Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Did you see State of Hate on CNN?

Asked by JLeslie (65931points) July 3rd, 2019 from iPhone

It’s a Fareed Zaharia report. Here’s a link

It talks about White Supremacy movements not only in America, but in other countries too. However, most of the focus is on America.

The person he interviews talks about possible secession (a separate white nation) and which races are smartest, and all sorts of horrible things.

Fareed mentions that part of what riled up the WS’s was Obama becoming president. I have said this all along, that Obama helped energize them. If Kamala won who knows what would happen. Not that I think it’s ok to vote or not vote for a candidate because of the reaction of racists, I’m just saying I do think it has an effect.

I thought the whole show was terrifying. What did you think when you watched it?

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8 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

The percentage of U.S. Citizens who belong to such groups rounds to zero.

They may be very dangerous, but their numbers are small, and there is moral outrage against them from nearly everyone.

ragingloli's avatar

There are a lot of sympathisers for them on the right wing.
The “fine people” President included.
And nearly all of the extremist/terrorist murders in your country were perpetrated by right wing extremists.

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog Does it concern you that part of the more mainstream right uses some of the same language as these extremists? Words and ideas like nationalism, and that white culture is better. I used to think it is a very small percentage who would actually be violent, which would be my main concern, but I have a friend where I live who talks in terms of being willing to fight against what she calls the socialism being brought in by the Democrats. More accurately she says, “who would ever vote for the Democrats?” In a tone of utter disgust and outrage. She compares fighting against the Democrats to the American Revolution. I don’t think she hates any race or religion, although she has implied she has a problem with atheists. She does seem somewhat aligned with the extremists when she gets on her fight talk. This is a woman I dance with, and do arts and crafts with, and is willing to have a discussion about politics, she isn’t completely closed off, but her ideas do get a little scary to me, and the people she would be in bed with to accomplish her mission if she was part of an uprising are the WS’s. That’s what happens in war, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

mazingerz88's avatar

Now that I know Zakaria has this report, not sure if I even want to see it.

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 Why? You don’t like Fareed?

mazingerz88's avatar

Just realized what I said could imply that that’s the case. Lol No I admire Zakaria and his insightful take on issues. Just not sure I want to hear WS talk on the 4th of July.

Yellowdog's avatar

@JLeslie Just look at the hate and propaganda in just these few responses.

The CNN report is itself propaganda, to divide this nation during Independence day.

MOST liberals are lilly white, went to lilly white schools, belonged to lilly white communities. And most of them DO consider themselves better than others.

There IS a conservative Christian subculture that are not the mainstream-to-liberal white culture. But if you notice, their networks are mostly people of indeterminate ethnic origins

The Democrat party has ALWAYS categorized people by race, pitted them against each other for political gain (“Identity politics.”)—usually by sewing division and saying this-group-thinks-that.

Don’t buy into the propaganda, even if they want you on their side (which they do). The high reign of the Klan in this country was the Democrat party from the pre-Civil-war era through Woodrow Wilson in the 1920s (Or Roosevelt;s imprisonment of Japanese Americans in camps) and even through the Civil Rights movement in the South at least.

Conservative Baptists vs the LGBT community are as great as the divide gets. And there are no anti-LGBT militant groups in their ranks. Liberal or conservative, most of us (unless we are wealthy and prestigious enough to be running the mess) live, work, shop, eat, etc. in very diverse communities and think absolutely nothing about it. It has been this way for about 40 hears.

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog You’re not trying to tell me the Klan is aligned with the Democratic Party you? Haven’t we been through the whole Dixiecrat, Southern Democrat discussion enough times on fluther? All those people are Republicans and/or libertarians now.

I feel both sides use propaganda, in the sense they they do try to propagate their beliefs.

I have a Facebook friend who HATES Trump, and posts something almost every day, because he feels a responsibility about it. He told me he won’t watch Fareed anymore, because Fareed was willing to give Trump a chance. Which is true. Now, Fareed has moved on that, and is decidedly negative about Trump, and worries about his policies.

Fareed, in the show, goes back to the Obama days as igniting more energy into the WS compared to years shortly before.

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