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mazingerz88's avatar

How often do you use your own personal stamper?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29383points) August 5th, 2019 from iPhone

Did you go stamping everything you could put your mark on the first day you got your personal stamp?

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6 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I need to get a stamp. I had stamps for my business. A stamp for the invoices, and a stamp for the checks. So convenient.

Do you mean an ink stamp? Or, a stamp in wax? What type of stamp and for what? Now, so much is done online we don’t even sign or stamp things.

Today I asked the concierge in the building I’m staying in what services are good for food delivery. He started to rattle of the web names, so I pulled out some paper and a pen to jot it all down. He said, “oh, you still do it the old school way.” Lol. I guess writing dates me.

kritiper's avatar

I have four. Three for envelopes, one for checks.
No, I didn’t go whole-hog stamping everything when I got the first.
They really save time when paying bills and preparing to go the bank with checks.

jca2's avatar

30 years ago it sounded like a fun idea.

Now it would be useless, except maybe for the occasional envelope, which, usually I use address stickers for.

I deposit checks into the ATM and there are no deposit slips to be filled out.

The majority of my bills are done automatically out of my bank accounts.

mazingerz88's avatar

Recently got a collectible book and thought of stamping my personal “seal” on it. First thought of getting those Japanese personal round markers I saw on a docu years ago but stumbled on personal stamps from this website called Expressionary and got one instead. There were many designs to choose from. Got one that looks lovely.

Just arrived in the mail and now I’m stamping all the books I still own. Probably my comic books too later. Lol

Dutchess_lll's avatar

…I don’t have a stamper.

snowberry's avatar

I just use my foot.

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