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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think they're making mountains out of mole hills about the weather again?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 21st, 2019

First, I completely accept the evidence for climate change, and we need to do something.

However, they’re acting like this is the first time it’s hit in the 90s and even low 100 degrees in Kansas in July, and it’s ALWAYS been this hot here. Always. We played in it as kids, we swam in the creek, at the pool, we ran, played in the hose…but people aren’t even letting their kids even go outside here, and that’s just insane.
Back in 95, when I first moved to this town, my van didn’t have AC or heat. It was July. I was driving down Main Street with the windows down. Passed the bank and the time was 1:13. I thought “It’s later than that! It’s 3:00 at least!” Then it hit me….that was the actual temperature. I have no clue what the “heat index” would have been.
When I got married out at the lake in July of 06, I was really relieved when then temperature was only 94. It could as easily been 104.

Every tornado season they act like nobody has heard of tornadoes in Kansas before and they make a HUGE deal about each and every one.

It’s a whole lot of crying wolf to me. What do you think?

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18 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Don’t confuse weather with climate. Climate change refers to the worldwide, long term changes, which scientists have been tracking for years. And yes, changing our habits worldwide could delay the inevitable.

jca2's avatar

I think it’s social media. It’s something to talk about. Not climate change or global warming, I mean. I mean the hot weather.

I have been feeling really appreciative of living during a time where air conditioning is pretty much everywhere. When I was little, it wasn’t so common everywhere. Not all cars had it. Not all buildings had it. Not everyone’s house had it. We had fans. Offices had fans. Cars had fans and fly windows (remember them?).

Dutchess_III's avatar

@YARNLADY, I am not confusing climate with weather, and the post was not about climate change. I only wrote the first sentence in the details to avoid getting preached at about climate change.

Right @jca2? I always had AC growing up, but I was also a spoiled, entitled little brat. But it was different when I was younger. I played sand volley ball in my early 30s in hundred degree heat. We turned the sprinklers on the sand so it wouldn’t burn our feet. If I tried that today I would DIE!

Stache's avatar

I get what you are saying. I hate the new trend of the media saying “100 million people will be affected by this heat” or “10 million people are in the path of today’s storm.”

It’s sensationalism at its finest.

JLeslie's avatar

I haven’t been watching much weather or news, but I think the weather channel and the mainstream media talk about the heat for ratings mostly, and then some parts of the media emphasize it because of climate change. Now they emphasize heat index or feels like, more than temperature, because it sounds even worse. The high temperatures affect the northern cities more than the Southern, because part of the great migration South starting about 50 years ago was the advent of air conditioning. Up north, there are still lots and lots of houses and apartments with no air conditioning. Some have window air conditioners in a room, but many still don’t. When the weather hits 100 for several days or weeks, the elderly especially are at high risk for heat stroke. When I lived in Michigan for school, and found out a lot of people didn’t have AC my friends would say, “we don’t need it here, it doesn’t get that hot,” and my reply was, “yes it does.” Every year they would forget the heat the prior year. As my friends got older they had more trouble tolerating the heat.

We did have a noticeably hotter end of May and early June here in central Florida. It was definitely not typical. I found out recently it broke some records, I’m not surprised.

In Tennessee, every time there was a lightening storm they cut into our normal programming with local news following the weather. Literally, and hour or two of naps of the weather and call ins from people as the weather system crossed several counties. Really annoyed me, I called the weather station twice in the 8 years I lived there to complain. They said most people like it.

So, during storm and tornado season they talk about the storms and anything that goes with it like flooding and electrical outages. During hurricane season they watch them spin off of the coast of Africa, and now, compared to years past, they make you worry about tropical storms that are weeks away if they are ever coming at all. The Hurricane a couple of years ago, I think it was Irma, the reporting was horrible! They made it sound like the biggest catastrophe to hit Florida. Like the whole state would disappear into the ocean. It was a storm to be taken seriously, but the reporting has evolved in a way that makes everyone more hysterical, especially people living outside of the state the hurricane is aimed at.

Snowfall also has become a national event rather than local.

It’s similar to the swine flu H1N1, remember that? The news made everyone hysterical. There was a concern from the CDC about the new flu so they rushed to make a vaccine, but the reality was it followed a fairly typical flu pattern as they watched it in America, but the news had already made it into the next plague. H1N1 is still hear, it still gets a lot of people sick, some die. It was in our flu vaccine last year in America. The news could hype it up again, but something else caught the attention of the journalists and producers.

The news most definitely can propagate whatever it feels like reporting on, and in these days and times whatever gets them ratings, they will run with for 24 hours or even a week.

Social media influences it all now also, the mainstream media keeps tabs on social media to see what’s trending.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

My biggest peeve with the climate change frenzy, everything and anything is a result of it. It’s just weather locally as mentioned. Really here in Tennessee weather has not been much different in the 25 years I have lived here yet the sensationalism continues. It’s July it’ll be 90 degrees on some days nothing out of the ordinary. Yesterday the heat index was 105 and they were issuing dire warnings to stay inside. I went mountain biking and it felt like mountain biking in July just like every year.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right? 100+ is the best time to go to the lake. It gives you incentive to get in the damn water and play with the kids!

gorillapaws's avatar

Clickbait and sensationalism. Sadly, Journalism has degenerated into being only slightly better than those “Loose 30 lbs. in a week with this one weird trick” ads.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And worse, the weather reporters on TV and radio are also following suit.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Where I live, weather in general is evening out. We are having extremes much less, but when we do get extremes, they are more extreme than in past.
I see people commenting as in past they can’t wait for winter or summer, but neither one is bothering me much. I am seeing much less necessity for using temperature control in my house.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Patty_Melt is it possible YOU have changed, that you are much more sedentary than you were, and need less cooling down and heating up?

flutherother's avatar

It’s information. It allows you to plan ahead. If you don’t like the heat or you are vulnerable to the heat due to age or ill health it is important information. The hottest temperature I have experienced was 106F in humid conditions and I didn’t like it. It drained me of all energy and the effect was cumulative, the longer I was out in it the worse I felt. I don’t know how I would have managed without air conditioning.

Playing in the water by the lake might be fun when it’s 106F, selling cars on a dealership forecourt or working on someone’s roof could be dangerous.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We don’t need that much information. We really don’t. When you get up in the morning and step outside, you know exactly how hot it’s going to get. We have to work in all kinds of weather. If you can’t deal with it, get a different job.

jca2's avatar

Two months ago, I fainted due to the heat and being dehydrated. It was the second time that happened to me. The first was about five years ago.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III Sorry.
The weather forecasts and resulting news are meant for everyone who might be planning ahead, including outdoor workers and possible visitors to the area. I often watch the Weather reports with the sound off, because I can read the charts and maps, as well as look out my window. However, my son is an outside worker and likes to know how to plan his work in advance.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Quite the opposite. My auto immune disorder causes me to feel the hot and cold painfully.
The past three years I have been amazed by how cooperative the weather has been. My power has gone out only once for more than five seconds for much longer than three years.
I wasn’t giving an accounting of how I feel. I was stating from what I know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jca2 It’s affected me differently as I age, too, @jca2, but I do not need hysterical warnings in order to know how to prepare for it. Just give me the forecast without all the histronics.

Well, it back fires. People get paranoid, @YARNLADY. My son had scheduled vacation for this week and they wanted to go camping. Then there were a bunch of ”heat index warnings!!!” last week (for last week) so they cancelled camping for this week. I looked at the forecast for this week and it looked beautiful, and I sent it to my DIL. They did not resume to go camping.
It’s 72 degrees right now. It’s not even supposed to get in the 90s this week, until later on in the week.

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