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jca2's avatar

How would you handle it if you were at a kids' movie and the kids in the seats behind you were very disruptive?

Asked by jca2 (17254points) August 13th, 2019

I’m in some local FB groups and today, someone posted about going to see The Lion King in a small theater which was apparently sold out. In the seats behind her were four kids with their dad. The kids were kicking the woman’s seat, grabbing the back of the seat, then they got up to go to the bathroom and when they returned, they were grabbing the back of her seat again. They were singing songs from the movie with the dad.

The woman (the one who posted this) said she was turning around and giving the kids “the eye” and then about a half hour before the movie was over, she told the dad off and I guess the kids settled down.

I wrote that I would have moved. That was prior to her explaining that the movie was sold out.

People who posted said she should have gotten up and left. Others said it was terrible the kids are not better behaved and she shouldn’t have to leave or move. I feel in a perfect world, she shouldn’t have to move but with little alternative, I would have moved if I could. If it was sold out, maybe I would have gone to the manager and tried to get a refund.

I feel that to some extent, kids are kids and they’re not necessarily going to sit quietly like adults. The first time I took my daughter to a movie, she was about 8 but she was always pretty good at sitting and behaving anyway.

What would you have done?

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