Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is a knee jerk reaction to call an internet picture a fake about as bad as blindly believing a ridiculous picture is real?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 31st, 2019

I posted this picture that I came across, and one of my acquaintances immediately pronounced it as “fake.” She wasn’t able to explain why she thinks it’s fake, except that there are a lot of fake pictures floating around out there.
It’s not really important, but I just found it odd. It’s like the back side of believing everything you read and see is REAL.

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9 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Maybe she was sarcastic in calling it a fake?
Making fun of people announcing ‘everything’ these days as such?
I mean, it doesn’t look fake at all, and what in Pete’s name could the possible reason for faking this photo be?
To try to fool Mr or Mrs FBuser?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Exactly all of my logic @rebbel. Usually people who fake pictures have an agenda.

raum's avatar

There are a lot of fake pictures out there. Don’t think being skeptical is odd.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But to declare it “fake” in the absence of any logic or proof is strange to me.

raum's avatar

Don’t think either party would care enough to find proof that particular image was real or fake?

Dutchess_III's avatar

As I said, it’s not important. But it’s just about as ignorant as believing obviously fake pictures are real. IMO.

raum's avatar

Believing a fake photo is real is ignorant because they are unaware of what is possible with photo editing.

Believing a real photo is fake is more paranoid than ignorant.

martianspringtime's avatar

Yes! Doing either is ignorant because you are blindly calling something one or the other without having reason to do so.
But my favorite is always when someone does post a VERY obviously fake picture (as a joke) and 15 people have to comment “FAKE” to prove that they are not to be fooled by your photo of a ten foot long 8 eyed cat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right? LOL!! They just want to show off their smarts.

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