Which is more enjoyable, reading the book or listening to its audiobook version?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
July 3rd, 2019
from iPhone
What are the pros and cons for you? Thanks.
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7 Answers
For me? Reading it. I only like audiobooks as car entertainment. I find someone else’s voice and inflection to be distracting.
I used to listen to audio books when I commuted 55 minutes one-way. Though I did see in my travels several times people with a book resting in the middle of the steering wheel, open and being read ! ! !
I guess it depends on how much time you have. To read a book requires dedicating time to it. Listening can be done while you do something else, such as drive a car. You can also listen in the dark.
I try to do both. When my eyes are tired I am grateful for the audio books.
It depends very much on the book.
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