Why would Mitch McConnell claim Obama (I assume Barack) was descended from slave owners?
Barack was not descended either from slaves nor slave owners. Michelle was descended from both however.
Why would McConnell say that? Is he mindlessly racist or just dumb?
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59 Answers
What difference would it make? I am descended from slave owners, as are many. McConnell is a dweeb…
WHY would he automatically assume Obama was descended from slaves?
“Dweeb” is kind.
Because he’s a piece of shit, that’s why. So what if Obama did have some slave owners in his ancestry? What of it. Many of us do, probably more of us than want to admit (or are even aware). “Cocaine Mitch” probably does too.
But he doesn’t. Unless it’s on his mom’s side.
I didn’t claim that Obama did. He may have, he may not have. I don’t know and I don’t think it’s relevant either way.
Are you not hearing me? His father was African, not an African American. The only way he could have slaves in his ancestory it would be on his Mom’s side and I’m 100% sure that is not what Dweeb McConnell was alluding to.
So what was he thinking?
It was Michelle Obama and notice it is PBS, And the Dweeb Mitch gets it all wrong, he keeps listening to the orange haired king of dwweebs
I know Michelle’s history (I watched a program that showed she carried the genes of the white owner of her great great great great grand people) but he specifically referred to “Obama,” and it is not common to refer to women only by their last name, only men. That is why I asked why he’d make such an assumption about Barack.
McConnell, is more out of touch with the real world than Trump is, if that’s possible.
This idiot thinks poverty is the poor peoples fault.
Thinks the debt isn’t a problem it’s those damn entitlement programs, medicaid, and social security that is the reason your country is so in debt.
Trump is an out of touch rich idiot.
McConnell is an out of touch EVIL idiot.
McConnell merely made the mistake common to most of us. It is a reasonable mistake considering the assumption would be valid for in excess of 95% of black Americans.
You would expect our leaders to be better informed than the average 10 year old. You would expect them to be well read. You would expect them to be aware of the historyof our presidents.
I guess I expect wrong.
You truly are an optimist at heart. Is that what any of us expect any longer?
I shall stay optimistic and I won’t vote for obvious idiots.
Now that most have aired opinions, I will call all of you uneducated in the matter.
Slaves were owned in Africa long before any Africans were brought to North America.
Has anybody here checked Barack Obama’s history back enough centuries to be certain none of his ancestors were slaves, or human owners?
I’m unfollowing this Q the moment I post this, so snarking back at me for pointing out your oversight will be assumed but unseen by me.
@Patty_Melt now explain how that bit of already known information factors into McConnell’s comment.
We’ll breathlessly wait to be educated by your amazing wisdom some more.
@Patty_Melt WTF
Oh you had a hissy fit and went home.
Draw fire. Run for cover.
Give up @Dutchess_lll she may read this but isn’t going to reply.
I just read the last half of her comment where she basically said “I just made a really arrogant and ignorant post” so she shall now stick her fingers in her ears and run away yelling ‘I can’t HEARRRRR YOU!”
Yeah,that’s pretty much it, no hate there.
Just right wing love.
After all they are all about love when separating children from parents,withdrawing food stamps,trying to get rid of affordable health care, not giving a shit about the environment, yup a party all about love and caring, especially about the less fortunate .
It’s the Christian way Squeekster.
Oh but they will fire back with some dumb statistic showing conservatives donate more to charities than Lib/tards and that will show the world they care so much.
Wonder if they couldn’t use it as a tax deduction how much would they use it then?
If you will notice, I said nothing of Barack Obama’s father’s side. If you are going to accuse me of “not hearing you” then at least do me the courtesy of arguing again what I’ve actually said (though what you would find objectionable to my posts in this thread is beyond me, unless you’re merely looking for something to quarrel over), instead of what you, apparently, imagine I’ve said.
Well if @Patty_Melt isn’t willing to stick around and stand by her statements then they can be dismissed out-of-hand.
I was only asking about McConnells logic @Darth, not yours. I was also simply pointing out my own logic, again not questioning yours.
And I only responded to that question, so I’m not sure why you’re arguing over it.
Okay this party is so over !
Now that the the party-giver has thrown a turd in the punch bowl and left the building.
I didn’t throw a turd in the punch bowel and that’s just gross @Tropical_Willie!!
Do you all need a time out?
I guess so!
Who the hell put a turd in the punch bowl???
Maybe the missing member? ? ?
I am not missing any members, are you?
One grilled cheese sammich is missing !
She thought IT was her party.
Yup don’t drink “Grilled Cheese Sammiches” – - – - Kool-Aid !
Gawd. I haven’t had Kool Aid since I was a kid.
Did anyone else mix the dry Kool Aid with sugar and dip a wet finger into it and eat it that way?
Kool Aid was the absolutely indispensable staple of every kid’s Summer vacation in my grade school years.
Yep. And you were the height of fashion if you had the Kool Aid pitcher!
Wait. When you say Kool Aid pitcher, are you talking about the clear glass pitcher, or must the face be included? Ours is the exact classic pitcher but minus the face. I think they are easy to come by.
Have to have the face, man, or it’s just a run of the mill pitcher.
Oh. That’s what I was afraid of. You know, when I bought that pitcher back when I left home, I was all excited about it. And come to think of it, (predictably), it was only the guys who spotted it who would react “HEY—the Kool aid pitcher!”
Fill the pitcher with ice and Kool-Aid, Grape looks fine. Wait for condensation to form make your FACE – - – - – - – (;>) !
Great solution. But I want a pitcher like the one on tv which magically appears always frosty and FULL of icy Kool Aid. Did you ever fill the ice cube trays with over sweetened Kool Aid? It drove my parents crazy.
Tell me that you grew up with a pitcher of that shape in your household.
Of course I did! WITH the face!
Do you still have it? I never thought about it, but it makes sense that they MUST be available commercially. I’m going to look into it immediately. If I find em, I’ll get you one too!
No I don’t still have it. Check eBay.
The glass ones are disappointing. The one which looks authentic is in disgusting red plastic. Was yours this abomination?
I don’t remember. I think plastic.
Kool-Aid? Meh. I prefer Flavor Aid for my suicide pacts.
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