of the will.

Caravanfan's avatar

I had it all done when we had our trust made.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 If you haven’t gotten legal counsel, you may consider a trust if there are multiple accounts, just fyi. It’s like having it all in a portable suitcase, much easier.

janbb's avatar

I have my will and advance care directive done; need to compile a list of accounts for my executor. My Ex and I had done them some time ago and I redid my will shortly after the divorce and updated it to include bequests to my grandchildren recently.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Done, including living will.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t have everything squared away, but it’s on my to-do next month actually.

A few months ago I took care of almost all of the beneficiary information on bank accounts and IRA’s etc. Right now, if I died, God forbid, all the money is pretty much taken care of between the appointed beneficiaries, and the fact that most of my accounts are joint with my husband so on those accounts the money automatically becomes his. I’d have to trust that my grandma’s things would be given to my sister. Trust my husband in that case, and I do believe he would take care of it.

If my husband and I die together then I’m in trouble. That’s where I don’t have everything sorted.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Thanks all, the odds on this site aren’t that great based on how many answered, that’s interesting!

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