Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

In the early stages of a zombie apocalypse, where would you go to make your last stand?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29379points) July 27th, 2019 from iPhone

Your own house? A military base? The mall if there’s any left? A cabin in the mountains?

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8 Answers

Bill1939's avatar

I wouldn’t go anywhere. If you have read my answers to Quora questions, you know I would be safe in the middle of a pack of zombies as my logic renders my brain unpalatable.

rebbel's avatar

Community Center in South Park.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Erie, PA. You couldn’t tell the difference between zombies and real people.

filmfann's avatar

Island. Easy access to food in San Francisco. Prison secure.
Plus, San Franciscan Zombies are probably vegetarian.

flutherother's avatar

I would hope my last stand would be in the later rather than early stages of the zombie apocalypse and it would be from home. The access to my first floor flat makes it almost zombie proof.

Zaku's avatar

Depends on the type of zombies.

nerdgirl578's avatar

I would try to avoid getting trapped and be on the move as much as possible. Trying to barricade yourself in a building seems like a bad idea, unless you’re a hero in a horror movie.

Mastema2's avatar

I would simply walk through them. They would render themselves a nuisance nothing more.

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