Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Now that Iran has purportedly arrested 17 CIA spies and sentenced some of them to death, should you, in general, feel sorry for spies that get caught?

Asked by ragingloli (52329points) July 22nd, 2019

Just like snipers, I can not muster much sympathy for spies that get caught and then offed, no matter whom they work for.

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35 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Of course! Because it’s only illegal if you get caught.
But if you believe everything Iran says, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you

KNOWITALL's avatar

Any loss of life is regrettable, that said a lot of people in military operations know the risks.

And like @kritiper says, they have every reason to lie right now, so take it with a grain of salt.

elbanditoroso's avatar

A spy who gets caught isn’t particularly effective. One assumes that the spy knew there was risk.

But the numbers (17) seems fake to me. Spies don’t travel in packs – they work one at a time.

And what does that say about Iran’s security if there really were 17 spies? It means there security was shitty – and they ought to be worried about that.

this is all an act – taking hostages or arresting supposed spies – in order to make a bargain in the future. Don’t pay much attention to it.

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johnpowell's avatar

Fucked up thing is I trust Iran more than the United States right now.

Good job Trump.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@johnpowell Really? You and @MrBrain should have a lot to talk about then…haha!

jca2's avatar

I feel bad for anybody that gets tortured (if that’s what occurs) and I feel bad for the families that are home not knowing what’s going on and worrying about their loved ones.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@MrBrain is a troll. Just ignore him.

Of course I feel bad, if it’s true. And I second every thing @jca2 says. I’ll also feel bad when trump gets his comeupance.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The fact of the 17 as CIA agents, like the truth of the straying British tanker is fairly obviously pure invention on the part of Iran. These incidents are intentionally designed to illustrate the possibility of Iranian slaps at the allied strangulation of the Iranian economy. It is notice from the regime that “we will not die quietly”, as well as to elevate the attention of our notoriously ignorant but (by now) war weary public to developments in the region in order to develop public pressure to loosen the screws. Messing with shipping is also a convenient method for driving up the price of crude, the message being “we can also mess with YOUR economy.

rebbel's avatar

I not only take what Iran tells us with a grain of salt, what every state tells us I take with a grain of salt.
With the leaders we currently see around the globe it doesn’t even matter what’s true or false statements; things can totally get out of hand because of these ‘clowns’.

I don’t have real strong feelings for spies, in general.
For their families I do (they didn’t chose the job, the spy did it (knowingly).

Lightlyseared's avatar

What makes you think the people Iran arrests for spying actual spies. They’re just pissed off because the Americans fucked with them.

flutherother's avatar

It’s the occupational hazard of the spying profession. However captured spies are used as bargaining chips more often than they are executed and while alive they might have useful information to impart. It doesn’t always make sense to kill them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Otto Warmbier. They accused him of being a spy. He was just a stupid college student.

rebbel's avatar

How was he stupid?

ragingloli's avatar

How do you know he was not a spy?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rebbel I started to take offense at her comment, but then I reviewed the circumstances, and realized he could have prevented his own death by smarter choices.

He went over there where Christianity is basically a crime punishable by death, supposedly tried to steal a propaganda poster to bring back.

With the amount of incidents already on file, warnings, etc…even though Otto had travelled to five other countries and was a double-major, it was not a smart move.


Why Christianity is a crime:

Dutchess_III's avatar

He attended the University of Virginia with a scholarship, intent on becoming a banker…..Knowing that he would soon be laboring over spreadsheets, he decided he wanted an adventure over his winter break. He had long been curious about other cultures and had previously visited intrepid destinations like Cuba. And since he would already be traveling to Hong Kong to study abroad, he decided he wanted to witness the world’s most repressive nation: North Korea. Even though the state imprisons and sometimes executes citizens trying to flee it, it permits thousands of foreigners to visit every year on tightly controlled tours.
So he was a college student.

The North Koreans claimed he tried to steal a framed propaganda picture. Whether he did or not is unknown. What IS known is that he had been drinking. Stealing a poster in the US would not have cost him his life so he may have foolishly tried to do just that, not realizing what it was going to cost him.


flutherother's avatar

Kim Jong-un said he knew nothing about Warmbier’s arrest, sham trial and forced confession. It all happened without his knowledge and Trump said he believed him

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember that. That was nauseating. His poor family. Poor him.

jca2's avatar

There was a video of Otto Warmbier leaving his hotel room and grabbing the poster off the hotel hallway wall. It was very stupid of him – he probably naively wanted a souvenir to take home.

In my opinion, when Otto told his parents he was going to North Korea (presumably he told them before he went), they should have forbade him to go. Yes he was an adult and yes he should be allowed to make his own decisions, but they really should have explained to him that it was very stupid and really tried to talk him out of it. They could have or should have cut off his credit card or whatever it took. Maybe they tried, who knows.

Yellowdog's avatar

Actually Trump is the one who got Kim Jong Un to release Warmbler.

Obama did nothing. Nothing at all. That’s what brought Warmbler to the condition he was in.

Amazing how you like to spin and distort things.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^How did you know Obama did nothing at all? And really do you think trump really gets a rat’s ass about anything or anybody except for his own ego? You are using him to exact your vengeance when a black man got to the White House. And he’s using you to satiate his lust for attention.

rebbel's avatar

I see.
Not stupid in the sense he had low intelligence, more stupid in making decisions that 99,9 percent of people wouldn’t make.

jca2's avatar

@Yellowdog: You and I and the general public really don’t know what Obama did to try to get Warmbier released. Why would he make it public and reveal his hand?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Speaking of Iran, anyone from the UK here want to comment on the ship takeover?

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog Obama and the US State Department were very mindful of the situation of US citizens held prisoner in North Korea and it is just a slur to suggest nothing was done. Obama managed to secure the release of prisoners Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller without ingratiating himself with Kim Jong-un and making excuses for the worst dictator on the planet.

ragingloli's avatar

I am going to assume that Obama, the Orangutan, actually listened to, and heeded the advice of seasoned experts in his employ.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@raging Are you calling Obama an oragutan? What?

ragingloli's avatar

Oops. I meant “unlike the Orangutan”.

mazingerz88's avatar

Did trump mention Otto at all after he got elected? Did he mention Otto in any of his love letters to Kim? I think he didn’t, otherwise why would Kim claim (if I remember correctly) something along the lines of he had no idea about Otto. Which is just total BS imo. And what the rat’s ass did trump do for Otto? Get his almost dead body home? Praise Kim like he’s a lovable prized pony?

What a freakin douche of an accomplishment that was and anyone who gives trump credit for that is zombie brained!

MrGrimm888's avatar ‘s business man first. He may have not wanted to aggravate, an already bad situation.
The kid was a stupid zealot, and should have known better, than to even enter NK. People like him die all of the time, trying to spread Christianity. I feel sorry for him. But it was his choice, to trust his God to protect him. Now, he is facing the consequences of his actions.

As for the rest. I believe that some weren’t spies. It was their choice to enter a dangerous situation. I know that they don’t have to give anything else, but name and rank. But they knew what they were getting themselves into. Hopefully, they can get freed, but I doubt it. Trump would rather trade them, for diplomatic reasons.

Should we just start a war, over these people? I don’t think so. Thousands would die, and over the US’s own decision making. Again. I’m proud of Trump. You have to weigh the risks, versus the reward. In this case, sadly, the rewards are not worth the risks.
I imagine Obama had similar reasons, for not getting more involved. Spies know the risks. They are pawns, in a chess match. Not pieces to lose over…

Sucks to be them…

Yellowdog's avatar

Have the Iranians told the truth at all?

They may have grabbed some innocent people and sentenced them, but they don’t have any spies apprehended.

I could be wrong, but when have the Iranians told the truth about drones, international waters, or anything else?

The danger is, we have to break bunkers where nuclear weapons are being manufactured. We can wipe them out without nuclear weapons. But containing their own mess will be problematic when the grounds shake and the bunkers are scattered.

I’m just glad that if they start anything, it will be over in one strike.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It would be naive, to think the US doesn’t have spies, in EVERY country. Sometimes, they get caught. I’m sure we have spies in the US from everywhere too. It’s a chess match. Sometimes, you lose pieces….

Has Iran told the truth? Probably not entirely. But I’m sure we have agents there….

Yellowdog's avatar

We probably have 17 CIA agents right under their nose. But they probably grabbed anyone they could, either to keep from being beheaded by their superiors or to seem crazy and erratic to terrify their own citizens.

Everything Iran has announced recently has been a lie. That doesn’t negate the possibility that this is true. But its about as credible as if I lied a lot then one day told you on Fluther that I owned a Lambrigini

josie's avatar

I feel sorry for them because they are
not CIA but being made scapegoats.
The phenomenon is well described here
This is standard ME theocratic bullshit

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