Why would Bill Clinton in a dress and heels be painted on Epstein's wall?
Asked by
Aster (
August 15th, 2019
Where there’s smoke there’s fire? Or did Epstein do it simply as an amusement?
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46 Answers
the orgiastic uber-rich who control the world (or want to) have connections with world leaders, including Hollywood and certain U.S. Presidents, senators, judges, etc.
Trump banned this guy when he was making moves on underage girls. Trump is no saint in his activities with Beauty Pageant girls but even HE dissed Epstein.
Dangerous folks evade consequences for decades for unguessible reasons.
The whole business stinks to high Heaven.
I could not agree more, @janbb . Hate to believe all this has been going on for fifty or more years and we’re just now finding out. I liked it much better not knowing .
This was well known 15–20 years ago on Christian and conservative news sources. we/they were frustrated that Epstein could get away with this because of his wealth and connections with certain political allies.
I was speaking of the whole concept of immorality, illegalities in high places @Yellowdog . Not just Epstein’s activities.
Sounds like they’re tearing his place up. They found nude pictures of underage girls. Wonder how long till pictures of trump show up.
Or how soon the media will start saying something about connections with Trump.
There is no doubt they had connections. They partied. They had friends. I meant I wonder what agents are going to find that involve trump in Epstien’s place.
Should be interesting.
What’s the smoke, and what would be the fire?
Maybe we’ll see Trump in a diaper on one of the hidden wall murals.
Well, the smoke is they have a connection @rebbel. Trump has called him a friend, someone who was fun to be around. The smoke is also that they’re finding child porn in Epstien’s house. The fire will be when they get the evidence that proves that trump has the same depravity.
Thank you for telling me about the smoke you see.
I wanted to know what smoke and fire Aster sees.
Also, I didn’t see Trump’s name in the question.
I am under the impression that the smoke and (potential) fire that Aster talks about is a thing between Clinton and Epstein.
The rock is only just begun to be turned over. Who knows what’s underneath it?
Hi Jack! Waving at you, Duchess.
My first thought was that the mural might have been satirical, regarding the assertions over the years that Hillary quite literally wore the pants in their relationship.
It would seem to indicate that Bill was more than just a casual acquaintance.
The plain and simple answer is that Epstein wanted it there. The distinction MUST be made that the portrait was not painted on the wall; rather the finished picture was purchased (not commissioned). Speculation on the motive for hanging it is about as useful as theories on the artist’s motivation in painting it. There is no accounting for taste (or the absence of it). My guess is that it makes for a guarantee that there will never be an excuse for lack of conversation in the room displaying it.
@stanleybmanly which is why I gave the option that it would just be for amusement.
What are the chances that Bill didn’t even know about it?
Where did you read it wasn’t commissioned @stanleybmanly. I didn’t see it, but then I didn’t read every article word for word.
Why is anyone shocked by the depth and extent of the whole Epstein business? I consider depravity nothing more than the outer limit on bad taste. Depravity straddles the border where bad taste intersects with crime. Any assumption that money should mitigate rather than enhance bad taste is woefully misplaced.
With such a spectacle hanging on the wall at Epstein’s condo I am, for one, positive Clinton knew about it. The subject would spread like wildfire all over Washington.
I have found that to be true too @stanleybmanly. I mean, look at this vomitus mess of gold.
Well, what could he do about it if he did know @Aster? Sue him to take it down, thus ensuring it would go public? As it is, if it was already out there in the world, painted by some artist, and Epstein happened upon it and bought it, I guess it’s no worse than any Mad Magazine parody of a politician.
It’s almost a sure bet that Clinton at least knew about the painting. Do you think there’s even a chance in hell that the existence of that painting on Epstein’s wall would inhibit Bubba from borrowing that jet? And finally, if at the crossroads of money bad taste and possible criminality you should find Epstein, Trump and Clinton laughing it up, should you really be surprised?
Yes, I agree. I’m sure he knew about it, but what could he do about it.
Epstien was a strange, strange duck. I guess crazy new money will do that to you.
Big question…did HILLARY know about this?
Or would she care? After all, as you said, what could she do about it?
Well, it’s just another embarrassment for them…but not necessarily thanks to him. I just don’t see either of them approving it or finding it funny.
You’re talking about the painting? I doubt it would bother either of them UNLESS Bill had a habit of donning dresses and heels.
I would care quite a bit whether or not I could do something about it.
But as odd (or worse) as the Clintons are I can picture them laughing about it. In fact, I can even imagine Bill giving Epstein the green light to have it done.
Had I the money to burn and came across it, I might buy it depending on the quality of the work and my mood at the time.
OK, let’s try this. You get wind of the picture. It is so embarassing to you, so you sue to have it removed. A big fight ensues. You lose. The only thing that was accomplished was it probably went international, rather than staying local, and a LOT more people know about it, and are talking about it on Twitter, which is more embarrassing yet.
So yes. You can always do something about it. But is it worth it?
Might be for the same reason that trump did this, The rich & famous do weird shit!!!
Oh yes, isn’t the NY Post on trump’s list of “FAKE NEWS”??? Can you prove that it is the real Bill Clinton??? I’ve never seen Clinton with trump’s racoon eyes.
to me, it means absolutely nothing—except that Clinton was probably more involved with this bunch than many are willing to admit, for political reasons.
Dutchess III. I just took the slide show tour of Trump’s place in the link you provided. And it’s astonishing that people confuse decorating in the style of a Vegas whorehouse for elegance and refinement. Those photos are instructive on what not to do if you hit the lottery. His place is a perfect Trumpism—the embodiment of absolute garish puffery.
Since he was sick enough to only want underage girls, he was sick enough to want Bill in a dress!!!
He didn’t only want underaged girls. He’d screw anything. Some of them were underage but he didn’t care.
??? Pondering the question ???!?? Maybe Bill looks better in a dress than Hillary.
Has the image gone public yet? I’m curious.
No, he does not look better in a dress than Hillary.
Yes it’s gone public, obviously
Obviously how? I have heard a bunch of chatter, but no word on where it can be seen.
It was in the NY Post. I’d think that makes it pretty much public…at least where he lives!!!
Also Fox news, Rolling Stone, Pretty much everywhere.
According to Artnet, Here is the story behind it. ”In 2012, as a grad student at the New York Academy of Art, I painted pictures of Presidents Bill Clinton and Bush as part of my Master’s thesis. When the school put on a fundraiser at the Tribeca Ball that year, they sold my painting to one of the attendees. I had no idea who the buyer was at the time. As with most of my paintings, I had completely lost track of this piece when it was sold seven years ago. So it was a complete surprise to me to learn yesterday that it wound up in Epstein’s home.”
He does certainly pull it off better than her.
The side by side proves it.
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