@Cupcake Thanks!
For the most part I think hospitals want to protect their business, and transparency about pricing out in the community hurts the hospital’s ability to charge astronomical prices. One thing I do worry about, considering the general mantra of republicans regarding the poor, is i do worry that this sort of investigation will outline that some of the high price is covering people who don’t pay.
The medical industry notoriously tries to hold information away from the patient/consumer. About 5 years ago there finally was a federal law passed that we consumers could see our test results directly from the lab. Why did doctors think patients didn’t have a right to that information? Sure they will say patients don’t know what to do with the information, but mostly I think doctors want you to have to come back for results and PAY for another visit.
I don’t think Trump’s investigation is only about hospital pricing, but I might be wrong. It’s not just hospitals obviously that need investigating, it’s doctors, dx centers, pharmacy, etc.
One of the articles talked about shifting the burden to the pt to evaluate pricing. The government and insurers seem to be doing little to nothing about pricing, so why not the consumer at this point? The problem is, it’s saying the transparency would be only what the pt will actually be paying, not what will be billed. Although, actually, my problem right now is the doctor sees BCBS on my chart and charges me a fortune. Then I say, “I pay everything, my deductible is $15k,” and sometimes they cut my bill (recode it I guess). It’s such a farce. It’s truly disgusting. I guess I’m supposed to be happy they cut my bill, but for the most part I think they are gouging BCBS (wanting to) which in the end gouges everyone paying premiums to them, which is me, everyone with BCBS, and the government that is subsidizing BCBS in the ACÁ marketplace, which is all taxpayers.
Some doctors are being squeezed, like GP and pediatrician on average aren’t making a ton of money, but plenty are, or the company they work for is.
People say they don’t want the government running healthcare, but when big conglomerates are running it it’s very similar in terms of bureaucracy, and corporations just look at the money in the end.