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elbanditoroso's avatar

What would the US do if we bought Greenland?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) August 16th, 2019

Make it the 52nd state?

Mine it for minerals and oil?
Build golf courses and hotels?
Give it a new name, like Trumpland?

read this

Maybe we can declare war on Denmark and simply take it by force.

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31 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I think as an autonomous country, Greenland would have a say in that matter.
Especially, since Greenland has some market integration with the EU, receives EU funding, and its citizens are EU citizens as well, which they would all lose, were they to be “bought” by the Orangutan and turned into a vassal state.

zenvelo's avatar

Probably turn the whole thing into an Air Force base.

Like a lot of things coming out of the White House these days, this whole idea isn’t fully baked. The residents have been an autonomous area of Denmark for decades. They sure as hell don’t want to be converted in to US residents/citizens.

Although, if he were politically savvy, Trump could get approval from Congress by simultaneously admitting Puerto Rico and DC as States.

rebbel's avatar

Who’s “we”?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@rebbel read the article. We refers to Donald Trump and the USA

JLeslie's avatar

I couldn’t read the article, but my guess is put a military base on there. Funny, just this morning I was looking at military bases for vacation. I wonder if Trump thinks Greenland is very green and dreaming of golf courses? Lol.

Since it’s very north is it strategic for flying over the pole? We have Alaska for that I would think, but maybe Greenland would help access the Middle East faster if we lost allies in Europe and Asia. I’m just rambling, I don’t know this geopolitical stuff well.

Maybe he wants to keep seeds from all of our plants like the global seed vault.

Maybe to rename it Trump island. I saw him years ago in an interview talking about how he lives putting his name on buildings.

Who knows. Has Trump said why, even if it sounded not serious?

rebbel's avatar

@elbanditoroso I got that.
Maybe the title is a bit wonky to me.
I read it as though you were from another country (than the USA).

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie most news outlets are carrying this story, the WSJ doesn’t demand a subscription. There is already a USAF base there, he has expressed interest in the natural resources.

Yellowdog's avatar

I doubt anything would change as far as Greenland is concerned.

Greenland may be a part of Denmark, but it is rather undeveloped, Inuit territory, not very Scandinavian or European. The Faeroes are extremely desolate but a lot more distinctly Scandinavian and maybe a little Celtic.

Trump’s only interest would be for national security purposes.
You never know what even our allies will do if we need them for our own nation’s security interests, so that is probably what this is about.

janbb's avatar

Isn’t Greenland sinking into the sea with climate change? What a metaphor for our Businessman in Chief! And whose money is he planning to use

Inspired_2write's avatar

This was spoken about in Canadian news weeks or months ago and an expert stated that since Canada borders that area and therefore has MORE rights than the U.S. .
It is considered Canadian waters internationally.
Of course Canada wouldn’t consider the U.S. trespassing.

Yellowdog's avatar

@janbb Depends on whom you ask. Most sources say that thousands of years of glacierial ice have disappeared since some Star Wars scene was filmed there in the 1980s.

It certainly wouldn;t be a business venture to invest in Greenland.

rebbel's avatar

“Privately, Mr. Trump’s advisers are highly skeptical that such a move could ever happen. But instead of telling him they do not think it is possible, the advisers have agreed to investigate the matter, according to the people briefed on the discussions.”

Timmy’s parents realized it wasn’t possible in any way.
But instead of telling Timmy that not in a hundred years he would get an elephant to put in their garden, to accompany his rabbit and little piggy, they decided to tell him that they would look into the possibility of buying one.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

If we could buy it I think it’s a worthwhile investment. The land is full of untapped natural resources and if climate change becomes catastrophic it’ll be a good place to be. Not for sale so moot point.

kritiper's avatar

Too much snow and ice for having it be a part of the US and be really practical.

Inspired_2write's avatar

The ice is melting much faster now..soon we will have a new continent.
Also the south pole is melting rapidly. ( new lands will appear and the waters will rise and submerge all coastlines to reshape the world map.)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Apparently this isn’t a new thought. In 1867 and again in 1946 U.S tried to purchase Greenland?
Here is that link that explains the reasons.
Is Trump researching the archives for things to “startle” the public with to get them off of his blunders?

Pandora's avatar

We would instantly set about destroying Greenlands natural beauty.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Why the pessimism? We did not do that to Alaska.

janbb's avatar

What importance stuff is going on while we talk about this shit?

Yellowdog's avatar

@Pandora What natural beauty? Greenland is ugly.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, for example, NK just cancelled all peace talks with SK, and test-fired some missiles.
After 2 photo ops, underlining once more what a great “deal maker” the orangutan is.

chyna's avatar

@yellowdog I just looked at pictures of Greenland. I thought it was beautiful.

Yellowdog's avatar

I did a dissertation on West Norden in college. So I don’t exactly “hate” the area or scenery.

It is pretty rugged and bleak; and yes, you can appreciate that as beauty. Places in the Highlands of Scotland are kind of similar. The only beauty, in my opinion, is that it is so untouched.

The more it has incubated in my brain, I can see the concern that if there were some natural resource there, it could be exploited and ruin the, ehem, “natural beauty.” I still dont think that would happen. The U.S. isn’t doing it to its own wilderness, Alaska, or anywhere else.

JLeslie's avatar

If nobody has mentioned it yet, and if you don’t know, Greenland is really f**king cold. It’s colder than Iceland.

@canidmajor What do you think? I’m lying about not being able to read it. That’s great that we already have a base, I guess I’m right that it might have some militaristic advantage. If we own the island we don’t have to worry about the country kicking us out.

I think it’s mostly a distraction. Trump is great at starting conversation.

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie not sure what you’re saying to me. You said you couldn’t read the link, I mentioned that a quick search would turn up a bunch of links you could read. Your exact words “my guess is” would imply that you had not even heard this news.

JLeslie's avatar

^^That’s right. When I answered I hadn’t heard it. Since then I heard it mentioned on TV, but I’ve been working and went to a party in the middle of the day, and haven’t watched or read much news.

canidmajor's avatar

Then don’t rag on me for trying to help you.

kritiper's avatar

@Inspired_2write All kinds of things are happening now. Who can say mankind will be around when all the ice melts?? (The OP didn’t address this ice melting possibility in the question.)
If man were still around, we’d mine it and drill it and explore, exploit, and exhaust whatever it held just like we have to everywhere else.

kritiper's avatar

Perhaps we should all remember that Iceland is green and Greenland is ice covered.

Yellowdog's avatar

Iceland is beginning to see re-forestation efforts paying off as well.

JLeslie's avatar

@canidmajor I ragged on you? Lol.

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