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zenvelo's avatar

Did you hear a Giant Sucking Sound....?

Asked by zenvelo (39587points) July 9th, 2019

H. Ross Perot, Billionaire and independent Presidential Candidate in 1992, passed away today. His famous catchphrase was that the North American Free Trade agreement (NAFTA) would cause “a Giant Sucking Sound” of jobs going to Mexico.

He always seemed to me as an honest man who was a patriot although I disagreed with much of his politics. Do you remember him?

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22 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I do and think he was right for the most part.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Honestly, I didn’t know he was still alive. I thought he’d died years ago. Then again, I can’t say I ever bothered to check.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m with @Darth_Algar – I thought Perot died a long time ago. He had big ears.

Yellowdog's avatar

Me too. I thought he might be a good president IF and ONLY IF he went to Hell.

chyna's avatar

I thought he was already dead, also. I remember he had big ears.

Yellowdog's avatar

I just remember his voice. Real country Texan Something between Festus and Lord its Hard to be Humble.

And I remember during the Y2K deal, he said to program the computers to think it was 1972, because the calendar was identical. Then we’d have an extra 28 years to solve the problem.

kritiper's avatar

I didn’t hear that he died but I heard the noise. I would have voted for him if I thought he could’ve won.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I wish I’d voted for him.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Yellowdog “And I remember during the Y2K deal, he said to program the computers to think it was 1972, because the calendar was identical. Then we’d have an extra 28 years to solve the problem.”

Wow. You’d think some who made his fortune in the computer industry would have been more sensible about it than that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

From what I recall, he’s the only candidate for President who offered to do the job for free. (Several give it away, I know, but he didn’t want a dime.) Admirable in that aspect.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I do remember him & the fact that he was way too scatterbrain to have the most important job in the country. Many said he was too old to be President as he might not live through his term in office (he looked a lot older than his years). Here it is 20 years later & he’s just passing. The only thing I remembered liking about him was his promise to not take a salary & I highly doubted that he’d follow through on that promise once in office. It’d take a total idiot to take on that responsibility without some sort of return!!!

ragingloli's avatar

Not until tonight.

seawulf575's avatar

I think he was very accurate in many of his explanations and plans. I thought he might be a good president and I think I even voted for him. But the thing that bothered me was that he had all sorts of major changes he wanted to institute all at once. My experience has been that major changes are very disruptive. Many major changes could be catastrophic. That was my worry with him as POTUS.

Zaku's avatar

I remember him being outspoken and refreshing in some ways in an otherwise depressing race between two big-party establishment candidates.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@LadyMarissa “The only thing I remembered liking about him was his promise to not take a salary & I highly doubted that he’d follow through on that promise once in office.”

He wouldn’t have because he couldn’t have. There is no mechanism by which the POTUS can decline his salary. The pay is automatic whether he wants it or not. Now whatever he does with the money once he has it, such as donating it (as John Kennedy did), is up to him. But he can’t actually decline it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I voted for him the first time.
Something dirty was done and he lost his nerve. There waspressure against him from both sides. Some of that lurked only in the shadows.
He came back to the race, but by then he had lost momentum with many of us who were disappointed he didn’t stand up to the pressure.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well that was another FU by the electoral college.

si3tech's avatar

I recall him saying that and also recall him stating he wanted “Line Item Veto”! What a wonderful bilions of dollars of saving that would be.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

“Line item veto?”

mazingerz88's avatar

Just happened to be more interested with the recent death of Joao Gilberto.

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Reagan also wanted the line item veto, because it is part of the budget process in California. It allows the executive to approve budget legislation while not approving certain line items in the package, such as funding for a certain program. It would require a constitutional amendment

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