General Question

janbb's avatar

Can I get some caring thoughts?

Asked by janbb (63391points) August 3rd, 2019 from iPhone

I fell on a hike in California on Wednesday and fractured my ankle in three places. Will need surgery next week. At my son’s and kind of blue.

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128 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

You can have all of them! Poor Little Penguin, I hope being with your most adorable little granddaughter helps to ease the pain.

And drugs. Lots of drugs.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You’ve got happy thoughts from me! Since penguins don’t have knees, it had to be an ankle. I bet you’ve got the best nursing care on Earth with you.

raum's avatar

Oh no! Hope your ankle is feeling better soon!

janbb's avatar

It’s great to be w my son and his family. My DIL got me an emergency appt on Monday with a recommended orthopedist.

raum's avatar

Bummed you broke your ankle. But glad you’re with family for it though.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Lil penguin, hope you heal quickly!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Consternation birdie! No more waddling for you! I’m glad you have backup, and also that you’re relatively fit otherwise. But tell us will this be your first adventure on crutches? Caring thoughts? Does alarm count? Will you keep a journal with us of your medical and recovery process?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry to hear about your ankle, hope ya mend real quick, and enjoy your time with your son and his family.

Blondesjon's avatar

Hey, now you have some time to catch up on your reading, right?

Hope you mend up quickly.

rebbel's avatar

Break a leg!

ucme's avatar

Yeah go on then, why not?
Rest & recu…recou…bugger it!!
Just get better yeah.

Caravanfan's avatar

Bummer, where were you hiking? Where are you having your surgery?

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m bothered by questions. It’s obvious that you’ve been x-rayed or M R I machined or something. But are you in a cast? How have they immobilized your foot and leg?

chyna's avatar

Healing thoughts and hugs. Funny, you didn’t mention the strong high school boys who carried you afterwards.

janbb's avatar

@chyna Ha!

@Caravanfan. My DIL got an appointment for me w an orthopedist who practices at Seton Hospital.

janbb's avatar

@Stanley. First time on crutches. Not doing great w them.

Ankle is in a splint put on in ER.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Your knee is allowed to bend? Are you restricted to the bed? Seton? On the hill above the Krispy Kreme?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Sorry to hear about that. I have a toe injury and can’t ride my bike. It’s bumming me out but it’s nothing like a broken ankle.

Hope the appointment goes well and you still get to do a little tourista stuff while you’re out there.

janbb's avatar

@stanley. Knee can bend. Not restricted to bed but there are stairs in the house so pretty much in guest room w bathroom.

And…. Krispy Kreme??

LostInParadise's avatar

Sorry to hear about that. I hope your family is making a point of spending time with you. Getting to see them is at least some consolation.

janbb's avatar

@Lost. Yes, being w my son and granddaughter is a great diversion. And my DIL is a nurse.

canidmajor's avatar

I still say it’s a pretty extreme way to wangle more time with your grand daughter. :-P

stanleybmanly's avatar

Are you talking about Seton on the hill in Daly City? It’s about 2 blocks from the Krispy Kreme & the DMV office where I must battle in the coming week to register my truck. The donut factory is directly across the street from the DMV and my wife swears the place is owned by the devil. But you can get a deal for 2 dozen from groupon for $10 bucks. I get em hot from the shop & pass em around in the DMV office and bureaucratic attitudes mysteriously improve!

janbb's avatar

I believe so. It’s in Daly City so I imagine so.

jca2's avatar

Penguin, I broke my ankle in a car accident about 15 years ago. I had surgery too. I’m totally sympathetic.

Did you tear any ligaments?

canidmajor's avatar

@stanleybmanly are you offering to supply her with Krispy Kreme while she’s in hospital?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Hope that you heal fast and up to hiking soon.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 Not that I know of. Three fractured places.

Hey – that’s a thought. Maybe I can be on Fractured Fairy Tales!

stanleybmanly's avatar

You’re probably going to be admitted there for a while birdie, but as hospitals go, it’s a very pleasant place. Because of where it’s situated the views from the rooms are spectacular. My foot caught the handlebar as I flew over it, and it certainly saved my life in my motorcycle accident on April Fool’s day in 76. So the broken ankle and my own crutch adventure. @jca2 Did your cast extend up your entire leg like mine? The one thing I can guarantee is that those damned crutches will grant you a perspective on disability otherwise impossible to obtain.

stanleybmanly's avatar

For me, the greatest handicap to the crutches was with the inability to use your hands and arms to carry anything. I mean simply to transport a cup of tea from the kitchen to the porch approached a feat relegated to the labors of Hercules.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@canidmajor I will gladly indulge our heroic birdie with all the krispy kremes she can tolerate, but you don’t want to overindulge in those things. It’s the sort of thing that could quickly turn to disgust. BUT I can send the 2 dozen for her to distribute to the staff as suitable bribes, and to pass out to visitors. More practical than sappy flowers.

jca2's avatar

I had what is called a comminuts fracture of my talus and calcareneus which are the bones that enable your ankle to swivel from side to side on uneven surfaces. A comminuted fracture means it’s shattered like an egg shell.

I also tore three ligaments which were in the back, on the side and in the front.

I has PT for six months while I had other tests and saw doctors to try to decide the best treatment. Then I had surgery to take out the shattered pieces. Surgery itself was ambulatory and I was home by afternoon with a bandage and crutches. I felt better immediately and was walking around within a few days. More PT for six months. Ankle still hurts and is a bit swollen permanently.

Because I was in a car accident, I could choose whatever doctor I wanted so I got a great one after three opinions. I had no interest in pain killers. I can handle pain pretty well and only took one Vicodin one time.

si3tech's avatar

I am sending you many caring, positive thoughts for speedy smooth recovery and rapid healing,
and many hugs:)

JLeslie's avatar

You have my care and empathy. I know what it’s like to be injured and unable to get around as we want. I always feel robbed; like time was stolen from me. Time and health. I get nervous also, I hope you aren’t experiencing that.

I’m wishing you a speedy mending process. Let people help you. Get out and try to have some fun if you can as soon as you can. If you go to a museum or similar adventure with your family use the wheel chairs they provide.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I tore my ACL, and a few other ligaments in my knee once. Life will suckered for a bit. But your body will heal. Set up a room for your recovery, before surgery.

I’m sorry you hurt yourself. Sending my support.

Peace n love.

flutherother's avatar

I’m sorry to hear that @janbb. You are in my thoughts over here and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Zaku's avatar

Aw! How sad! May your recuperation be as swift and easy as possible!

wiscoblond's avatar

That and hugs. <3

At least you didn’t injure any flippers. That would be the worst.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

All the best dear ice bird. It WILL heal fast and soon you will be up and about. Enjoy some family and relaxation time. Take care.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Hope that you don’t need pins in your ankle and hope that physio is quick and painless and covered from your insurance. Sending you my ((hugs))).

mazingerz88's avatar

Feel better soon! I just called Morgan Freeman and he agreed to come over to you so he could narrate live all that’s going to happen in the next few days.

janbb's avatar

Thanks all! Your good wishes help!

longgone's avatar

Oh no. That’s just horrible. Poor you – sending lots of hugs! It’s so frustrating not to be able to walk. Do you have lots of treats and distractions, at least?

stanleybmanly's avatar

We can help.

janbb's avatar

@longgone My granddaughter

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Oh Honey! That must hurt like hell. Do drugs.
Glad you can be with your son tho.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

We need funny videos people!!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Please keep us posted.

longgone's avatar

@janbb Oh, good! How come it’s taking so long for the surgery?

janbb's avatar

@longgone Just saw the ortho doc. Swelling needs to go down. Surgery Thursday at 1.

MrGrimm888's avatar

My.Mom is getting back surgery, on Thursday. Now, I have two people to hope good things for.

chyna's avatar

@Jan I hope he puts in a bionic ankle. Good luck and fingers crossed.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I wonder if they will allow our penguin to remain conscious throughout the operation.

jca2's avatar

When I had my ankle surgery, the surgeon came in to say hi when I was still awake. He asked me which ankle was being operated on (which, of course he knew, but maybe for legal reasons or because it was funny). He put marks in magic marker on the ankle. Then the anesthesiologist came in to run the line. I remember saying “I’m awake” and I was laughing. He counted backwards from 10 and I remember saying “I’m still awake” and then I woke up. The recovery really wasn’t bad. I remember it was easier to crawl around my apartment than to use crutches. I went home that day and slept. The next day I was standing up decorating my Christmas tree. The day after that I was taken to the mall by a friend, and I remember hobbling around the mall, ecstatic that I was able to walk around relatively pain free (after the past six months of excruciating pain with the shattered bones). I was home from work for about two to two and a half weeks.

JLeslie's avatar

There have been mistakes like the wrong leg being amputated. It’s good the doctors themselves ask which leg, and there are standards for literally drawing on the area to be worked on.

I always thought it should be clearly marked “not this leg” but I think the opposite is done, they mark the surgery part of the body. I guess that helps make sure your ankle gets fixed and not your kidney removed.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

When I was 19 my Mom scheduled a hospital operation to remove wisdom teeth. IDK.
Anyway it was 1979 or so. They put the gas on me, told me to count back from 100.
Me: “100, 99, 98, 97,...oh wow man!”
Last thing I heard was laughter.

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie, my sister is an OR nurse. They just write “NO” with a Sharpie on the wrong one.

rebbel's avatar

Which can be read, ánd interpreted (when read from a different angle, as ON.

chyna's avatar

How did a “caring thoughts” question get to a “hope they don’t cut off the wrong leg” answer!? Lol.

JLeslie's avatar

@canidmajor That makes sense to me.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Interesting question. Can paranoia be considered evidence of concern for another?

canidmajor's avatar

So how are you holding up, Little Penguin? Thinking about you, hoping you’re feeling better!

janbb's avatar

Very low today. Nervous about the surgery and after. Trying to get into rehab for after as situation here is not good.

stanleybmanly's avatar

How long does your orthopedist predict you will be in a cast?

chyna's avatar

Hugs @Janbb.

janbb's avatar

@stanley You’re asking for details that I don’t know.

longgone's avatar

I’m so sorry @janbb. Are you in a lot of pain? How did this even happen? It took a lot of force to break my toe, I imagine an ankle doesn’t get fractured so easily.

It must be hard to sleep comfortably, and surgery is always scary. What do you mean when you say the situation is not good?

jca2's avatar

What’s not good, @janbb? You said you have a bathroom. Is it stressful on the family?

stanleybmanly's avatar

I worry for you birdie. I suppose you won’t know until after your surgery how long the hospital will keep you. But if you are to be confined to Seton for more than a night, I would like to know about it and soon. There’s some very good food within striking distance of that place, and as I said the views are terrific. There’s a Coldstone creamery, Burgermeister, Blue Line, and more of the chains than you can shake a stick at within a mile of you. Uncle stan will not permit you to waste away on hospital food!

janbb's avatar

@Stanley. it’s day stay.

As for situation, my DIL resents my being here so it is all on my son who is working from home this week but pulled in many directions.

jca2's avatar

I kind of feel bad for them, too, @janbb, with the toddler and probably working full time (I’m guessing). I remember when my mom broke her knee, it was a lot of waiting on her hand and foot by my stepfather, food up the stairs, condiments up the stairs, then plates down the stairs, etc.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 Yes, tough all around but it doesn’t make it easy to feel nurtured.

canidmajor's avatar

I kinda feel that because this was absolutely an accident, and @janbb is the one hurt and in pain here, they might be just a tad more gracious about it. It’s not easy on anybody, but it’s only been a few days so far, and to make sure she knows that her presence is resented is just a bit over the top.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Tell us what we can do. And maybe what you would rather we didn’t do as well.

janbb's avatar

Thanks Stanley! Too many procedural Qs are not a help. Krispy Kreme’s might be at some point but right now I have very little appetite. Hey! If I lose 10 – 15 pounds it will all be worth it.

longgone's avatar

Ugh, you should not be made to feel unwelcome. You didn’t ask for this, and anybody else in your situation would need help too. I’m sure DIL is a great person, but she needs to be gracious here.

JLeslie's avatar

The DIL should be better at stifling her frustration. It’s an accident, and one day she will be the one needing help. I’m sure it’s overwhelming with a toddler, but still.

@janbb You mentioned rehab, do you mean you can stay in a rehab facility? That might be a good idea for a few weeks if there is a nice one that insurance pays for. Less stressful for everyone. If you were home you probably would have to do that since you would be alone.

Or, if that’s not an option maybe you can pay for someone to come in and clean house to help the household.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie I’m working on all my options,

@stanley. Please get me the name of the place in

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb Good idea. It seems to me it’s a good idea to set up rehab, and then if you hate it you can always check yourself out. If you go directly home to your son’s place it might be harder to get into rehab after the fact.

canidmajor's avatar

Today’s the day! I am laser-focusing all my positive vibes on you Little Penguin! I wish for you the need for minimum repair and the most talented of surgeons!

jca2's avatar

Good luck with the surgery today, @janbb! I can assure you that my ankle surgery brought me great relief from pain and the recovery was not bad at all.

chyna's avatar

Woke up thinking about you Jan. Good vibes on your surgery.

flutherother's avatar

Fingers crossed over here.

ltoban's avatar

You got this! It’s rough now, but it will pass. Hang on!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Rehab, won’t be fun. But keep in mind that the harder you work at it, the outcome will be faster, and better. Before you know it, it’ll be in the past. Make sure you get a good ankle brace for after. I’d wear it in any future physical activities.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

How did it go?

stanleybmanly's avatar

There’s a good chance she’s still woozy.

janbb's avatar

Done w surgery. I assume it went well I woke up clearheaded. Which was a great feeling. In the nursing home that Stanley suggested. Dinner was good! Roommate is nice.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

You gonna lounge about like Cleopatra? I would.

jca2's avatar

How long do they think you need to be in the home, @janbb? Then you can fly home to your house or go back to your son’s for a while?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s been some 10 years since last I visited someone there. I have a feeling they’re not going to allow you to “lounge around”. I was impressed with the quality of not only the meals. They took that rehabilitation business seriously. What’s the prognosis birdie?

janbb's avatar

No more info yet. I’ll go to my nephew’s in Berkeley at some point for a while.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The donuts await you whenever you’re ready.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I have a Daylight Donut cinnamon roll for you. When you’re ready I’ll warm it up with drippy melty butter on top.

canidmajor's avatar

Glad you are done with surgery and so coherent!
Keep healing, Little Penguin, thinking of you!!!

chyna's avatar

The east coast is missing you! Hurry up the rehab and get home!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Thanks for the update. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Surgery, is the scariest pat, to me. You’ve already passed the greatest problem.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m glad that it is “so far so good” with the surgery and rehab.

You’re in my thoughts.

Wishing you an easy recovery and hopefully it will be nice to be able to socialize with some of the people there who are in a similar situation.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I demand more news on what you are doing. Send us a selfie of your foot in the air.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Borrow a cigar from someone and scowl in the photo, and fulfill my fantasy of our brave combat penguin.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Seriously Birdie, we need your impressions on your doc, the operations, the berg on which you are now stranded, the staff, etc. Have you hurled a lamp or ashtray at the staff yet in defiance? I’m dating myself. There aren’t any ashtrays to hurl in anger any longer. I want to read about a penguin that misbehaves! Accommodate us. Can you gaze at the ocean from your room? If not , why not bitch and moan about the inadequacy of your room? Liven the place up! Remember —better to be feared than loved!

janbb's avatar

Lots of pain yesterday. A little better today. That’s the report.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Keep it elevated and take your meds !

stanleybmanly's avatar

That elevated thing is REALLY important. Are you equipped with a sling to support your leg? Your foot should be higher than your heart even when you’re sitting. Talk to us birdie. Enough of the frustrating stoicism. Were the waffles up to your standards?

janbb's avatar

I had a shower!!

canidmajor's avatar

I spend a lot of time injured, I can really appreciate that statement! Good on you, Little Penguin, a shower can really improve one’s outlook!

jca2's avatar

Something simple like a shower makes a huge difference in how we feel!

When you have PT, @janbb, they will massage your leg to get any swelling down (move the fluids from the foot up higher on your leg). Also, really keep it elevated, when sitting or any time.

When you start moving it, it will help push the fluids away from the ankle, too.

I had six months of PT prior to surgery, and then six months of PT after surgery.

PT was really like a second job.

stanleybmanly's avatar

How high is your cast?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I remember when I took my first shower, after my ACL surgery. It WAS a great help, to my mental status.

raum's avatar

Just catching up now. Had a weird Fluther glitch. So glad to hear the surgery went well! Bummed to hear it’s been tough with DIL. Sending you lots of happy and healing thoughts!

janbb's avatar

Nobody has ever been so interested in my pooping in many a year!

stanleybmanly's avatar

THAT is all you have to tell us??

raum's avatar


We are interested in how you’re doing. And if poop is an indicator, yes, I’d love to hear about it!

janbb's avatar

@raum I meant the rehab place, not you guys.

I’m actually pretty down right now. Didn’t sleep well and I’m worried about the next several weeks. Trying to talk to Social worker here at some point.

jca2's avatar

@janbb: You’re worried about post-rehab or rehab itself?

I can assure you that you’re going to be busy and pleased with your progress, as far as rehab goes.

janbb's avatar

Post. Where to go from here – and when to go home.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Blues? Get busy! Normally active bird goes sedentary. The poop thing is probably a worry about things shutting down. Commandeer a wheel chair rigged to keep your foot up and transport your crutches as well. You need a battle plan. Get out of that room and explore the building. Bring water a small tablet and a pen. Check out the social activities and that really cool exercise room. Get some exercise birdie, drive up your metabolism. You know your mood, appetite and sleep will improve. You know all of this birdie. You’ve gotta start using those crutches to build up your upper body strength. You want to impress your granddaughter and intimidate the DIL with the forearms of Popeye the sailor. There are probably some fascinating people in that building and you’re not gonna meet them hiding in that room. Is your roomie mobile?

JLeslie's avatar

How long is the rehab supposed to last?

stanleybmanly's avatar

None of that curling up in a ball stuff. We wanna see straight up defiance!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Rehab, is where you show you’re true colors. Get this shit over with. They say “adversity shows you, you’re teye self.”....

Roll over and die. OR. Show us who really are.

janbb's avatar

Ok. Guys. Thanks for the concern but I don’t want share more details. I’ll be ok. Will post again at some point.

stanleybmanly's avatar


jca2's avatar

When I came home from surgery (home to my house), I was crawling around because I felt it was easier to crawl than to use crutches in the house. I would crawl into the kitchen and then stand up and prepare my food, and put it on a cardboard tray (the type that a case of soda comes on), and then push it in front of me as I crawled back into the living room. I was probably about 35 years old at that point, and the living room had wall to wall carpet.

I felt, and still feel, that crutches are really hard to get around on. I was looking into renting a wheelchair for going out in public, but then fortunately really soon after the surgery I was able to walk. More like hobbling, and as I said, I crawled around the house.

jca2's avatar

If I were you, @janbb, as soon as I could get out of the rehab, I’d get on a first class flight (first class to have more leg room) and either go to inpatient rehab in your home state or be at home and do outpatient rehab. That way, your friends could visit you and you’d not have to worry about burdening another relative.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Well birdie, the end of the great Pacifica adventure draws nigh. I wish you had maintained a journal for the days to come when you might feel less reticent about sharing your impressions with us. Here’s hoping your transition proves more accommodating. I just distributed your donuts to the employees and customers at the DMV office, and exacted a “health to the penguin” from those who would agree with it.

LostInParadise's avatar

@janbb , I just heard this story on the radio today and thought it might brighten your day.

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