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mazingerz88's avatar

Should Trump worry about not being President again?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29378points) August 16th, 2019 from iPhone

Once in a while I’ll see a news article with the title along the lines of “Trump concerned the economy might not be doing well enough, might affect re-election chances” etc.

Doesn’t he know his voters would still vote for him and he probably would gain more and capture the popular vote since obviously his brand of embracing dictators and racist, cruel and hateful politics towards illegal and legal immigrants is what most Americans seem to go for at this point in its history?

I don’t think there’s anything he could do that will make him lose support from voters who love and admire him with all their hearts and souls. So why even try?

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50 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

His biggest problem, will be with his legal issues. If he is reelected, he will still be protected from being tried for most of his potential criminal activity. Statute of limitations, to my knowledge, for him is 5 years.

chyna's avatar

And to bring home your point, trump fat shamed a man at one of his rally’s telling him to go home and lose some weight. Turns out the guy is a trump supporter and said he still loves trump.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think he’s crazy to run again, but if he does, his chances are good.
I’m not sure you could pay me enough to do that job or take the abuse.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think Trump will win in 2020. His motivation, may be, ad I stated, to protect himself.

seawulf575's avatar

I think the country should be terrified if he DOESN’T win again.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I disagree. But I respect your opinion.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrim888 Awwww….. (tear in eye)

cookieman's avatar

Independent if he’s objectively a “good” president or a “bad” president, I’m just sick of seeing his bloated, orange face on every fucking screen everywhere at all times. Precious little moves his moronic persona out of the news cycle.

I just want him to go the fuck away either after a celebration parade or in cuffs or in a hearse. Don’t care how he fares in the eyes of history, just please…become history — ASAP.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@cookie Dont you wonder about the color, honestly? My mom said the same thing, he really does appear orange. Where is Melania or a brave assistant to check him? Or Twitter? Think he just ignores them?

cookieman's avatar

I assume the orange represents a build up of bile.

kritiper's avatar

No. He didn’t want to be president in the first place. He only wants to be elected to feed his immense ego.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Not so fast. This tariff thing threatens to blow up in his bloated face. Already the farm vote us wavering under the strain, and that coupled with the overall repulsive aspects of the fool should do the trick.

JLeslie's avatar

He has to worry a little. Many of his supporters are die hard, but a percentage of them vote Democrat at times, and might do just that if they become disenchanted with Trump.

I think Trump should get out while the getting’s good. If he’s lucky the stock market will stay up through Jan 2021, and no major war breaks out. My mom would say, “don’t push your luck” to him I think. Meaning, why risk another 4 years when something disastrous could happen. I know a lot of people think he’s disastrous already, but I mean even things that he himself would agree is a horror.

flutherother's avatar

Not as much as I worry about him getting back in. I’d prefer someone I can trust and respect and who takes the job seriously.

MrGrimm888's avatar

He’s a up. No doubt, in my mind. But he hasn’t started any wars, yet. That alone, gives me some hope for him. He’s done serious damage. But all of US presidents do. I’m TRYING to give him a chance. Is that really SO wrong?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Nope…not wrong. A very accurate description and an mature attitude. The guy has done some very good stuff and has done stuff that seems doubtful to me, though nothing has, as has been said, blown up in his face. The worst has been the media and the Dems trying to twist everything into a negative. That is getting old. But that plays into this question as well. MANY people are tired of the media bias and the non-stop insanity from the Dems. The more they do these things, the lower the chances they have of ousting Trump. That’s why they are talking impeachment, I believe. They have nothing really to attack Trump with since he hasn’t had anything blow up in his face. All they have is twisted stories and innuendo. So a last, desperate act would be to impeach him so they could use that as a campaign tool. I suspect they will hold off until next year before proceeding….see if anything else pops up. But I really believe at this point that if they try to impeach, it will seal THEIR fates, not Trump’s.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Nothing to attack trump for? What is this, bizarro world?

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Yeah, I know…the innuendo and opinion pieces….I get it. But that is the media bias of which I was speaking. Which of Trump’s actual actions as POTUS have been bad enough to blow up in his face? He did a tax reform that the Dems and the media blasted, yet it actually helped the economy, the unemployment, and the wages in the country. That’s the sort of thing that I am talking about. There are things he has done that people have opinions about that may or may not be valid opinions. He got rid of some EPA regulations and some people feel this is a negative, but that is opinion. What is the ACTUAL impact? Where has this blown up in his face? There is speculation, innuendo, and fear mongering about it….but what actual facts? Those are the things I am talking about when I say some things seem doubtful. EPA reg changes, Tariffs, etc are all unknowns at this time. If those actions had serious down sides later on, they will have “blown up in his face”. They will be things he did that ended up causing harm to the country. But right now, their impact is really just speculation.

mazingerz88's avatar

Seems you worry too much about media bias affecting trump’s future.

Personally I am less annoyed by those Fox News blowhards these days maybe because I have accepted that this is what Americans have become.

Smaller. More angry. Cruel. And seeks therapy if not the meaning of life from news channels. And Fox News had delivered you your Messiah. I think you should rejoice daily and relax about the impact of MSNBC and CNN etc. on the fate of the great American White Saviour.

LostInParadise's avatar

It all depends on the economy. If it continues as it is, Trump will probably be elected. If we go into a recession, as some economists have suggested is possible, Trump will be gone.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Trump loses support from his voters because of a recession. How sure are you about that?

JLeslie's avatar

I think if a recession happens now, his hard core supporters will chalk it up to the upcoming election causing instability, because of the fears a Democrat might win. You better vote for Trump to restore everything.

There is a percentage of his supporters who believe he is bringing on the prophecy for the second coming, and they don’t care about anything else. They expect the world to get violent and horrible, and they look forward to salvation, so nothing is more important than that. They don’t get 72 virgins, but it’s not much different in terms of mindset. Mostly, they are not the ones suffering, so it’s easier to go along with it all.

I do think a recession will lose him some votes though. If it’s not in the right states in enough numbers it won’t matter.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 so you really don’t have any actual facts? Got it. And as for the media influencing things…take yourself as a perfect example. You are wound up as tight as an eight day clock about Trump, yet cannot produce really any facts on which to base your conclusions. You can spout all the innuendo the liberal talking heads have taught you though. How much does the liberal propaganda influence things? A lot. It is the biggest contributor to division in our nation there is.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie You should read Revelations in the bible.

I’m not of the percentage who votes only on religious beliefs, but I’d say abortion and other issues would not make voting Dem a possibility for many religions, or even people in general who respect life.

If you had another, better, Bill Clinton, it may work.
If the economy tanked, maybe.
Impeachment would gain him votes, I think.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Why? Did I get some biblical stuff confused? That wouldn’t surprise me. I don’t really know what I’m talking about there it’s true, but I have quite a few Christians around me who are talking about the second coming a lot lately. All this stuff with the Muslim congresswomen ramped it back up again, and where I live we have had excessive rains, which for them is a sign.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Again why the anxiety over liberal media? If trump voters like yourself are at peace with all that you’re doing and seemingly it’s working out great for all of you why this fear of desperate attacks from the other side?

It’s all just noise yeah? You’re all on the path of righteousness so time to take a break, sit back and relax about fake news.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Ask your Christian friends about what the expect and whether Christians will suffer.

Some take signs seriously, some dont. I personally am very aware yet skeptical. Dems are playing into prophecy, too.

JLeslie's avatar

I didn’t mean Christians won’t suffer. I just meant that right now in the time of Trump, most of my friends who talk about the second coming are living very comfortably. I’m just referring to them personally at this time.

I think a Southern Democrat would be helpful, or a swing state candidate who can speak to the Catholics well.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie We loved Bill, he’s the total package, or appeared to be. Many of us still remember him fondly, ol dog that he is, very relatable. Even though I lean right, he got my vote. Lol

mazingerz88's avatar

^^That was me giving you a great answer. Lol

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 And STILL you provide no facts about REAL things that have happened that Trump really screwed up on and that blew up in his face. You know…facts. You continue to tout the liberal propaganda and now suggest I should just sit back and enjoy it too. You are a sad, little boy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . Like I said, I’m trying to give Trump a chance. Your opinions about media bias, do carry some weight. Bit they are mainly just showing footage of Trump’s actual rhetoric. I don’t think that’s the media’s fault. Trump does himself no favors, by continuously Tweeting, and making disturbing comments at his rallies.

You aren’t being genuine, when you say that it’s just the media playing against him. YOU know that. If he would just shut the fuck up, there would be much less, to criticize him for…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You know I have stated before that Trump’s incessant tweeting is annoying and childish. But think about most of the stuff you have seen on TV from the leftist media. They take sound bites and read into it. The best example is the Charlottesville statement about “very fine people on both sides.”. That was determined to be “Trump’s rhetoric”. But if you look at the entire exchange with the reporter and what was ACTUALLY said, you find out it is rhetoric created by the media. You can follow most of his “rhetoric” back to something the media took out of context or read into. Think back and pick one. “Mexicans are all rapists and criminals”. What he actually said was that Mexico doesn’t want their best folks to come here…they want to get rid of their problems…their rapists and criminals. There is a BIG difference. Yet what became “Trump’s Rhetoric”? That he hates brown people. That he thinks all Mexicans are rapists and criminals. His “Muslim Ban”. He wanted to ban people coming from nations that were hotbeds of terrorism and that had sworn harm to our nation until those people could be properly vetted. He named specific nations and some of them were Muslim-majority nations. So the media tried saying he hated Muslims…that became “Trump’s Rhetoric”. It was created to smear him and to keep him from stopping Obama’s legacy of letting anyone and everyone into this nation without proper vetting. Yet the nations he identified were not all Muslim-majority, nor were even most of the Muslim-majority nations mentioned. So the “Muslim ban” was created by the left. It was repeated enough that most people believe that Trump tried passing a ban on Muslims. That became “Trump’s Rhetoric”. As I said…if you follow back with most of his “rhetoric” you will find it was started by the leftist media.
I am all for honest reporting and would love to see good investigative journalism come back…from both the left and the right. But I despise propaganda and I find it disheartening that so many people are hornswaggled by it.
And no, I don’t believe for one minute that if he would just shut up they would criticize him less. Take a look at the NYT Headline that they were forced to change. Trump’s speech following El Paso and Dayton was one calling for unity and to denounce hatred. Plain and simple. And the NYT dared to put that in their headline. The left went crazy, even threatening to boycott the NYT. So they had to change the headline into something that slammed Trump. So no…they wouldn’t stop criticizing him. Here’s a thought…maybe if they stopped creating lies about him he would stop tweeting?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Here’s a fact. The fool is just plain out and out repulsive and one certifiably disgusting example of a pathologically lying human being. Should that matter? And you Christians, climbing into bed with a man exhibiting the ethics and moral fiber suitable for a spittoon. The media didn’t invent Stormy Daniels “grab em by the pussy”. And the media didn’t make up “They are sending us their murderers and rapists.” Once again, there is no need to make anything up when it comes to the lying delusional narcissistic piece of shit. “The Clintons murdered Epstein”. What media outlet invented THAT one? You, who pontificate no end here in your insistence on credibility and fact point to the preeminent example of turpitude and dishonesty to grace the planet as a victim of a slanderous press. Bullshit!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulff575 . I love ya man. But your complete defense, of all of Trump’s actions, gives your every argument, less credibility.

Even I , have defended have defended him. But you stick with him, like it’s God’s will. That hurts your own credibility, a LOT… Just saying…..

Peace n love.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Only real morons would fall for that “trump criticized and condemned white supremacists and nationalists in that interview and the media made it look like he called those assholes fine people when he actually did not” BS.

He did say those words against white supremacists and nationalists…and it’s true that it seems the media inaccurately painted him as still a white supremacy emphatizer despite what he said… but also in reality…..trump’s overall behaviour since he opened his mouth announcing his presidential run——is what makes thinking people doubt him and thus expect more from him when he performs his duty of acting as US President.

Things like sincerity for example.

You yourself emphatize with white supremacists and nationalists ( those who haven’t done any violent acts ) so it’s hard for you to accept trump was merely bullshitting when he condemned them with a simple run of the mill political phrase. Are you willing to bet your own life that he meant it?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yep. It’s Trump’s own words, that her people mad at him….

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 listen to what you just said. “Only real morons would fall for that “trump criticized and condemned white supremacists and nationalists in that interview and the media made it look like he called those assholes fine people when he actually did not” BS.”
You then follow it up with:
“He did say those words against white supremacists and nationalists…and it’s true that it seems the media inaccurately painted him as still a white supremacy emphatizer despite what he said”
And then you throw in a “But”. Stop. He did denounce the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis. The Media DID lie to make it sound like he said they were very fine people. And it wasn’t just one outlet…it was every liberal outlet in America that was parroting the same garbage. And as a result, many fools believe he actually said WS and N-N’s are very fine people. And even now, people such as yourself cannot bear to say they lied. It isn’t the job of the media to create a narrative….it is their job to report the facts. Yet the media stopped reporting mere news long ago. And the leftist media has turned into the propagandists that Goebbels wished he had.
And just a hint…“emphatize” is not a word. If you mean “Empathize” you are wrong anyway. I don’t empathize with them. I, too, have called them slime and denounced their hatred. Yet, just like your liberal heroes, you choose to create the narrative. Stop. You just aren’t that good at it. It makes you look as desperate as @stanleybmanly. And if you cared to actually research the facts, you will find Trump has condemned the neo-Nazis and white supremacists numerous times. Maybe it’s time you started really questioning why you adhere so strongly to the media that lies to you all the time.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I find it funny that you think my adherence to fact gives my statements less credibility yet you seem to believe your blind adherence to media lies gives your statements more validity. Think on that a bit. All I have asked of you so far is to take what you consider “Trump’s Rhetoric” and dig back to the reality of it. So far you seem to have avoided doing that and have entirely ignored what I have pointed out to you. So your arguments are based on lies and you refuse to alter your beliefs. So what does that tell me?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . First off, you aren’t giving me credit, for my “supportive,” comments on Trump. Nor, my agreement about liberal media. Fine with me. I’ve dealt with far worse. ..

YOU have failed significantly, to coneede that Trump’s rhetoric is harmful, and could easily be the reason/final straw , that is the reason behind some of these mass killings.

I will repeat, for the umpteenth time. Trump’s words, from his lips, are what define my hatred for the man. Not media. Not the Internet, or otherwise. I’ve said it a hundred times, he should just shut the fuck up. And many of his problems would then indeed, be baseless.

But HE, is his own worst enemy.
You’re failure to admit that, is a bad mark, on an otherwise intelligent man. It is with these issues, thatI can only conclude, that you are a racist, xenophob.

But you blame ME, for these inferences?

I’m a lost cause. Lost soul. Whatever. BUT, I still have the courage to call out evil, racism, bigotry, and intolerance. YOU, have a LOT to learn sir. And you need a fucking mirror, in your house . So YOU can see, who is helping with this issue. You,IMO, are far too smart, to be being fooled, by this moronic dictator. Otherwise, I wouldn’t waste a word, talking to you. Trump, is playing you, like a fiddle. And you are somehow dumb enough to let him play you. YOU’RE BETTER THAN THAT. Wake up…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Its his vote, either way. This is just words, nothing to get upset about.
You are not a lost cause, stop that brudda.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 I can’t help it if you think trump’s verbal condemnation of WS and Nationalists in that interview isn’t all totally BS. You’ll bet your own life on it I’m sure. He muddles the issue by deflecting saying there are fine people on both sides when no one really cares about those who came there NOT carrying torches and shouting the usual WS chants.

Fine people on both sides my butt. If you’re a WS or nationalist, would you buy that faux condemnation people on both sides BS? It’s a wink and a nod! Jesus!

Whoever those fine people who were just there to defend the existence of those statues, they’re not the main focus, it’s the WS and nationalist assholes. But to you they’re not assholes because you would have marched with them. You embrace trump’s BS no questions asked. Reminds me of a thumb sucking gullible little boy.

Just like trump you want “fake news” to shut up so you could change America’s face into whatever the hell it is you want it to be and getting there you will run down anything and anybody in your heartless rampage. Including innocent kids. Stop. Get a soul.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I do apologize because I didn’t acknowledge your “supportive” comments. You did given them which is more than most of those on the left. I picture you more towards moderate.
I think where we differ greatly in our attitudes towards Trump is when it gets down to “Trump’s Rhetoric”. And here’s where I believe things get soooooo muddled: The media. They have tried twisting his words and rewriting what he said and assigning meaning that wasn’t there for so long that it is almost impossible anymore to come back to what Trump actually DID say. I’ve given many, many examples and interestingly no one will dispute them. That’s why I refuse to say Trump’s rhetoric has contributed to anything. It has mainly be the media rewrites that are now considered Trump’s rhetoric. It is actually the MEDIA RHETORIC that I see as the problem. Has Trump said stupid things? Absolutely. Has he said things that could have been worded differently so they didn’t sound so controversial? I’ll give you that one too. But I have a really hard time getting back to a single thing where he actually said something racist or that said he believed white people were better than everyone else. I did have a couple of things during the campaign speeches where it sounded like he was supporting violence…but they were localized. There was the speech early on when some protester (from the left, obviously) threw a tomato at him. Trump told his crowd to knock the crap out of someone if they are going to throw a tomato. Again…very localized, but it was a stupid thing to say. But I really cannot come up with that many things like that. MOST of it, as I say, is the media and the Dems. Here we have Maxine Waters urging harassment and violence against any of Donald Trump’s staff and their families.

Yet that was justified in the press. On a side note, I found it ironic that Chris Cuomo, during his Fredo meltdown, mentioned he was out with his family and it wasn’t the right time to be harassing him.
I really don’t have a problem with people hating Trump….I really don’t. But hate him for the right reasons. Don’t hate him because of some lie you have been told or because some loud-mouth politician tells you he has bad rhetoric. My cousin once got into a debate with me about Trump and she hates him. She made the comment that he had broken the law. I asked what law. She said he hadn’t released his tax records as he is required to by law. I told her that wasn’t a law. I even challenged her to tell me what law it was. But that is another example of what I am talking about. The media goes crazy making shit up and people buy it. There IS no law that says he has to release his tax records, yet the media told the country he was breaking the law by not releasing them.
So THAT gets to the heart of why I try to judge Trump only on his actions and the words I can actually track back directly to him in the context he used them. You see it as me blindly supporting him, yet I see it as questioning what I hear from what, to me, has become a lying propaganda machine.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 I also judge Trump on his actions and his words but I would add, his character.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother so if we are to judge our elected leaders on their character (and I am in total agreement, by the way), shouldn’t we scrap the entire bunch? There isn’t an elected official in Washington DC that has earned their paycheck for the past 50 years.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Trump said that he would try to give term limits. He hasn’t, and it seems unlikely to happen. But that could help a LOT. I wish he would pursue that, with the same veracity with which he attacks other issues.

wiscoblond's avatar

Trump didn’t win because of his hard core supporters. He won because so many hated Hillary. I can guarantee Trump will not win in Wisconsin. The farmers here are not happy with him. He’ll need to find a different state to flip and I don’t see that happening.

chyna's avatar

^From your lips to Gods ears!

stanleybmanly's avatar

There are thankfully degrees and extremes of ineptitude, malfeasance, vulgarity, incompetence, etc. in our Presidents, but I defy anyone here to to list any invention of the media nasty enough to match the actuality of Donald Trump. Why bother with propaganda when the visible truth is more onerous than any believable imaginary accusation. The absurdist notion that the fool’s bad press results from a hostile media that is captive to the left is just plain bullshit. A turd is a turd. The complaint being that the media makes it out to be smellier than it is. Despite the allegation that I am somehow desperate, I would expect some argument to counter my above assertions regarding the fool’s liabilities. Who will attempt to counter the charge that the man is a nightmare of perpetual embarrassment to his country? Who disagrees with the fact that the man is a disgrace to his office? He is crude, vulgar, mean, the epitome of bad taste and loose morals, visibly exulting in his proficiency at displaying the masteries congruent with a 3rd grade education. Did the media make any of that up? What is this crap about the press telling lies on a man so sensationally defective that he is worthy of top billing in a carnival freak show?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley Wow. Maybe the problem is that many see some Dems as worse than him. Thats why he won. Ya’ll just keep focusing on him instead of voters, it may happen again.

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