Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is slamming the person for different political views the right way to debate politics?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23513points) June 27th, 2019

Both sides do it before any of you get all upset.
Now of course since you are more sensitive to your political beliefs you feel the other side is more guilty of personal attacks, regardless if that is right or left beliefs.
I have seen it come more for front since Trump took office, mocking a handicap reporter, slamming political opponents personally, instead of their views.
Is this the new normal?
Yes I have been guilty of it myself from time to time.
Why do we even discuss politics with people with extreme right or left views, we are never going to change their mind about those views, is it worth it?
Does it help your side if you call the person a moron, or idiot?

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35 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Oh, look, an actually wise political question!

“Is slamming the person for different political views the right way to debate politics?”

“Does it help your side if you call the person a moron, or idiot?”

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Of course not.

“Help me to understand…” works better.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree ^ but all they want to point out is how stupid your views are and theirs lead to the light.
Or at least huge tax breaks for their corporate masters.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Most of the people bickering frankly just tow their party line and don’t actually know what the hell they are talking about.

zenvelo's avatar

…the right way to debate…

All depends on what your goal is. If your only goal is to get elected, the demonstrated answer would have to be no.

elbanditoroso's avatar


But there are plenty of people here on Fluther that do it – when they don’t have a good cogent argument, they make personal statements against the person they are discussing with.

You know who you are!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

It’s worth to engage because I wouldn’t get tired calling people who support an ass who separate kids from parents and detain those kids like animals, evil.

You are maybe a great grandparent, parent, a great person, a great friend to your friends at work but if you say nothing when clear inhumane acts of cruelty are being committed by the very person you think was manna from heaven….you are lost.

Bashing someone for his political views and me bashed is better than in third world countries where political foes send assassins to kill each other. Here in the US we agree to disagree and then there are people who disagree while hating because they just could not fathom the position their fellow human being and fellow Americans are taking.

People who hate ( maybe not all ) understand logic and reason. But seriously, trump is beyond all that. He is vain, he is vile, he is cruel. He would bring the country down if that would keep him in the limelight.

What does that make of his sheeple?

mazingerz88's avatar

Btw, to answer the OP. Bashing is no doubt the wrong way to have proper debates.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

I really try not to but sometimes I feel like I’m beating my head against a blank brick wall. They can’t, or won’t, even try to hear what I’m saying. Tempers flare.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

BUT then is it really worth the bother^^ they are not going to change your mind any more than you theirs?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, at that point it’s a tension release and that’s all. But you should recognize it, and hopefully find some other way to release the tension, rather than all over the person WHO CAUSED IT!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Totally agree, care for an espresso martini?^
Or maybe a screwdriver?
Just a Vodka tonic?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’ll take a virgin screwdriver.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Really you just want an Orange juice?^

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yes. I had some with my chocolate diped doughnuts. Also with a 5 second chug of milk.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As long as you are taking orders I’d like to have a That Moron I’ve Been Arguing Politics With All Day Is An Idiot Screwdriver.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Name calling is no way to win a debate or argument.

What really jiggles my gizzard is realizing that this time around Fluther stayed a political hate fest from one campaign to the next without taking even one day’s rest.
It has taken my respect for some jellies and shown me how petty they can be.
We need our buffers back; Espiritus Corvus with his dreamy tails of sailing, Adi with his skill of directing us to humor, Ibstubro and his love of monarch butterflies, and vampires just being purely weird.
We have lost all our buffers.
Without them, I fear we will all crash and burn.

kritiper's avatar

No. People would like to make comments without their comments always being picked apart by someone else. So if someone does it to you, fire back, if you must, but refrain from doing it yourself. (Nobody asked that other person for their comments anyway…)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper haha, or the source isn’t good enough, or like recently, the definition of nationalism is different to liberals than the ‘official dictionary’, it’s ridiculous.

I firmly agree with @Patty_Melt, and even as a centrist/ independent, I think the left has lost it’s mind and is handing the election to the Reps. Unbelievable.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I think so too.

mazingerz88's avatar

What is ridiculous is limiting your understanding of the word nationalism with its definition according to the dictionary.

It’s a silly and shallow gotcha moment trump sheeple use to counter those who don’t buy the bullshit that trump is a “nationalist.”

It’s how he expresses his so called “nationalism.” Good people on both sides bullshit. His obvious disdain for and cruelty to non-white people. He can take all that nationalism and shove it up his pale white ass! Lol

Also btw, seriously some people really believe trump loves America? Where was he when his country needed him to fight? What things did he do in life outside of his shitty political life that shows he loves this country? Anything? Something he did out of sincere love?

He won the election because he was willing to be your useful idiot, your tough guy who’s going to drain the swamp etc. At what price? Uh, just your soul and sense of decency. He got the better part of that deal.

Patty_Melt's avatar

How have you served your country?
Going to combat is not a prerequisite for the presidency.
By the way, John Kerry is a war hero, and how did that work for him politically?
Trump is serving his country now.
McCain got into the academy ONLY because his dad pulled strings. He was dumb as mud, which is not a good thing to bring to the academy. I was there. I worked with those mids. He didn’t belong, and he knew it.
His dad was just stuck with a son who couldn’t tie his own shoes. It was dad’s hope the Navy would beat the stupid out of him.

When Washington was president, being a military officer carried with it station in society. That hasn’t been the case for a long time, but without even realizing why, people still think they need to vote for a military man.
How many of those democrats running now have military service in their resume? People don’t even know why they should vote for military officers, they hear somebody on TV say it matters, so they do, except when Barack Obama runs against someone who was an officer. Barack was too busy getting high to join the military.

So, who you ready to back, a republican with military service, a democrat who used drugs, or somebody who did neither drugs nor military?
You are sending mixed signals.

Oh, wait! Trump likes sex, so we have to hate him for that, but we are not supposed to hate anybody who has sex with someone of the same gender, because that is homophobic, which translated actually means afraid of man. Anybody who believes alternative living is wrong gets labeled as homophobic, even though they are not afraid, just opposed, which is wrong. People who are LGBT can have sex with anybody they want to. Republicans running for office can’t have sex with anybody.

Democrats remind me of flies, when someone is holding a flyswatter. I just keep waiting for them to find a spot to land, but they keep buzzing around in circles.
Pick a spot and plant it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So you’re saying yeah it’s the new norm to slam the person for different political views, especially if they are a Lib/tard?
Or am I missing the point?
And Trump serving the country??? LOL That is great Trump serves only Trump!
Like Foreign heads of state staying at Trump Hotels, like flying off to his golf resorts every chance he gets,yeah,yeah I know he isn’t running that part of his empire right now,but who’s bank account benefits from all that,give ya three guesses and the first two don’t count.
Refuses to submit his taxes, ignores subpoenas ,starts a tariff war that benefits no one in the working class.
Alienate every ally nation close to the us, yeah he is hard at it for the working slob.
Yeah he is the best president you ever had, maybe before he is done the wealthy won’t pay any taxes, and Putin will be your closest ally, go Trump.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Can I give you 100 more GA North of the Border ?

Patty_Melt's avatar

You missed more than one point.
@SQUEEKY2, I have no reason to discuss politics with you anyway. One thing I can be certain of, your vote will never cancel mine. You can like whoever you want.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee thanks! Your all heart.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But please enlighten me what are the points I missed??

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Another thing about slamming the other person,is this claim that if you don’t agree you’re nothing but spreading hate.
I see this term used by the conservatives far more than any one on the left.
I see the Orange god mocking crippled people, separating children from their parents and putting them in cages, saying there are good people in the KKK and the skin heads, and yet the left are nothing but hate??
I have seen the right get far more aggressive towards the left and then claiming the left is nothing but hate.
That is really bringing the country together.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^True. They deflect by focusing on the indignation which could give the impression you’re doing something as despicable as the deplorable orange blob. lol

kritiper's avatar

I consider those who don’t see things the same as myself naïve, basically, and they probably see me and my views the same way, basically. But people are so competitively confrontational, like regular commuter drivers. (Commuter driving is not a competition sport, although you wouldn’t think so based on how people drive.)
I think it’s a competitive attitude brought on by today’s competitive way of life.
Like George Carlin said: “My shit is stuff but your stuff is shit.”

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 It’s not bringing OUR country together. I honestly don’t think you understand our issues like we do, that’s why it’s difficult to talk to people about politics that essentially have no dog in the fight.

You have your own problems up there to worry about, per the news.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh because of your orange haired god outsiders do have a dog in the fight.
With his idiotic Tariff war,and so on.
He has alienated China against Canada,when he asked us to grab that wealthy Chinese business woman, and Canadians over there have been paying for that ever since, with our citizens being harassed or detained more than ever before.
I like how conservatives play victim,when confronted, same as the bully on the school playground when someone calls them on it all of a sudden they play that they are the poor victim.
Never said Canada doesn’t have it’s share political problems, but Trump with his antics has affected more than your Red,white and Blue.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The problem with some folks is when you present actual proof of what was done or not done, or said or was not said, they just call you names and scream.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY That is the first time I have ever seen you post about how US politcs affect Canadians minus immigration. I will check those items as I was unaware of one of those. Thanks.

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