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LuckyGuy's avatar

Are you following the timeline of the Apollo 11 mission?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) July 19th, 2019

I printed out the Apollo 11 mission timeline from NASA and have been following along since their lift off on the morning of July 16 .
As I write this, 7/19 morning, they are preparing to fire their lunar orbit insertion burn after have been accelerating toward the moon for 14 hours.
When yo listen to the recordings everyone seems so calm and collected when you know they must be screaming inside.
It brings tears to my eyes.

Do you remember where you were when they landed 50 years ago? Will you do anything special to celebrate?
I will fire a few photons at the moon and let the retroreflector placed by Aldrin and Armstrong send them back to me.

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23 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

That would be cool to do.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I haven’t been following the timeline, but I have watched programs and footage all week. Very interesting.

Just in case you haven’t seen this:

filmfann's avatar

I remember when it happened very well.
I recall the landing was on a Sunday, and my parents had a lot of people over in our backyard for a barbecue, which was a rarity.
I stayed glued to the set, and occasionally guests would walk in, take a quick look at the tv, and ask how it was going. I couldn’t understand anyone’s indifference to it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Their lunar orbit insertion burn went perfectly. In 5 hours they will perform a 17 second burn to further circularize the orbit. Meanwhile they are working with the TV camera sending picture back to us!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@KNOWITALL A nutcase indeed. Over 400,000 people worked on that program.
I figure those denier idiots are Russian patsies.

I wonder…., if Aldrin had put his hand on whatever book the creep was holding and said “I did it. I walked on the Moon.” would the slug slither away to his cesspool satisfied? I doubt it.

You can argue with Flat Earthers too. Only a fool argues with a fool.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LuckyGuy I just couldn’t believe he called him a liar and a coward. Some people.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@filmfann On that day before lunch time I was playing with some homemade rocket engines I made from empty .22 casings. I lit one off and it broke free from the mount and flew wild, setting a shrub next to my house on fire. Fortunately the garden hose was nearby, (That’s why I picked that spot as my test area.) so I could put out the flames before my parents found out.
It was a juniper bush with lots of dead branches in center.

canidmajor's avatar

I was 15, working as a sailing instructor on Fire Island, and that’s all we cared about. The words “The Eagle has landed” still gives me a lift.

ucme's avatar

Watched a couple of specially made docs for the 50th anniversary & found a few insightful little tidbits I wasn’t previously aware of.

Chief among these for me was that Aldrin, being the most experienced of the three in terms of hours in space, wanted to be the first to set foot on the moon.

Only reason he wasn’t able to was because Armstrong was seated nearest the hatch & it being so cramped, there was no way for Buzz to clamber over him, fascinating stuff.

gondwanalon's avatar

I was at my friends house listening to the radio. When the lander touched down my friend ran though the house screaming, “WE DID IT!!! over and over. Then we wondered what’s taking the so long to get out of the lander and walk around outside?

Later I used an old 8mm camera to film Armstrong step onto the Moon from a TV set at my girl friends house. Turned out very well.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Right now 7:30 am July 20 they are preparing the LM. In ~6 hours they undock the Command Module and Lunar Module. An hour and a half later the LM will start its descent whilte the CM continues to orbit.
We ate some astronaut ice cream for dinner last night.

canidmajor's avatar

I am up and watching the recaps!

ucme's avatar

Forgot to respond to your second query.
I was 2yrs old at the time & so was either asleep or giggling.
It’s worth mentioning though that what they achieved with the tech available to them was nothing short of miraculous.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Rats! The moon rises here 10 minutes after the magic 10:56 pm first step anniversary.
Plus I need to wait an additional hour to clear the trees! I’ll be late but I’ll still send a few photons in its direction. We all should.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s 4:04 PM Eastern. They touched down on the Moon at 4:17 pm.
They opened the hatch at 10:39 PM
First step on the Moon at 10:56 PM
They went back in at 1:01 and 1:09 AM
They closed the door at 1:11 AM
Liftoff at 1:54 AM.

LuckyGuy's avatar

NASA is running a liive stream of the event 50 years and 1 minute after the fact. It is gooing now! NASA Apollo 11 Live Stream
I sent my photons up to the Moon!

Patty_Melt's avatar

How do you send photons to the moon?

Years ago, when my daughter learned there is an American flag on the moon, she started a habit of going outside after dark, put her hand over her heart, and say the Pledge of Allegiance facing the moon. I bet she’s the only one ever.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Cool! Thanks for the link. I will use it more times.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Sending photons to the Moon is a simple as shining a flashlight at it. The photons will get there in about 1.5 seconds.
Or you can use a pulsed laser. ;-)

Lunar liftoff is a t 1:54 pm Eastern

gondwanalon's avatar

Can you imagine what the Milky Way looks like from the surface of the Moon in total darkness? It must feel like you’re standing on the edge of the universe.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Oh man…. It would be magical. You’d have to be standing in the shade though.

I gotta tell you… I was a bit of a basket case watching this. How cool and collected they were. Heck! How professional everyone was!
When those error codes 1201 and 1202 came up seconds before landing I’d be yelling what the hell does that mean?!?!?! Houston WTF!!!
And how about the Flight surgeon monitoring their vitals and reading out heart rates and BTU burn rates. And the guy reading the status of their “consumables” as they are walking around outside the LM. Everyone was so clam. How the heck did they do that? Nerves of steel.
It really made me proud of science, engineering, and the 400,000 people who gave a big portion of their lives to make the effort a success.

gondwanalon's avatar

@LuckyGuy They did all of that with 1960’s technology using slide rules and human brain power. No wonder so many people don”t believe it happened.

Last November I set up a GoPro at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and took hundreds of stunning time-laps pictures of the Milky Way. Wish that the next Moon walker would do that on the Moon when it is dark.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I hope so too. Using some NASA invented extreme HDR they could frame it so Earth was in the picture.

Some people are idiots. Flat Earthers, Holocaust deniers, Antivaxxers, Moon landing deniers, Chemtrail trackers,... There is no point discussing it with them. Only a fool argues with a fool. I just say, “yep”, and make a mental note to never hire that one for a job. :-)

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