General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Are lip studs (and other body jewelry) electro-conductive?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33641points) August 11th, 2019

Many women wear studs in their ears.

Some wear studs, or their equivalent, above their lips or have piercings on their cheeks. Others wear have dermal piercings on their backs. And then there are the ubiquitous nipple and tongue piercings.

My question: let’s say you clamped a low-voltage power supply to the ear stud on the left, and another wire to the ear on the right. Would power be transmitted? If a bulb were attached, would it light up?

Same with clamping a power supply to one breast and a cable to the tongue ring. Would the electricity travel through the hardware?

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10 Answers

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kritiper's avatar

Normally, studs and the like are of silver or gold which are excellent electrical conductors.

OldManofBerwick's avatar

If there’s enough voltage, electricity will travel through in either of your examples. It might be your last experience, however. One final masochistic experience for the body piercing enthusiast. Enjoy!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Most wouldn’t last long. Applying enough voltage to ake a connection would melt most pieces rather quickly.
It would make for an interesting threat.
There have been people hit with heavy voltage, like lightning and power lines who lived, but their wedding ring melted on the finger.

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Caravanfan's avatar

In short, no. Let’s say you are holding two wires and put an electrical current through them, the current will go through your body like it normally would, accounting for some resistance.

Attaching those wires to a stud or ring or whatever would do the same thing. It’s just like adding a bit of wire to the original circuit.

Caravanfan's avatar

Actually, let me amend my comment above: They are electroconductive, but they wouldn’t be any different than, say, holding two pieces of wire.

gorillapaws's avatar

I would add that when placing the pads of an AED when performing CPR, you’re supposed to make sure the pads aren’t in direct contact with any metal jewelry, although you’re not supposed to take the time to remove any existing piercings.

Patty_Melt's avatar

That is a point I hadn’t considered before.

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