General Question

Strauss's avatar

If I add two tbs citric acid to 32 oz white vinegar (5% acidity) how much willthat increase the total acidity of the solution?

Asked by Strauss (23867points) July 13th, 2019

There is a gravelled landscape area in my yard, and the weed barrier under the gravel has deterioriated over the past 10 years or so. Until I get the time and energy to take up all the gravel and replace the barrier, I am investigating some more natural, non toxic (except for the weeds) forms of weed control.

One suggestion I’ve seen is a combo of vinegar and citric acid, to increase the acidity, and therefore destroy the weeds by dessication.

Does anyone out there know of a formula, or rule of thumb, I can use to calculate the acidity of such a solution?

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1 Answer

Patty_Melt's avatar

I hope you get a knowledgeable answer. I too would like to know.

However, wouldn’t the acidic content wash away fairly soon? At the very least I think the first rain would dilute it.

I have an area I want to get the growth all cut off, so I can later plant flowers. I just can’t keep up with trying to cut it back, and I’ve dug up some but that too is too much.

Perhaps after the weekend we will get an answer.

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