What are the worst horror movies of all time?
So I like scary movies and I got a lot of good recommendations from my good horror movie question, thanks! As a horror nerd though, most of the movies I see range from bad to horrible. Sometimes to the point where it becomes entertaining in it’s own way. What are your favorite really bad horror movies?
Off the top of my head I think of Pet Semetary 2 (one of the few times I’ve seen Edward Furlong after T2), Zombie Flesh Eaters (an Italian unofficial follow up to Dawn of the Dead) and I also saw another Italian movie called The Ogre which is just horribly boring and bad…
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61 Answers
Right off the top of my head, A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Diabolical mess of a film.
Yeah I find that one kind of charming, though not scary at all… Also starring a very young Johnny Depp in an early role, not his best one. :) As for big budget movies I think the remake of House of wax with Paris Hilton is hard to beat.
Halloween 3 Season of the Witch.
No, just no!!!
I never got the Halloween series, or slasher movies in general. I saw one from the 80’s called The Burning, a complete Friday the 13th rip-off starring Jason Alexander from Seinfeld. With hair!
Killer Klowns. It upsets my daughter, but I just think it’s funny.
I’m not into horror, so I enjoy the funny ones.
Also Bill Murray being stupid and pretending to be a zombie to someone holding a loaded shotgun. That movie cracks me up.
I Am Legend is just plain snore bait.
@Patty_Melt I didn’t see that one, but Bill Murray also played himself as a zombie in Zombieland. Hilarious!
I’m sorry, I meant to list the name. I was talking about Zombieland. I guess I got ahead of myself.
Lol, I thought it seemed strange if he played himself as a zombie in another movie too :)
If you just want a really bad horror movie, The Witch’s Sabbath (2005) is by far the worst attempt at making a movie that has ever been recorded.
The Leprechaun series is pretty ridiculous, and entertaining.
@RedDeerGuy1 Lol, me and a friend decided to watch through all the Chucky movies a year or so ago. I think we made it through the fourth one before giving up…
Rocky horror picture show was bad.
The Jason films are probably pretty terrible. Not that I would ever watch them.
“The Death Curse of Tartu”:https://youtu.be/6uQ6IsrXrUA
@nerdgirl578 let me warn you, The Witch’s Sabbath is not a “fun” b-movie.. Its worse than Boogieman. In other words, just bad.
Probably two of the last ones I saw, both of which are “highly rated”.
Crimson Peak. Insipid unwatchable trash. One of the dullest films I’ve ever seen, only marginally redeemed by its cinematography.
Hereditary. When a “horror” makes me roll my eyes and laugh derisively at the supposedly “scary” scenes, then it’s fucking trash. The son, played by Alex Wolff, is almost implausibly ugly, with the on-screen personality of an overcooked cabbage, yet somehow has a far more attractive high-school ‘love interest’ who seems to overlook his utter lack of charm and weird face.
It’s predictable, boring, not remotely suspensful or eerie or frightening. The best parts are the inadvertantly funny gore scenes near the end.
I’ve never watched the Blair witch project. Was told that it only cost $37 bucks to make .
Putty tang was bad too.
The Blair Witch Project was a pretty basic film, but took more than 37 dollars.
Probably around $60,000
@Yellowdog Thanks. Maybe they made 37 times in profits. 37 is an important number for the movie. Or is that the British zombie movie cost? I’m mixed up with the movie’s
All time worst horror movie I’ve seen is 2005’s “Boogeyman”
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.
@rockfan is spot on about Boogeyman. One of the worst movies of all time.
It had a cool house and scary-as-hell soundtrack, but you can’t enjoy it because of the movie’s loud distractions that spoil the ambience every five seconds. Terrible, terrible CGI (computer generated imagery) just when you thought you were seeing less of it
Seriously? Birdemic and Rubber. Two of the worst scary films ever to be made.
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) was incredibly bad! It is kind of cross between horror and science fiction. Aliens plan to take over the world by inhabiting dead bodies.
Do you include films about dystopias? In that category I recommend Clockwork Orange. I remember how creepy it was and how it left me with a feeling of undirected anger after I left the movie theater.
@LostInParadise Do you really think A Clockwork Orange is bad? I think it’s great!
I got confused. I took horrible to mean really scary, but I see now that was not the intention of the question.
No problem, I did also post another question asking about favorite horror movies anyway :)
I seldom if ever watch hotrror movies; however, there’s 2 that I remember a friend had on while I was visiting. They are both pretty old & not one I doubt that they are even shown anymore. About 10 years ago there was one called Killer Clown & I don’t remember anything good about it. I think that there has been a remake since then, but I didn’t ever check it out to see what it was like. Another was Phantasm which came out back around 1980. As I set there wishing they would turn it off, everybody else was ranting about what a great movie it was. It did absolutely NOTHING for me!!!
@LadyMarissa Ah, I know Phantasm is considered somewhat of a cult movie. I haven’t seen it yet but I will eventually :)
^ From the best that I can figure out, you will either love it or hate it. I’ve never met anyone in between. It’s either the best movie ever made or the worst…never heard a so-so reference!!!
@LadyMarissa That sounds intriguing! I’ll get back to you on that once I’ve seen it :)
Phantasm is somewhat lacking in logic. But it has some very well-done, creepy scenes and even some warm, friendly, amicable characters. Even the Tall Man (the commander of the hellish aliens that we all will have to face when we die) is polite, in his quirky. mentally challenged sort of way, He is a weird, quirky character who looks like the creepy villain in many classic horror movies—kind of like a badly displayed corpse at a funeral.
even when he’s taking you to hell—or what their planet is supposed to be like.—he is polite and awkward and still threatening
Gradually, around the time the movie Time Machine came out, they started doing a kind of switcheroo where the Tall Man was really a “good” character .
But keep with Phantasm and Phantasm II (don’t know about III).
The unprofessional, quirky things about this film, the weird ways they achieve effects, is what makes it great—probably the best “B” movie ever made.
@yellowdog That’s sounds nice! As far as low budget movies go I’m still partial to Evil Dead. There’s something very menacing about it. Context also means a lot whith things like this. The first time I saw it was with a friend alone at her house in the countryside when we were 16. We weren’t aware of it’s reputation at all and was expecting just another tacky b-movie we could eat popcorn to and laugh at. That didn’t turn out to be true at all, we were really scared! It’s still probably my favorite in the genre.
Well, that’s better than Phantasm.
A weird ambiance is a good by-product of many B-movies. All the better if its disturbing.
Yeah, but in this case I think it’s just well made in a lot of ways. I’m not educated in the arts of film making but there’s just something about the camera work in this one. Also the make up. Sam Raimi obviously made a name of himself after this, but Evil Dead is still my favorite of his. The increasingly more humorous sequels, not as much.
Two recent turkeys were Witch & Rings, right load of crap.
Hand’s down, the worst horror movie of all time was Plan 9 from Outer Space. An Ed Wood special. It won the Golden Turkey Award for being the worst movie of all time. It is supposed to be a sci-fi/horror movie but is really a comedy. Bela Lugosi starred in it, but died part way through the filming. He was replaced by some kid that looked to be around 20 years old and looked nothing like Bela. It was hilarious to watch. As a horror movie? Nope.
@seawulf575 Lol, you’re the second person bring that one up, I know of it of course but haven’t seen it yet. I’m going to eventually though :)
@nerdgirl578 Forgot about that one. You might want to make that eventually a really long time off!!! LoL
@LadyMarissa Lol, no if it’s as bad as everyone says it is it’s a must see! :)
^ Oh well, it’s YOUR time to waste…just make sure your finger knows where the “stop” button is located!!! ;{
A movie that bad can’t be time wasted, I’ll get me some popcorn :) Mediocre movies are another question.
Some horror movies are good BECAUSE they’re bad. They are usually on the film programs hosted by Elvira or Svengoolie. Or they’re cult classics
Others are a just bad, and will leave you feeling betrayed and like you threw away your time and money. Plan 9 definitely falls in this category.
One look at the stiff, plastic creature suits and I threw the videocassette out into the street. At least I got a few laughs hearing cars continually drive over it all night. Far more entertaining.
I meant District 9 (2009) Not the same film @seawulf575 mentioned.
Wow, I thought The Witch was the best horror film of that year.
I love Plan 9, and I agree it’s probably the worst film ever made. I just don’t see it as horror. It’s too amusing.
There was another film from the 1970s called Dark Star. It was more Sci-fi/comedy, but it had the goofiest looking monster in it. The monster resembled a beach ball that someone glued feet on. It was a John Carpenter film, I think. If you are stoned and are looking for something to amuse you, this would be the one.
@seawulf575 Is Dark Star the movie with the suicidal nuke?
@RedDeerGuy1 Possibly…it’s been years since I saw it. I remember the crew was flying around space, getting stoned, trying to find planets to destroy. I think the captain was dead but still the leader. A suicidal nuke wouldn’t surprise me.
Battlefield Earth with John Travolta.
Technically, I think it was classified as a scifi action that horrified many!!! LoL
In that sense probably scarier than most horror movies :)
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