Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is there any excuse for Trump claiming that, in 1776, "...Our army ...took over the airports..."?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 5th, 2019


To be honest, the first time I heard this, yesterday, I assumed it was a hoax. No one could be THAT stupid. Turns out, he really made this claim. So what excuse do you give him? And what excuse is there for the other inaccuracies that any high school graduate would not have made?

The Post said ”There were inaccuracies like this peppered throughout the speech ⁠— the president still seems to not know exactly who “Douglass, Frederick Douglass, the great Frederick Douglass” is ⁠— but Trump was especially befuddled when he described the creation of the U.S. Army.”

Also, “First, it’s clear the president was having some issues reading the teleprompter, which led to a number of errors. For example, British General Cornwallis was of London; he was defeated at Yorktown. The Continental Army wasn’t named after Washington; it’s possible Trump substituted “named” for a different verb in the text of the speech.”

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202 Answers

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Dutchess_III's avatar

When you think about it, “taking over the airports” is a very, very odd thing for the man to have said. When have we EVER taken over airports? What are he and his gang of thugs thinking about?

stanleybmanly's avatar

The “security services” HAVE taken over the airports. And those of us concerned about the elimination of our civil rights have only to look at what goes on in the airport as the model for what lies in store for us in the relatively near future. Whatever your political leanings, it should be clear to everyone here that the police state is the only way to maintain order in a corporate state doomed to ever declining measurements in its overall standards of living. Homeland Security IS our working model of the gestapo. The airport is where the considerable kinks in our version will be worked out for application in the society overall. And if you don’t believe it, just watch the reaction to the next big “terrorist act.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh can I wait too!! Penguin ?

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Sure but you have to stay in line.

Dutchess_III's avatar

beer and popcorn anyone?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay if you insist !

elbanditoroso's avatar

They took over the airports on 1776 because their internet lines between Washington DC and Mount Vernon were down. Jefferson liked to email Adams and Ben Franklin, but without the internet, they had to write letters.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And this is the best President you guys have ever had?
Seems sensible to take over the airports in 1776 can’t let them fall into ISIS hands.
And yet his base still just love him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Who says he’s the best president we’ve ever had? Hell, that idiot makes GW look like a freaking genius.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well the few extremists we have here think he is the best,his base thinks he is the best,so he most be the best,because to them we are always wrong, and they are always right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s why I just can’t wait to see what excuse they come up with for him. His base is like a whole bunch of trump mommies and daddies, always covering his tracks and patting him on the head, telling him what a genius he is when he draws stick figures.

LostInParadise's avatar

It was because of the rain. And you thought Trump couldn’t say anything dumber.

mazingerz88's avatar

The excuse might be…”Move on, move on people nothing to see here. Booming economy, dictators charmed, illegal aliens caged, Supreme Court owned and no American overpaying their taxes.”

Brian1946's avatar

This OP is based on FAKE NEWS! ;-o

Trump actually said his Continental Space Force took over the airports. ;-o

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Zaku those are brilliant! Thanks for sharing! Extra beer for you.

Brian1946's avatar


I agree with @Dutchess_III, and they’re hilarious!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just saw one of Paul Revere galloping along yelling “British Airways are coming! British Airways are coming!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh. His support base is surprisingly quiet. Very quiet. Do they finally see the egg dripping in their eyes?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys, I know his handlers hide a lot of stuff from him, but can they really hid this one? Even some of his supporters are passing around ridiculous memes about it!

Dutchess_III's avatar

What kind of planes are these? I’m no expert but they look like P31s to me.

ragingloli's avatar

Looks like something my great grandfather used to fly shoot out of the sky.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They could be P40s, too.

flutherother's avatar

They look like Cofveve 98’s to me.

flutherother's avatar

But credit where credit is due. He did manage to get the date right.

Zaku's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes those are supposed to be P-40’s of the Flying Tigers.

seawulf575's avatar

It was a gaffe. Many politicians from both sides of the aisle have done similar things.

Obama claiming he had been to 57 states on the campaign trail

But there were more from Obama

Nancy Pelosi saying “Let’s hear it for Pre-existing medical conditions!”

Bush II had a whole list of gaffes

Dan Quayle brought his own screw ups to the party

And no list would be complete without Joe Biden’s list

The point is that you can pick pretty much anyone you like and come up with a complete list of gaffes and screw-ups in speeches.

canidmajor's avatar

You are the King of Whataboutism, @seawulf575, bar none.
Someday you will address the topic without a Whataboutist response and we will all faint from surprise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Zaku…. The Flying Tigers. How strange. Intern the Japanese Americans and conscript the Chinese Americans.

OMG, @seawulf575 did it! Folks, give the boy a hand! I thought that fuck up was too much for even trump supporters….and it did take him 2 days….but he actually managed to excuse it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III was there ever doubt?

What’s different about Trump:

1) he does this kind of stupid-ass misspeaking frequently, even regularly. Not just a sporadic goof.

2) rather than laugh it off and say “oops”, Trump either makes unrealistic excuses, or denies the gaffe ever happened.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right? And that’s the most insane thing. It’s right there, on video tape…and trump will say “It never happened,” and actually expect people to believe him.
And some do.
The world has gone mad.

flutherother's avatar

According to the man himself rain on the teleprompter screen was the cause. He then went on to say he didn’t actually need the teleprompter as he had memorised his speech so well. Go figure, it is Trump after all.

But this got me wondering. Why were thoughts of seizing airports in Trump’s fevered mind in the first place. Could it be he had been discussing this matter earlier with the Joint Chiefs of Staff with respect to North Korea or Iran.?

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was my question here @flutherother. He can’t keep a state secret to save his idiotic fucking life.

seawulf575's avatar

Funny how I will get called a Fuck Up and that comment will not get moderated. Amazing.

seawulf575's avatar

I know, all, you were all hoping for nothing but Trump bashing. That tells the world more about you than anyone else. But my answer stands. Trump screwed up…no doubt about it. But then, every politician we have had since we did live broadcasts has screwed up too. Yes, even your liberal darlings. I think the point of my comment is that you are trying to make a huge thing out of a common occurrence. But please…don’t let reality interrupt your group hate.

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 Now I see what the problem is – trouble parsing a sentence. You weren’t called a fuck up; Trump’s action was. Read for meaning before making accusations about the modding.

Darth_Algar's avatar


No, you were not called a “fuck up”. The fuck up in question, was Donald Trump. Careful reading helps.

As to the original question: no, there is no excuse.

janbb's avatar

@Darth_Algar Care to buy me a beer?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow. Well. Beer’s on me guys.

There are mistakes @seawulf575. Then there is idiocy. Utter idiocy. And you still refuse to see it. What does that even mean?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Ah yes, that old bugaboo—reading comprehension. It’s true of course that if you talk for a living you are going to have gaffes, and the more you talk the more gaffes will pile up behind you. The wulf’s defense of the fool’s error output is valid as long as you ignore their frequency, and (much more important) the nature of such utterances. It is the frightful accumulation of misstatements, mispronounciations, and straight up lies which set the fool apart in the realm of public oratory. Try to imagine some alien civilization parsing the actual realities of our own existence based solely on the verbal output from our fool. The breathtaking revelations of for example Frederick Douglass currently walking among us, or Mexico’s landmark achievement in the field of criminology through identification of murderers and rapists as all those seeking entry to the United States. The problem with the fool’s gaffes is that you can never know if they are as the wulf would prefer—slips common to us all— or rather the product of some more troubling affliction. One thing is certain. Any sign from anyone that they might notice such aberrations is proof positive of irrational hatred, and you certainly are a hater if you’re one of those pointing at such flaws. Want further proof of your hatred? Let’s take a look at your failure to recognize Obama’s shortcomings matching stroke for stroke the characteristics distinguishing the fool. Objectively speaking, the 2 men are indistinguishable aside from their politics, once you dismiss the fool’s obvious intellectual advantage.

seawulf575's avatar

And still not a one of you will acknowledge that most public figures make gaffes like this. I even gave examples of both Dems and Repubs. I could have gone back to find similar gaffes from Kennedy on up. My guess is that to actually acknowledge that means you would lose the hate-Trump that fuels your meager lives. Time to fess up, @Dutchess_III, you really didn’t want discussion on this matter, you really only wanted to see how many people would slam Trump. What does that say about you? To a sane, rational person it says you are obsessed. You are the typical example of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^The point is we’ve come to a place where it’s not simply gaffes with trump. You know it. Just that you refuse to post anything admitting that.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The fallacy in your position lies in your insistence that the fool’s gaffes are merely in keeping with the slips of his predecessors. And for you to insist here that this is the case is once again blatantly stupid. And all the accusations of hatred against those who notice that the fool is an EXCEPTIONAL fkup does nothing to bolster your case. The answer to Trump is a Moron is NOT “so is Obama” and you belittle YOURSELF by sticking to such nonsense. The fool isn’t a fool BECAUSE we hate him.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Let’s give the wulf a bit of a break, he is correct by saying they all make gaffes from time to time, but the problem is ole Trump will almost never admit he made a gaffe.

Trump does these kind of gaffes regularly, and his loyal puppies make all kinds

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Of excuses for him ,notably the old deflection tactic,well the other sides do it too.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Except I have admitted Trump made a mistake. I called it exactly what it was. Funny thing though…not a single one of you, except @SQUEEKY2 has mustered up the individuality to say that all politicians do the same. He did try to make Trump worse, but he at least admitted others have screwed up too.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Misstating a number in an off-the-cuff remark after a long, busy day is a gaff. Citing historical events that never happened (indeed, could not have happened) in a planned, written and prepared speech is a fuck up.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly yeah, he said we took over the airfields during the Revolutionary war. Yeah, we all know that’s idiotic. But let’s look at the very first gaffe I showed from Obama. He claimed to have been to 57 states and that he has a couple more to go but he still won’t be able to visit Alaska and Hawaii. So he wanted to be POTUS but didn’t even know how many states there were in our nation. Was it a simple gaffe? Absolutely. Could you say the exact same things about that, that you say about Trump’s gaffe? Absolutely. You WON’T, but everything you say could just as easily be applied to that sort of gaffe. This isn’t deflection, it’s facing reality. You on the left get all lathered up when Trump misspeaks. Yet you run in anger when it is pointed out how silly other politicians’ comments have been, especially liberal politicians. My comment is about the attitude you all present and not about the comment itself. Because, really, this deranged hatred you all express comes across as extremely obsessive and hate-filled. You know…psychotic.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Jesus fuck, your whataboutish gets goddamn tiresome. Obama is not relevant now. Bush the Younger is not relevant now. Quayle is so beyond irrelevant it would take the light from irrelevant years to reach him. What’s relevant right now is Trump. We talk about Trump because Trump is the one at the goddamn helm now. When someone else is at the helm we’ll talk about that person.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m not sure why @seawulf575 ‘s posting got moderated earlier this week, but something tells me that calling everyone who doesn’t agree with him deranged and psychotic isn’t going to help his cause.

As I wrote above, other presidents have erred (although apparently @seawulf575 ignored what I wrote) but I contrasted that to the frequency that Tump has. But apparently His Hufflepuffleness missed that.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Darth_Algar The right will bring up Obama for years to come, probably even the next 4 or 5 presidents from now.

The right, and for some on the left as well can not answer any political question about their side with out deflecting attention ,yeah but they did this or that type thing.

See the right can not admit they are wrong or messed up on anything and when caught at it ,it’s deflect,deflect,deflect.

ragingloli's avatar

I wonder who the last president was, who got literally laughed at by members of the UN assembly.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar that sounds good, except you didn’t talk about Obama when he was in office…not the way you nitpick Trump. And Obama is, indeed, still relevant since he still insists in sticking his nose in politics. Just like you say Hillary is not important since she didn’t win…she still influences things. So just man-up and admit you just hate Trump to the point where you lose what might be normal objectivity.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh I remember the right trashing Obama all the damn time while in office, try another one.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 that really isn’t quite accurate. I have agreed several times now that Trump screwed up. No question. And I’m on the right. But it isn’t the end of the world or a defining moment in his term in office as so many on these pages want to make it.
The right did trash Obama throughout his term in office. And I still trash Obama since he seems to be what the left wants. But as I was coached earlier, you need reading comprehension. It isn’t the left trashing the right that I was speaking of to @Darth_Algar. It is that the left won’t trash the left for anything they do. On the flip-side of that, I have agreed Trump screwed up. So yeah…nice attempt at deflection, but try another one.

ragingloli's avatar

There was a lot of trashing from the left against obama for his drone murders, his unwillingness to close the gitmo concentration camp, his failure to prosecute W for his war crimes, and his weakness to push through proper universal healthcare.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso You’re right…I didn’t see that you said other politicians have screwed up like this. And going back, I STILL don’t see it. I did see several smarmy comments about Trump, though. Sorry, hoss…try again.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli and there was plenty of deflection from those exact same things…cutting him slack. The MSM didn’t scream about what a tyrant he was for his drone murders. They talked about how he was a leader trying to end a horrible war. They didn’t want to go into him targeting Americans with drones. This article from the UK

Shows that Holder made the comment that Obama could legally send drones to target American citizens on American soil. Where was the outrage on that? Imagine if William Barr said the exact same thing about Trump? There would be screaming from now until the 2020 election. Yet there was crickets from the left when it was Obama. Try again. Until you on the left can actually slam your idols for the same silly crap they did that you are screaming about with Trump, you have no credibility.

ragingloli's avatar

I just did that, did I not? And I did that back then.
How is that for a “try”, Mr. has-no-reading-comprehension?

janbb's avatar

I was gonna say something pithy and cogent but then I thought – why bother?

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Stache's avatar

I’m running out of popcorn.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Stache I’ll pop some more !

Zaku's avatar

@seawulf575 There seems very little point in acknowledging that all presidents probably make mistakes from time to time.

Sure they do, but so what?

With Trump, the mistakes and/or lies are enormous in quantity and severity compared to others. This Revolutionary War airport one is so cathartic to celebrate because there are so many others it’s almost impossible to keep track of them all, and in the context of the many other mistakes Trump has made which show a pattern of not knowing much about history (or much of anything else), it actually seems plausible that he might not realize it was a mistake… or maybe because it’s one notch beyond the already unacceptably ridiculous number and severity of mistakes, so it releases the built up reaction from all the others.

And clearly, it makes for some funny images.

Even early in the 2016 campaign, it was easy for Colbert to mock up his amazing Trump vs. Trump debate from real clips of Trump’s outrageously self-contradictory and awful statements.

And since you love to bring up Obama, here’s a comparison article which graphs Trump’s lies and blatant falsehoods versus Obama’s.


You like many Trump defenders like to pretend that people unfairly criticize Trump because they hate Trump. Well, probably sometimes many people do.

But that leaves out the important part. Why do they hate Trump in the first place?

The list of reasons to hate Trump is enormous and has severe and unprecedented justification.

Personally, I hate Trump most because of the atrocious and in many cases irreversible damage his actions have caused and will continue to cause to things I care about most, and that I think are the most important things in the world: the living things and the planet’s ecosystems, e.g.:
83 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump

I also hate him for his idiotic border wall project, which not only is a terribly xenophobic idea, but wouldn’t do what it intends to do, and would be another environmental disaster (blocking movement of animals across an entire continent without caring about the environmental impact is absolutely monstrous and stupid and insensitive beyond belief – I think everyone who fails to grasp that or who values their xenophobic attitudes towards immigration or “illegality” above that concern has a monstrous tack of compassion and perspective).

On a related note, I hate his xenophobic and/or racist pandering by pushing barbaric customs & immigration practices. “The Muslim ban” was awful, but separating children from their families and/or misplacing them and detaining them in concentration camps? Those policies are monstrous and well deserving of hatred, it seems to me.

Then there are all the corporate giveaways of all sorts. I hate Trump for that.

There’s the appointment of incompetents and a complete asshole almost-surely-sex-offender and liar to the Supreme Court as part of pandering to the Anti Abortion faction. I hate Trump for that too.

I also hate Trump for his terrible representation of our country diplomatically, and his ridiculous cruise missile strikes and attempting to get us into war with Iran.

The thing is, I start to get tired of all the core reasons I hate Trump, and eventually I start to think of the more personal ones sometimes. But really, those are irrelevant noise. But still deserved comments, as he’s clearly a terrible person in so many ways that are also hard to even remember all of them.

And in the face of all of those and the many more I didn’t bother to list, there’s that there are people who still support Trump as president. Or who think he might be a messiah…

That’s the most challenging and disturbing part, and the one with the most potential for future awfulness. Because even after Trump and Pence and McConnell and so on are gone, they’ll be replaced by other terrible corporate tools, and there will be supporters for them.

And lest I be too “one-sided”, I should add that the Democrats are also full of corporate tools, and fools who will vote for them.


SQUEEKY2's avatar

WOW! @Zaku I wish I could give you a zillion great answer votes for that answer.^^^^

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Perfectly sums up how most trump haters like myself feel. : )

seawulf575's avatar

@zaku I actually appreciate that you can list your reasons for not liking Trump. I’m not going into that list as I, obviously, find flaw in some. I am not one to try making you like Trump as that is a meaningless and fruitless effort. And besides, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
However, it is disturbing to me when I see questions like this one that didn’t ask for reasons you like or don’t like Trump. It asked, instead, for ridicule of a simple gaffe. And the responses are equally disturbing as they act like making a gaffe is the epitome of stupid and that only Trump does that. My take on that gaffe is what I stated…it’s a gaffe. It’s stupid, but then every politician at some point makes a gaffe. Every HUMAN makes a gaffe at some time or another. The rabid hatred that comes out over a gaffe speaks to mental instability. THAT is what I have said and defended. I haven’t defended Trump for making a stupid statement…I didn’t say he was correct in any way. But I certainly put it closer to being in perspective that the OP and the entourage that railed on with her have.

canidmajor's avatar

An interesting article in Psychology Today just came to my attention, breaking down why Trump’s supporters are able to overlook such wild gaffes.

LostInParadise's avatar

Obama’s statement about 57 states was a slip of the tongue, stated just once. Trump made up a whole story about airplanes in the Revolutionary War. There is something really creepy about him making such statements. He has so little regard for the truth that he can improvise anything that comes into his head.

seawulf575's avatar

@canidmajor Did you actually read that article? It is a liberal spin piece at best. I makes assumptions that are not backed by facts or even logic, it leaves specific necessary questions unasked and therefore unanswered, and it misses two, huge, specific reasons why people voted for Trump…he wasn’t part of the normal machine and he wasn’t Hillary Clinton.
And funny…my comment here and most of the ones I make that get me branded as a Trump supporter don’t fit into pretty much any of those areas listed in the article. So maybe there should actually be an article that looks at why those on the left are so rabidly against Trump. I saw several things listed in your article that fully apply to the left. They are uninformed. The MSM or their liberal politicians say something and they believe it blindly without actually questioning it. I give you the entire Trump/Russia narrative as the perfect example. Oh! that one also brought about many of the “Trump lies”. He says he didn’t do it and is accused by the left of lying. He says that he was spied on by the intelligence communities and is accused of wild claims and lies (yet it turns out it was true). Basically, everything he says, the left says he is lying, yet on many of the major things, he is correct. But when the truth comes out, the left never goes back to say “well, I guess we were wrong about that”. No, they just say “He’s lying again!”. So the uninformed person category goes to the left probably more than the right. That also means the Dunning-Kruger effect ALSO goes to the left probably more than the right.
The Power of Mortality Reminders and Perceived Existential Threat is one that lacks even logic. It says that Trump uses fear mongering and that when we are reminded of our mortality, ” they will more strongly defend those who share their worldviews and national or ethnic identity, and act out more aggressively towards those who do not.” That part may be true and is pretty much the definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome. However, the article then goes on to make the conclusion “Hundreds of studies have supported this hypothesis, and some have specifically shown that triggering thoughts of death tends to shift people towards the right.” So if Trump is fear mongering, why is it that Trump haters aren’t shifting to the right? By that conclusion, there are two things that can actually be shown and they cannot exist together. The first is that the conclusion in the article is wrong and the other is that Trump isn’t actually fear mongering. Well, I guess I could be wrong…those two could exist together since the article starts with the assumption that Trump is fear mongering. So which is it? Is the article bunk or are all the claims of the left wrong?
The more I look at it, the more depressing that article gets. It is put out as a supposed scientific article, yet is so full of liberal rhetoric and fear mongering (ironic, isn’t it) that it is ridiculous.
Now…I have just torn apart that article. I can guarantee that some liberal jelly, possibly yourself, will try slamming me for it. But those slams will not actually use logic or facts. They will start with the assumption that I am a Trump supporter and that the article is right and then will be filled with rhetoric that is totally illogical. All I can say is “bring it on”. You all know I am not afraid of an argument and I certainly don’t get bruised easily. But let’s take it one step further. Let’s use your own article to see how it applies to me, since you all claim I am a Trump supporter.
1. I am not wealthy nor would I benefit from the supposed tax breaks for the rich. Except I did see benefits that impacted even my modest income.
2. Trump manages to engage the brain more than Hillary. I’d have to give that a big yes, since the left is obsessed with him. They try to avoid actually thinking about Hillary or addressing her faults. But you don’t see me going around chanting how great Trump is. What you do see, if you care to look honestly, is that I don’t run around slamming him every chance I get. To a liberal, that makes me a Trump supporter.
3. Obsession with celebrities and entertainment. The idea that he is famous somehow appeals to me, supposedly. In fact, I find it a detractor, though it was required for him to get elected. Per the article, I should find his antics amusing. When he posts things on Twitter I should be entertained. I’m not. I find much of his social media antics to be boorish at best, childish at worst.
4. Wanting to introduce rebellion into the political system. I am guilty of this one. Our political system has gotten way too rigged and way too corrupt and self-serving. The idea of putting someone in office that wasn’t part of that system did, indeed, appeal to me. Obama recognized that need as well. His first campaign used the slogan “Hope and Change”. He would put it forth in speeches that talked about how dysfunctional and corrupt the current political world has become. But funny thing…he never actually said he was going to change the political world for the better. People assumed he meant that. He actually made it worse. He made it far more polarized than it had ever been before. But he got many votes because people recognized the system is broken and needs to be fixed. “Drain the swamp” is another effort to tap into people’s dissatisfaction with the current system.
5. The Fear Factor. Nice explanation of how conservatives’ brains react more strongly to disturbing images…I imagine there is a certain amount of truth to this. Might want to ask, though, why the left then tries to paint the right as being heartless and cold-hearted. But then the article goes on to make a gross assumption that is wrong. It makes the assumption that Trump tells us that Muslim or Latinos are a danger and we live in awe of that. The fact that I actually have argued that he hasn’t said those things (and that it is part of the liberal disinformation campaign) should automatically take me out of the category of a Trump supporter. But I go even further and question specific portions of the leftist arguments on these topics. Why they want open borders (which, by the way, the article also says conservatives recognize no country can exist without borders) or why we should automatically embrace every immigrant without checking them out when they want to come into this country…of any race, nationality, or religious belief. You know…common sense approaches to the issues.
The list goes on and on. The one last one I will address, that I found particularly amusing, was the conspiracy theory aspect. Supposedly Trump supporters are conspiracy theorists or buy into them more easily than the left. I give you the entire Mueller investigation to refute that statement. It was a made up thing, made up for political reasons by the opposing political party, and the left bought it hook, line, and sinker. To this day, even after Mueller said there was no collusion between Trump and his campaign and the Russians to interfere in the election, there are plenty of liberal jellies here that refuse to accept that and fully believe there was something going on. I have even been accused of being a Russian plant on these pages to try influencing the next election and to support Trump. Again…the article seems to pertain far more to leftists than it does to me, and I’m supposed to be the Trump supporter.

canidmajor's avatar

@seawulf575: To address your first point, yes I read the article. But I did not read your wall-of-text, blah-blah-blah-ginger rant. It did, however, surprise me that you did not fill your post citing and linking a dozen Whataboutist posts.
I wondered if you would jump on my post (which although was not addressed to you, I laughingly commented to a friend that it was sure to get a rise out of you).
Thank you for not disappointing.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The fascinating but alarming fact about Trump supporters is this ability to dismiss the flaws in the man as irrelevant to his role as President. I mean it’s one thing to have a know nothing President, but when the answer to the declaration that “the President is a lying psychopath” amounts to “so what? He’s good for the country” or the other one “why do you leftists keep picking on him? It just doesn’t make sense that you hate him so much.” And those giving such responses apparently oblivious to the fact that if you cannot provide a plausible denial to “the President is a lying psychopath”, all arguments regarding his suitability collapse on the spot. And the op’s question on this particular gaffe illustrates the problem with “so what?” If you are unable to refute the clear cut assertion that our President IS a know nothing lying psychopath, there is no way of actually determining the reason for the record setting gaffe rate accompanying his incessant and vacuous chatter. I mean, honest to god, who here can reliably listen to something like that and determine if Trump genuinely understands that there were no airports for the Continental army to occupy? It’s a repeat of the “record inaugural attendance” or “Mexican rapist murderer invasion”. Is he merely lying to a base as ignorant as himself? Does he genuinely believe what he is saying? The stubborn refusal to acknowledge the dangers inherent in the underlying reasons sparking these performances is beyond baffling.

seawulf575's avatar

@canidmajor Glad I could accommodate! ;-)

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I think I have your answer for you. When you make declarations like “The president is a lying psychopath” you lose credibility. You make these sorts of declarations all the time and if challenged on what makes him a lying psychopath, you merely deflect with more rant that, again, has no backing and will garner no response when challenged. It is that sort of single-minded hatred, that cannot stand up to challenge, that brings on comments like “It just doesn’t make any sense that you hate him so much.”
It’s no secret that I didn’t like Obama, but I didn’t rant irrationally and call the man names for the entire 8 years he was in office. Except possibly the name “criminal” which I back up with facts. But look at your rants. “Trump is a lying psychopath” “Trump is an idiot!” “Trump supporters are racists and xenophobes!” I think what truly bothers you is not there is stubborn refusal to acknowledge that Trump makes mistakes. It is that there is stubborn refusal to buy into your deranged hatred of the man.
As for the “so what” to the original response, I’ll answer that one. So what? It was a gaffe. Even Trump recognizes it was a goof. I made that comment up front. But here’s another perfect example of what I have been saying…why is a gaffe such a huge deal to the left? I have repeatedly stated that pretty much anyone that has spoken in public has made a gaffe at one time or another. It isn’t a huge deal. Why is it so huge for the left when Trump does it? I stubbornly refuse to buy into that irrational hatred.

chyna's avatar

If someone could give me the cliff note version of @seawulfs answer, I will read it. Otherwise, I’ll skip it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 A Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes makes the case that the president suffers from a dangerous sociopathic disorder But once again a professional isn’t a smart as you are; just like your hero.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Obviously, Dr. Dodes just hates Trump because he is a liberal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, @Darth_Algar !t’s better to be delusional and not a professional (I talking about Trump) ! !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I would suggest that Dr. Dodes is indeed a liberal and will start with assumptions and try to make his theories fit, especially when it comes to Trump. His first statement tells me that. The question itself was skewed left. It assumes Trump’s sociopathy for merely saying that he believed Kim Jong-un when he said he hadn’t know about Otto Warmbier. If you asked any leader of any country about a prisoner in one of that country’s jails, it is likely that they wouldn’t know about the details or possibly the names of most of them. There might be a few exceptions as with high profile prisoners. But apparently Jong-un saying he hadn’t known about a prisoner and Trump daring to believe him shows that Trump is a sociopath.
Dr. Dodes continues with slanted evaluations. He is taking skewed information, looking at it through a skewed lens and then making “professional” evaluations. The key here is that for a true psychiatric professional to make an effective diagnosis, he needs to actually spend quality time with the patient. He needs to run tests. He needs to talk with the individual to better understand that person’s psyche. He did none of that. So in reality, his opinion is so much fluff.
Here’s a clue…when you go to Salon for your information, you are seeing extremely skewed information. When you start asking the questions to see if things pass the smell test, you will always find they do not. It is like that with most “news” outlets these days, on both sides of the aisle.
But don’t let that stop the believing the propaganda.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You made my point @seawulf575 ”..will start with assumptions and try to make his theories fit, especially when it comes to Trump”
I assume Trump is your hero and can do no wrong in your eyes.

ragingloli's avatar

UK ambassador calls Drumpf ‘inept’ and ‘uniquely dysfunctional’
But hey, just the opinion of a rabid liberal seasoned diplomat.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Unless you follow blindly,and see no wrong Trump is a freaking hero.
But if you question anything he does, well then you are a commie loving leftist.
Obama’s saying there is 57 states is much more serious, then Trump claiming there was airports in 1776.
Anything that calls out the right for their self serving interests, is leftist garbage.
Anything that points out the left for not caring enough about those at the top is holy scripture.

seawulf575's avatar

And out come the lefties, avoiding the conversation. Actually trying to rewrite the conversation is more accurate.
@Tropical_Willie If your point was that your citation was heavily skewed left, then yes, I made your point for you. Other than that, I would suggest you have reading comprehension issues. Identifying a liberal biased against Trump? Yeah…that doesn’t call out bias, it calls out hero worship. Do you really think before you type? Not that it matters, you could type gibberish and spell out Trump Sucks and you would get 3 GAs from the other libs on this site.
@ragingloli As soon as you give a citation that smacks of bias as well. “leaked” diplomatic memos? Please. And “allegedly” they are from an ambassador. Think about this…do you think a foreign diplomat would leak or allow to be leaked private memos? Please.
@SQUEEKY2 I would suggest the exact opposite is closer to the truth. Unless you follow blindly and slam Trump no matter what, you are a douche bag Trump supporter. I have identified wrong with Trump. I have called him out on things. But as with this question…it was a gaffe. Yet you on the left rabidly jump on it like it’s the end of the world. All I did was to say it was a gaffe and look at the hoo-haw that has ensued. So which of our suggestions was closer to the truth? My verifiable version or your created version?
As for Obama’s gaffe, I said it was neither better nor worse than Trump’s. I pointed out that if all we are doing is jumping on gaffes, then a POTUS candidate that has no idea how many states there are is pretty sad. But it was a gaffe.
The rest goes back to the idea that if I don’t jump on the liberal bandwagon, I’m somehow a hateful fool. Time to actually open your eyes and look at reality…see which end of this political spectrum is truly spreading the hate and misinformation. I’ll give you a hint…it ain’t the right.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Your statement makes no sense( Unless you follow blindly and slam Trump no matter what, you are a douche bag Trump supporter. )Unless you slam him no matter what makes you a douche bag Trump supporter??
I guess if we shower him with praise makes us leftist commies?
A slip on a number is no worse or better ,than claiming there were air ports in 1776?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You obvious didn’t keep up. Or actually, your initial statement was the one that was screwed up. I was giving you benefit of the doubt. But if you want to play that game, so be it. You said: “Unless you follow blindly,and see no wrong Trump is a freaking hero.” So by your logic if you don’t follow blindly and see wrong, then Trump is a freaking hero. Your words, not mine. My statement applied to liberals everywhere: :“Unless you follow blindly and slam Trump no matter what, you are a douche bag Trump supporter.” In other words, unless I jump on the (liberal) bandwagon blindly and slam Trump no matter what, then I am a douchebag Trump supporter in your eyes. But please…continue proving how obsessed the libs are…

ragingloli's avatar

Denial, denial, denial.
“It can not be true, what is not allowed to be true”.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli It CAN be true, but the way your citation is presented? Yeah…it smacks of made up.

ragingloli's avatar

“Britain’s Foreign Office did not dispute the veracity of the memos.

“The British public would expect our ambassadors to provide ministers with an honest, unvarnished assessment of the politics in their country,” a spokeswoman said.

“Their views are not necessarily the views of ministers or indeed the government,” she added, noting “we pay them to be candid”.”

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 So It’s my credibility that is sacrificed with the declaration that Trump is a lying psychopath? The point is that I CAN make that declaration, and even YOU have better sense than to challenge it. In your latest retort you nearly slipped and asked for proof. But then what proof is required for a claim that the sun is bright or water is wet? Are you actually seeking proof that Trump is an inveterate liar, or is it the word psychopath that you believe proof positive that such allegations are footed on hate alone? This is my point The discussion on the validity of such claims is NEVER addressed. That ship has long since sailed. The retort always amounts to either “so is everyone else” or “he’s a lying psychopath, BUT…....”. I shouldn’t need to tell you what becomes of your own credibility once you demand proof that water is wet. Trump’s lies (like his gaffes) are not outlying characteristics or anomalies like an occasional attack of hiccups. They are integral to his character and the very definition of WHAT he is. NO ONE with any sense bothers to DISPUTE this any longer, simply because it simply subsists beyond rational dispute.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s an idiot and he makes idiot “mistakes.”

canidmajor's avatar

@seawulf575 I saw @ragingloli‘s thing on at least 3 sources this morning. look it up.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s exactly what’s going on. It’s the fact that everyone recognizes, but etiquette demands no one who matters speaks aloud.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly So you are a licensed psychiatrist and have spent session with Mr. Trump? I call bullshit on that. Unless you are and have, you cannot make a call like him being a psychopath. So that, right there, shoots your credibility. Are you now going to tell me you are a psychiatrist and HAVE had Trump in sessions? No? Okay…so you are making stuff up right there. Trying to compare your biased, amateur psychiatric diagnosis with sunlight or water is even further proof of how delusional you are. Desperate in fact. And claiming that none of your liberal friends have ever asked you to prove it doesn’t mean it is true…it means you are still desperate.
As for Trump lying, I think it is the lefties that need to clean up their claims. Remember when you swore he was lying about Russia? You used the same logic then…“He lies about everything! No one DISPUTES that fact any longer!!!” Well, he maintained that he was innocent of any “collusion” with Russia to steal the election and voila! he was exonerated by Mueller. He also claimed that the US intelligence agencies had been spying on him. Remember that? Yeah, you claimed then that he was lying about that because he lies about everything and no one disputes that any longer! Yet now we are finding out that the FBI and possibly the CIA and NSA were all spying on Trump and his campaign from the start. Funny how that is. So while you are busy racking up all the “lies” Trump makes, you need to keep stock of your claims. They are starting to stack up and are proving to be false. Soooo…unless you care to tote out a psychiatry degree, you are coming off as a desperate liberal. Sorry hoss, that’s how it is.

seawulf575's avatar

@canidmajor, The fact that 3 separate outlets released it doesn’t make it true. Did you read it? Lots of words that say “We can’t prove this and aren’t even sure where it came from, but we are reporting it anyway!” That is getting to be the standard for liberal journalism these days. Remember Buzz Feed claiming Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress? Yeah…that was a big one. And pretty much every liberal outlet ran with it. Mueller’s investigation finally put it to rest saying it never happened. It was not just a misinterpretation of something…it was fiction. But by that time, the lib media (and obsessed folks like @stanleybmanly) continued for a long time to claim Trump lied about it, that Trump was a crook, etc. Remember Avenatti’s multiple made up stories that the press went crazy for? That lying fool got air time on most liberal news outlets and not a one of them actually fact checked anything. But because he was slamming Trump, they ate it up.
So claiming it was on multiple outlets means nothing. Read the story and see if it makes sense. But look for actual verifiable facts. There aren’t many.

seawulf575's avatar

@canidmajor Read what I wrote and then review your citations that attempt to discredit my claim. Those citations are for obstruction of justice charges that were not brought. But I specifically spoke about the Russian Collusion. Mueller absolutely stated that no Americans were involved in that. Exoneration for Trump.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, @seawulf575, since you A) don’t know what “exonerate” means, and B) won’t accept any source (not AP or a British paper? Really? Even some of your beloved right extremist papers use AP as a source) that one of us put forth, I give up. Your toddler logic can’t be argued with.

Zaku's avatar

@seawulf575 “However, it is disturbing to me when I see questions like this one that didn’t ask for reasons you like or don’t like Trump. It asked, instead, for ridicule of a simple gaffe. And the responses are equally disturbing as they act like making a gaffe is the epitome of stupid and that only Trump does that. My take on that gaffe is what I stated…it’s a gaffe. It’s stupid, but then every politician at some point makes a gaffe. Every HUMAN makes a gaffe at some time or another.”
– Every human does make a gaffe, and occasional gaffes, or even relatively frequent simple gaffes, do deserve some compassion and forgiveness.

However, the more frequent the gaffes one person makes are, one begins to wonder if there might not be a cause behind them.

Trump’s gaffe rate is off the charts. An alarming fraction of what he says and texts is full of so many mistakes it’s often barely understandable and strange.

And, combined with off-the-charts upset many of us have about his policies, and how he often seems to us to be talking from a different universe, a funny and ridiculous gaffe like this of course going to get a big reaction.

“The rabid hatred that comes out over a gaffe speaks to mental instability.
– If it were but one gaffe, indeed.

But in Trump’s case, it’s not just about that one gaffe.

The reaction to the gaffe I’ve seen has mostly been just cartoons and articles as if there were airports in 1776, which would seem to me funny and appropriate no matter who said them.

If there’s rabid hatred, I don’t think that rabid hatred has to do with the gaffe. It has to do with greatly valuing things like the survival on life as we know it on Earth, and what our nation does that threatens that, and that severely abuses the environment, other people, threatens wars, contributes to poverty and suffering of people so giant corporations can make more money, etc. And so many other things it’s dizzying to try to remember them all.

I’m only not mentioning all of the corruption, collusion, abuse of power, obstruction, and other immoral and illegal actions because this thread is already so fractured and no doubt each one could involve even more back-and-forth arguments which would only further obscure the topic and make this thread even more overwhelming and unreadable.

I have rabid hatred for people who remove needed environmental regulations, and who appoint terrible and corrupt people as heads of government agencies whose work I value, clearly for the purpose of undermining those agencies, and who lock up children, and want to sever animal habitat across continent with a terrible border wall project, and who have the US military do the bidding of the oil industry, and do endless other terrible things.

In Trump’s case, he has earned my utter disrespect and hostility for almost every policy and appointment, and in my opinion deserves to be constantly vilified and insulted and most importantly be denied power of any kind, be ejected from office and hopefully be locked up in a cell. I think all occasions warrant that manner of speaking about him at all times. I’m offended when news reporters don’t have that as their baseline when talking about him. I think that’s appropriate.

And I’d think that even if I didn’t think he had massive intellectual and mental health issues, and even if I didn’t think he seems like to be a sex offender and all around terrible and despicable people. But I also think those things and that those things ought to be constantly pointed out and actions taken about those things existing in someone in any position of power, let alone the President of the United States.

SQUEEKY2's avatar


ragingloli's avatar

No amount of professional credentials will ever convince him otherwise.
Even when actual lawyers, including conservative judge Napolitano, concluded that the report did not exonerate him on either russion influence, nor obstruction of justice, he still chose to pretend otherwise.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku I think I need to see a list of Trump’s gaffes..or what the left believes are his gaffes. What I have seen, when I go to look for them to see what all the hub-bub is about, is a lot of things liberals don’t like or that they think make him look unpresidential. But they aren’t really gaffes. Example…one of the “gaffes” that keeps coming up is Trump’s speech where he says he would build a great wall along our southern border and would have Mexico pay for it. That isn’t really a gaffe. That was a bold campaign promise, I’ll grant you that, but it isn’t a gaffe. Another that shows up was that, in an interview, he said he was for traditional marriage. It was at least closer to a gaffe because when asked what was traditional about 3 marriages all he could say was “that’s a good point”. But these are not huge things. What I see, or what it seems, is that when he says or does things the left don’t like (which is just about everything), they scream that he’s lying or its a gaffe. Sorry, but that still smacks of mental instability to me. So please, find me a list of actual gaffes. After all, according to you on the left, they are too numerous to count so it should be easy to find them.
Look, I get that you don’t like his policies. I understand and respect that. I will disagree your views on some of them, some I think I need more information before truly make a firm decision. If you haven’t noticed, I ask a lot of questions about things. But you are allowed to not like the guy’s policies and you are entitled to not like the guy. But really…the mindless hatred that comes out is wayyyyy over the top. The obsession by some of our fellow jellies is mentally unhealthy. You called it “off-the-charts upset”...that should be a clue. If something is off-the-charts, it means it is a statistical anomaly…something that probably isn’t real given normal circumstances. And that is what I am saying. Look at all the vitriol that came out about this question before I chimed in with my answer. The question was about a GAFFE. Then, when I just pointed out it was a gaffe and that most public figures make them, the response was tremendous. It expanded from Trump bashing to Trump supporter bashing.

LostInParadise's avatar

It was more than a gaffe. A gaffe is a single sentence, maybe even a single word in the sentence. Trump created an entire fantasy scenario. What was going on in his head that he could say such a thing? Why can’t he even give a plausible reason for what he did?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah things like that^^^to miss quote a number after a long day is one thing but to say things that couldn’t possibly have taken place in 1776 is a total other.
He made up a fantasy past, and you blow it off as a simple gaffe.
Obama miss quoted a number and you make it out as just as bad?
Then claim the left is all about hate,better look in the mirror to see what real hate looks like.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Here is a list of gaffes and lies he has told so far…

But you will probably not believe any of them as well.

Stache's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’ve tried that link with them before. According to Trump apologists it is a left leaning source so it doesn’t count.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Stache Since when is a video “left leaning” ??? LOL

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah knew they would blow that off as well if it isn’t FOX it doesn’t count but we are supposed to believe everything they throw, and if we don’t ,then they scream we are nothing but hate.

mazingerz88's avatar

Anybody who hasn’t heard trump say so many idiotic words and phrases since 2016 is probably just watching Fox News since they will never air nor mention any of that. Lol

elbanditoroso's avatar

Keep in mind that when Hannibal conquered Europe in 218 BC, he did not use elephants to cross the Alps, as commonly thought.

He had Humvees and a couple of dump trucks.

ragingloli's avatar

He crossed the Mediterranean Sea with YUGE zeppelins gifted to him directly by Adolf Hitler.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’ve seen that list before and I still think of it what I thought of it the first time I saw it. It is biased heavily to the left. Look at their reasoning for calling things false. Some are valid, but many are things like “statement “unbelievable” to Dems” or “poor choice of words” or It is unclear where his numbers came from”. So apparently, if Politifact finds that Dems don’t like something, or they don’t like someone’s choice of words or they don’t really know if a statement is true or not, they just default to FALSE. Sorry….that smacks of ridiculous bias. But it certainly doesn’t stop liberals from trying to use it as fact!

Stache's avatar

@Squeeky See what I mean? It’s why I don’t even bother anymore.

seawulf575's avatar

@stache, so you accept answer like that for deciding if something is true or false? Interesting. That gives me a great insight into you.

Stache's avatar

@seawulf575 I really don’t care about your insight.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So @seawulf575 You are always right, we are always wrong anything we post leans heavily left anything you post is the holy truth?
Did I get that right?
You post facts ,we post left wing propaganda?
Problem is the stuff you post is written so long,and is so f***ing boring I get a sever head ache even trying to read it.
Try and post some of your so called facts that don’t come with seven pages of lawyer written mumbo jumbo.
Because I call it like you do, your facts seem to lean wayyyyyyy right.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 When I post things, I use logic and facts. What you posted is liberal opinion. It isn’t even really couched as truth…it is couched as opinion. And my last post that explained that was exactly 6 sentences long. I can see where that would stress you.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh Huh Your logic, every thing you post is fact, everything we post is liberal opinion,I got it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

There really is no sense going on you won’t believe anything we say, I will say you do make your corporate masters very proud.

ragingloli's avatar

“I use logic and facts”
More lies, Johnny?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Logic and facts? The man has the most obstinate aversion to logic that you will ever see. Let’s take a look at the list provided by squeeky above. Perhaps the most irritating aspect of our friend here is his insistence in his logical superiority to the rest us, whom he insists rattle mere opinion in contrast to his rigid adherence to the facts. And the gall of such an ignoramus crowing incessantly on his goofball imagined superiority is insufferable to the point of suffocation. He claims for example that the list is “biased heavily to the left” when in fact EVERY ITEM ON THE LIST IS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE FOOL! They are all FACTUAL quotes that are false with no wiggle room. This is one reason why I cannot believe his propensity for continuous embarrassment here at his own choosing—exactly in step with the lying fool he hopelessly defends. “We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it” is beyond “a poor choice of words”. The hopeless task of mitigating the fool’s behavior has led our friend up the blind alley which must terminate in but one conclusion. Either he is being paid to persist in these stupidities or he suffers the same debilities infecting the fool himself. I mean to climb the hill of lies, distortions, and ignorant pronouncements oozing from the fool, then conclude them to be inventions of the liberal left is beyond brazen stupidity.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Careful @stanleybmanly The right wing will claim you’re nothing but hate.
I do agree with ya,but to his blind followers he can do no wrong, make up a fantasy past, well Obama miss quoted a number,and that was just as bad, according to them it’s just as bad.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But the entire scenario is so patently ridiculous. Here we are confronted with the most hateful piece of scum to ever infest the Presidency. And the conclusion to be drawn? “You’re a hater if you happen to notice.” The issue of whether or not the scumbag is our most hateful and divisive President is dismissed as the invention of the left with the divisiveness based exclusively on leftist hatred. The consensus here is correct. There is NO reasoning with this one.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now that is logical,thanks.^^^^^^

seawulf575's avatar

Hey @SQUEEKY2! Why don’t you get after @stanleybmanly? After all, he wrote something long and boring. Why aren’t you getting after him? Oh! I know…he shares your liberal delusions so it’s okay if he rambles on. Got it. Bias much?
But hey, while we’re on the topic of bias, I notice you tried to rewrite my last statement to you. I said what you posted was liberal opinion. I even explained why. YOU then try to say that I said everything you guys post is liberal opinion. I did not say that. Typical liberal dodge. Try again, skippy. But when you post liberal opinion, please expect to have it called that.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

For someone who comprehends as well as you say you do you sure come up short.
Go back I meant the links you post are boring not what you write, you know that.
What you write especially anything political is right wing hate against anything left, good or bad if it’s from the left you hate it.
And what you post is right wing opinion.
Wasn’t dodging a thing, deflection is your game I could never be as good as you are at it, won’t even try.

seawulf575's avatar

Huh. So all the hatred thrown at me is….okay? You are conspicuously silent on that as well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not thrown at you coming FROM you, for comprehending so well you sure fall short.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Are your feelings hurt ? @seawulf575

Your “Poor ME” the liberal are showing all my short comings.

elbanditoroso's avatar


Not hatred. Pity, perhaps. Disdain and disappointment would be more accurate.

I don’t hate you – I pity you for your closed-mindedness, and I am disappointed that you are unable or unwilling to recognize anything other than black or white.

But hatred – no.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Calm down! Nobody hates you. What would be the point? And what would make you worthy of the effort.? But to claim Trump’s “peculiarities” inventions of the left is just plain DUMB!!! He’s a lying scumbag whether I hate him or not. And if YOU are not being paid to carry his water here, you are worse than dumb!

Stache's avatar

@seawulf575 I never thought of you as a victim but here you are playing one. You can dish it just as well as anyone here. Hate is reserved for people who can do actual harm to others or this planet such as Trump. Your internet words aren’t worthy of such hatred.

mazingerz88's avatar

No chance at all trump got sucked into a Limbaugh-Hannity-Barr-Pence stinky and moist wormhole and saw an alternate reality in 1776?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Maybe you need to go back through pretty much any thread where politics is discussed. As soon as I comment, the claws come out to try tearing me apart. You could go back through this one. Go back to my very first comment in this thread. It was benign and was on topic. The backlash was amazing. And it was all from your liberal buddies. Not a one of them even got the obvious point I was making AND summed up in both the beginning and the end of my statement. But they sure came after me. So if I respond in kind, I’m the bad guy? You, sir, are a hypocrite if you believe that.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yes, disdain would be a good summation. Born of arrogance backed by nothing. In other words, foolishness.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly You are one of the worst. As soon as I comment you generally go off on some tirade. You have even accused me of being a Russian spy. And the funniest part is that not a single one of your liberal fool friends finds that odd or paranoid. Conspiracy theorist even. And most times, you can’t even get your story right. You try rewriting my comments so you can ridicule them. Take your latest one for example. I never claimed Trump’s peculiarities were inventions of the left. What I said was that the list provided from that liberal font of information, Politifact, was heavily skewed left. I even gave examples of what I meant. And neither you nor any of the other liberal tools bothered to try defending them…you just attacked me. YOU even had to change the dialogue so you could attack me. What about it buddy? Do you believe that claiming “Dems don’t like it” or “It’s a poor choice of words” or “We can’t verify the numbers” qualify as “FALSE” statements? Please…show your bias…say yes. So the next time ANY Dem says something I can claim it is a false statement because “Repubs don’t like it” or “it’s a poor choice of words” or “I can’t verify the numbers” or really…any of the types of idiot excuses used by Politifact to say a statement if false.

seawulf575's avatar

@stache…I’m not playing a victim…I’m pointing to hypocrisy. I really don’t care if you guys come at me…I can and do hold my own. But don’t get mad that I hold my own and try playing the victim card to me.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Truth is it’s just weird you keep comparing trump’s “level of craziness” with those of other politicians when you know clearly that it’s not the same thing.

Not sure which audience you’re playing for here. People do know politicians make all sorts of mistakes. But trump is simply something else. An aberration.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 For the given question, I view it as a gaffe. I don’t see it as a “level of craziness”. That’s the difference. And I look at some of the gaffes of other politicians and find them equally as weird. That is where we differ, I think. I am willing to look at others and compare and not be afraid that I might find something I didn’t want to find. ITS A GAFFE. Get over it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 You don’t listen to anything we say,and just comment it’s all liberal content.
BUT you claim the holy truth, and we should be taking it all in?
You usually come out first guns blazing then claim we are just full of hate, you poor miss understood extremist.
You compare a miss quoted number, the exact same as a fantasy past that could never have happened,then say it’s a gaffe get over it, sure until the next fantasy comes along and the next and so on.
You say your not exactly a Trump supporter, but you come out guns blazing after every trump Gaffe, or things he does that seem to only get the wealthy ahead.
As for Gaffes you are totally correct everyone makes one from time to time even you (shocking) but not a whole fantasy past, that could never have had happen.
And this is the great orange hair god,that will lead you to the promise land, ok but you better have your hip waders on your going to need them.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Do you think @seawulf575 was anointed by Trump BFF Dictator Putin? ? ?
Asking for a friend that graduated High School.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Your reply to squeek’s list is that it is heavily biased to the left. There is no disputing a single item on that list as not coming directly from the fool’s mouth. There is also no disputing a single quote on that list as untrue. You argue like a crazy man. “And Mexico will pay for it”—-bold campaign promise? It is a LIE, a deliberate and stupid lie that no one with the intelligence of a banana peel would believe, and even the most dim witted of fools wouldn’t be caught defending. It is either a DELIBERATE bold faced out in the open lie, or worse, the fool believed what he was saying—in which case, I would not need a license to describe him as psychotic, or you as idiotic to profess a belief in it. Bold campaign promise? What is wrong with you.? Of course you’re going to be ridiculed. Like the fool, YOU DRAW IT DOWN ON YOURSELF, and you BOTH deserve it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What gets me is I think he expects us to believe it???!
After all we say is just left wing propaganda, liberal bias, left wing prattle.
And they post freight wing holy truth, no right wing opinion there just the holy truth,uh huh sure.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 You should really try and get over this blind and desperate loyalty to your useful idiot.

seawulf575's avatar

And there is plenty of attacks on me, yet not a single one of you brainwashed fools will actually agree that the examples I gave of the reasoning Politifact used to determine a false statement are acceptable answers. Not a single one of you. You want me to accept your liberal sources blindly, but when asked about them, you will not even back them up yourself. @SQUEEKY2, @stanleybmanly, and @Tropical_Willie…the challenge is still out there. Does the fact that Dems don’t like something make it false? Does saying someone used a poor choice of words make the statement false? Does the fact that Politifact has no idea if the numbers Trump used were good or bad make the statement false? Not a single one of you will go out on that limb (or open that door because it is a door) to support that liberal reasoning.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You have no challenge !

You work for Putin and “Putin’s Chef” !

Money for you underwritten by Trump and Epstein, just saying . . . . . !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So you didn’t like the wording Politifact used, with some of Trumps statements?
Or are you denying Trump even said the statement?
So when they said poor choice of words makes them wrong?
Trump did say everything that was in that link I posted you, do you deny that as well?
Should they have come up with a seven page lawyer written document saying it was wrong?
I am not asking you to accept anything ,that wouldn’t happen anyways we know how entrenched you are in protecting the right wing and it’s wealthy elite.
But like you don’t expect us to buy your right wing bull crap either.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 I don’t understand your point. If it is that politifax is biased leftwards, my reply is that the sheer volume of the fool’s lies, gaffes, misstatements, whatever, exceed any possible excuse of mere biased interpretation. That the man is a gold mine of verbal fkups is not a matter of liberal bias, and you know it! The excuse that “everybody does it” is a slippery dodge worthy of the fool himself, and a truly lame attempt at ducking the fact that “nobody does it better” or more reliably. And again, you’re not going to get anything other than the derision you deserve if you attempt to degrade the world’s perception of that moron as the creation of liberal brainwashing. In the face of the deluge of examples, that excuse is particularly STUPID.

seawulf575's avatar

3 more dodges, boys. They are simple questions. You are attacking me for not believing your liberal schlock. I even gave reasons for why I question it. The reasons are simple…the reasoning used by politifact to determine if a statement is false is bogus. I have challenged you with three of those reasons and asked you if you believe those reasons make sense to say something is false. Dems don’t like it, Poor choice of words, and not being sure if numbers Trump used were good or not were all reasons given by YOUR citation to prove a statement false. Do you accept these as valid reasons for saying a statement is false? It’s a simple question. You don’t need to go into paroxysms trying to attack me or trying to prove to me the statements are false or any of that. I have asked you basically a yes or no question. Yes, you accept those reasons as being valid to say something is false or No, you don’t think those reasons are valid.
Let the dodging begin….again.

flutherother's avatar

The “gaffe” took place at a July 4th celebration choreographed by Trump and with a particular focus on the military. The actions of the Continental Army in 1776 should have been at the very heart of the day’s proceedings which makes Trump’s howler all the more surprising. It is clear that Trump was more concerned with his own self-promotion than with the historic significance of the event he was supposed to be celebrating. That’s what is inexcusable.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Now I understand. You are challenging us to find cracks in your reasoning that the list is invalid because from the 120 given quotes you find 3 where the description of their falsity appears indeterminate (to you). Now I want you to pay close attention and remember this incident the next time you decide to chide someone here on their shortfall in reading comprehension. The 3 examples given are DELIBERATE understatements ridiculing the fool. In each of them it is assumed the reader will get the joke! Let’s help you out with one of them. “It is unclear where his numbers come from” is the facetiously polite way of telling you “HE MADE IT UP” Rather than a tutorial on the remaining 2, I will leave it to you to figure out the jokes in your quest to improve your “reading comprehension”

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly No, you don’t understand. You (and others) have attacked me because I found that the logic applied by Politifact to determine that a statement was false was not really valid. Their reasoning left something to be desired in a big way. That was my take on it. You (and others) have attacked me for not believing something that is so cockeyed. So I took a sampling of THEIR reasons and asked you (and others) if you would say those reasons made any sense at all…if they were valid reasons to say a statement was false. So far, not a single one of you will actually go out on that limb to say they are good reasons. And while I only picked out 3, there were far more, equally weird, reasons applied by Politifact. I’m just making it easy on you…you only have to deal with 3. You continue to try side-stepping. I am comfortable with my reasoning, I certainly don’t need confirmation from you. But what you have done, standing so firmly behind this article from Politifact, is said to the world as a whole (without actually saying the words) that you believe Politifact used sound reasoning to make their determinations. I’m just asking you to actually say the words.
I know you won’t….can’t. Because you know as well as I do that they are bogus reasons. To say they are valid leaves you open to be called false no matter what you say in the future. Because I can come up with equally bogus determinations based on equally bogus criteria. Anything you say will be false because “conservatives don’t like it” or “I won’t verify your information” or “you used a poor choice of words”. I don’t even have to show any reasoning beyond just making those statements and voila! you are lying. But to say you DON’T think those are valid reasons for determining a statement to be false, you leave yourself open to being W-R-O-N-G. Your entire list of “Trump Lies” falls apart. The whole thing comes under question.
So choose your poison. Are you wrong now or will you be wrong perpetually in the future?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Did you read my last reply AT ALL. Reading comprehension? You do not understand that within that reply, I openly accepted and ANSWERED your challenge?

elbanditoroso's avatar

This is an aside from an observer. This particular pissing match has ceased to be interesting.

@seawulf575 asked Are you wrong now or will you be wrong perpetually in the future?

Based on the voluminous writings of @seawulf575 I think that he, himself, is perpetually wrong, and he takes a lot of words each time to reinforce just how wrong he is.

Persona non grata in the future.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He just doesn’t add up. His perplexing obstinance makes not a bit of sense unless he is getting paid (significantly) to play the fool. You would think from his passion on the subject that politifax is all alone out there with a list, or that criticism of the fool is proof positive of senseless hatred. The list in question is 13 pages at approximately 20 quotes per page of utterances from the fool in a 3 year period!! There is no denying he said each and every one of them Were you to throw away half as suspicious who in their right mind could view the remainder as “bias from the left”? I remember yesterday, the British ambassador being forced to resign for the hacking of his email revealing that he said in private what EVERYBODY KNOWS. Now our friend will come back with the retort that “not everybody knows, and your statement is proof of your blind hatred for the fool.”

stanleybmanly's avatar

Honestly, it is annoying that the wulf vexes me so. I realize that it isn’t a fair fight and the just thing to do is to ignore him. But he won’t shut up! It is when he appears here with the effrontery to brag on his superior logic skills and dis the rest of us on our brainwashed inferiority that I really lose it!

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly no, I did not respond to your last post because it was a dodge. You started with a bogus assumption in an effort to dodge. You are, again, dodging. So I will assume you believe Politifact reasoning to be sound so I will apply it to you going forward.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso I have a solution for you….If our pissing match has ceased to be interesting and since it is the only thing going on with this thread, then stop following it. Easy peasy.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I am telling you AGAIN that your challenge was accepted and answered. The reason your listed politifax objections on the 3 examples given are invalid is that YOU fail to understand STANDARD English idioms, which is most peculiar for someone with your apparent level of fluency. It is odd indeed that you must be told FORCEFULLY that “it is unclear where his numbers came from” is equivalent to “he pulled the numbers out of his ass!!!!”

seawulf575's avatar

Oh! and @stanleybmanly here are some of the things you can expect from me to say you are lying:

Statement ‘unbelievable’ to conservatives.
Not walking the walk
Grossly distorts facts
Poor word choice
not proven
Unclear where numbers come from
Claim ignores other key factors
Lacks evidence
Not the same
Claim distorts complex set of fire causes
A total distortion of what a few Democrats support
Claim falls prey to the facts
Blatant misrepresentation
That’s too high
Study’s design pre-ordained that result
Gets cause wrong
Missed the point
No evidence
Gutter ball
No backup for this claim
Wrong before, wrong now
Wrong on both counts
Little link between the two
Way off the mark
Blame shifting
Ignores history
Not exactly
Alarming misread
Claim is basically puffery
Poorly revised history
That’s not how it’s calculated
They didn’t say that
The ‘failing’ New York Times
This is wrong
Unprecedented tough words
That’s not what it said

There will be others, I’m sure. But as you can see, you will be lying about a lot since none of these really are proof of anything, except to liberals.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 Your Fedora looks alike an ass hat.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 they are all substitutes for the tiresome repeat of “he’s lying”. And you bet your ass that “there will be others”. If your point is that in a field of 240 lies, 36 are open to debate, the best you can state is that one statement in six from the fool MAY not be a lie. Do you understand the implications in such a statement. Stop being a dummy and match the quotes to the reasons given for “this is wrong” or “that is not what it said”.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Did you get it a Tweed Hat in Moscow ? ?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@stanleybmanly unless it’s a seven page lawyer written legal document saying ole Trump was wrong, he won’t believe it, and I am not sure he would believe it even then.

Now to you @seawulf575 instead of us having to say politifact was right using the words they chose to say the Orange one lied again, tell us Trump was right in his statement,and politifact was very wrong calling Trump on it,bet ya can’t, and hows that for a dodge?
That list you gave us tell us Trump was very right on each of those statements,and politifact was in the wrong.
I am surprised your so bent on the wording thought you would be ok with simple wording , since your Orange hair one describes Hurricanes as very big and wet.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Here is that list once again…

Did you know that politifact does dive more than the simple wording thats got your conservative nuts so twisted, each statement you can click on it and it will explain why.
I only did one and it has a ton of information and walls of text something you like a lot.
So based on that one I do believe that Politifact is right and ole Trump is still a a lying freak.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You are dodging as well. You even start with “instead of us having to say politificact was right using the words…” You can’t even get to actually answering my simple yes/no question. Instead, you try deflecting with another question. Sorry….I don’t get sidetracked that quickly or easily.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ok so you won’t think this is a dodge,Politifact is indeed right about your orange hair god.
This I will give you they could have used a bit better choice of words to sum up the lie, BUT IT IS STILL A LIE!!!!!!!
Is that what your looking for??
So YES THEY ARE RIGHT, he is still a lying scum bag.
And if you think that was a dodge ,then there is nothing more I can do.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now just so your conservative balls won’t get a chance to relax,OF COURSE IT WOULD LOOKS LIKE IT LEANS LEFT, DUH it pointed out his lies, un like any right wing organization that would cover them , sweep them under the rug, and make excuses for saying it was just a gaffe get over it.
Point out any right wing source that actually would bring him to task on any of his lies, gaffes,or made up past fantasies, of course they wouldn’t that would admit the guy is a complete idiot.

LostInParadise's avatar

When Trump is not lying, he speaks gibberish. John Roberts was prepared to accept the citizenship question for the census. All Trump had to do was to provide a reason. Roberts turned Trump down because the voting rights reason was “incoherent”, meaning it was total nonsense.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t think Republicans like what you are saying, so you are lying.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is just a dodge^^

stanleybmanly's avatar

You know the bickering with this man will last as long as he is breathing. But he IS a gift to the rest of us as the model of what we’re up against. To me it is astonishing that an individual who can read and write is capable while up to his neck in evidence to the contrary, exude the pretense that Trump not only sits within the parameters of normal human behavior, but then concludes that the fool’s very aberrations suit him for the Presidency! What is even more baffling in the face of such bewildering claims is that such an individual takes offense at ridicule of his clearly ASININE position on the subject then concludies that the only possible reason his professed beliefs are laughed at and ridiculed with disdain must be hatred. Go figure.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And he claims we just dodge,dodge dodge.
After all he did claim Trump made a gaffe about his fantasy past(WOW) and he put it at the same level as Obamas miss quoted number about how many states he visited.
And says the left is all about hate..
To put those two at the same level is the same as saying some one who wulf whistles at a sexy woman ,is the same as some one guilty of rape.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly You used a poor choice of words, so you are lying.
@SQUEEKY2 You present a poorly revised history, so you are lying.

This is fun! Pretty much, you guys lie all the time (when I apply the same reasoning you support from Politifact to say Trump lies all the time). When you typiing, you are lying.

ragingloli's avatar

I think he is having a stroke.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So we have reverted to this “I know you but what am I” OMG this is the best for some one who comprehends on your level?
What’s next, threaten me for my lunch money?
If Politifact is lying about Trump lying don’t you think they would be sued for slander?
Now don’t go Trump has better things to do than go after everyone that slanders him, Trump has done that in the past his ego wouldn’t let a source as big as Politifact get away with it.
So now help me, I don’t comprehend as well as you do,those quotes from Trump on Politifact are indeed NOT lies but the truth?
And Politifact are the ones lying about the greatest President(in your mind) your country has ever had?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@ragingloli No no. He has diagnosed us with Trump aversion syndrome or some such derangement and opposition to the fool is restricted to the looney left minority.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You are the one that refused to disagree with the idea that all someone has to do is claim someone is lying, provide some bogus reason, and it is so. In fact, you attacked me because I WOULDN’T accept their reasoning. So I am embracing your way of thinking. Aren’t you happy? You won! I’m thinking like a liberal!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is a Dodge, and @ragingloli you’re right I think wulfie is having a stroke.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And fucking claim he is lying?????
They have his quote! if you click the quote they will explain in detail why it’s a lie but you prefer to sit there and simply insult us and then say we attack you?!

stanleybmanly's avatar

If but a stroke, it is rather a prolonged stroke or one with scant prospect of recovery. To persist in his line of reasoning while the enbarrassing accumulation of evidence piles up between such reasoning and the truth forces consideration of more exotic motivations. And I would start with the probability that our friend is not actually stupid enough to believe what he professes here. And if that is the case, why must he continue?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Because true Conservative extremists can NEVER admit they are wrong, so they continue on till the death.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Wrong before, wrong again. Still lying.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Your assumptions are not proven…you are lying.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry wulfie you’re lying about me lying, you still participating proves you’re the lier here.

seawulf575's avatar

@Squeeky2…Poor choice of words…you are lying. Not to mention you can’t spell, so you must be making it up.
Eventually you will realize I am applying the same logic you admired from Politifact. And MAYBE you will eventually realize how piss-poor that logic is. But since they can claim whatever they like for whatever reason and you feel they are justified, that means that logic should apply to everyone. So I am partaking of your liberal logic. Annoying, isn’t it?

ragingloli's avatar

You keep using that word.
I do not think it means, what you think it means.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They explained every quote ,but since it doesn’t shower praise on your wonder boy it must be a lie, maybe it was a lie that he said it at all?
Make up a fantasy past,didn’t happen, saying the UK is the states biggest trading partner when it’s actually 8th isn’t a lie either, your right just ignore everything bad about the guy and he comes through holier than God.
Wow sorry I said anything bad when there is nothing but good about him.
Raising the debt to record levels with huge tax breaks for the wealthy was a great thing to do, it will help out the whole country.
Maybe he can totally do away with affordable health care,spend to much on it anyways and the wealthy sure as hell don’t need it.
Good stuff.
Social security get rid of it like they plan, the elderly if they haven’t saved enough to retire they can always go back to work.
More great stuff.
Politifact is just making all of it up to make Trump look bad because he is such a great guy, shame on them.
I will look for news on FOX and other extreme right wing sources because they tell it like it is,
All the countries need to put the wealthy first and for most because they are so hard done by, maybe they should just be tax exempt, the lower working class can pick up the taxes anyways.
WOW this right wing thinking sure is good stuff.
On your way home don’t forget to kick a homeless person, after all poverty is their fault.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Our friend doesn’t understand that to present a list of answers and claim they are vague is meaningless minus provision of the statements to which the anawers are attached. But all in all, I prefer him in his current mode. At least he has the sense not to claim that the left invented the quotes themselves, and he does leave you thinking what if POLITIFAX is right on the money a mere 5 times out of six. I’m sure that is an error rate sufficient to persuade we brainwashed leftists that the fool is not the lying scumbag he appears.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You’re absolutely correct I don’t know why he even bothers with us brain washed fools, we will believe anything.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He is getting paid by Putin’s Chef !

seawulf575's avatar

I absolutely understand. But the list of answers basically sum up their views. That’s all they need. For example, if I make a statement but use a poor choice of words…words that are crude as opposed to polished for example…does that make the statement false or just crude? According to Politifact it is the exact same thing. So really, their list of answers ARE their answers. But that is what you all base your claims that Trump lies about everything on. Face it boys, you are brainwashed. Some liberal outlet tells you something and you don’t think for yourselves…you just accept it and go on.
And, @SQUEEKY2, I bother with you brain washed fools because I keep hoping one of you might actually find a way to break your conditioning. I haven’t given up on you.
But here’s a caution…next time you try attacking me for not believing one of your citations from a liberal source you might want to make sure it is full of fact and not opinion. Opinion does not make it right and will open you up to this sort of ridicule in return.

Stache's avatar

But Hillary

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 Every time you say “brain washed” and you say it a lot, all I can think is you projecting.
“Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

BUT @seawulf575 How do we know you are not the brain washed fool trying to convert us?

stanleybmanly's avatar

This poor deluded soul lacks the mental heft to see the fallacy in what he believes passes for reasoning. “Opinion does not make it right and will open you up to this sort of ridicule in return.” Well let the ridicule begin!! And let’s start right at the top with the FACT that our friend’s entire argument rests on the OPINION that Politifax is liberally biased. Everybody who reports anything negative on the fool is liberally biased. New York Times, Wall St Journal, doesn’t matter. The beauty with an intellectual deficit is that self deception is a breeze. A minimum of intellectual muscle is required to understand that the daily deluge of fuckups on the part of the fool may have less to do with the bias of those reporting such screwups. A really slow thinker will just point to the frequency and severity of the blunders as proof of the hatred of those who notice. I try my damnedest to get around the evidence that our friend is STUPID, but he just plain will not allow it. I would actually prefer to think him a Russian agent in preference to the insufferable dummy he persists in exhibiting here. But he insists on having his way. So be it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He thinks the sum of Trump’s lies in politifact are opinion because they sum it up quick with things like ,not so much, wrong again, type wording and it has his conservative nuts all twisted refuses to click on the quote and see the information explaining it’s another Trump lie.
Then comes and attacks us, and claim he is the one being attacked.
Saying we are the ones lying, even got to the point he had to point out a spelling error, wow that is all you got?
Here is a fact if it paints Trump in a negative light it has to be Liberal opinion, because to a true Rep/con the man can do no wrong.

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